For two months, the student's struggle against private universities has caused serious pressure on the government and the policy it serves. Students, from the very first week, through their general assemblies with decisions on occupations and demonstrations, have clearly shown how big their moods are to fight against the Pierrakakis bill. During the general assemblies and the political fermentation that exists in them, different views were heard from the forces on how this struggle should be given, different directions and lines came into the student movement.
But the more we move on to the day of the vote, the clearer the impasses that the reformist left wants to lead the student movement.
Two weeks ago and while we were still not well aware of what the date of voting was, we saw banners on the marches and placements of these forces in the general assemblies, with the slogan the law staying on the papers. This is not the first time this has happened. This is not the first time that the forces of the KNE and the ESAK with the logic of the defeat they have, to retreat from the struggle to overthrow the law. The same thing happened in the struggles against the Gavroglou law and then the Kerameos-Chrysochoid law and not only. In this direction, they clearly seem to be their unsolved masses that can struggle and overturn voted laws. It seems that they do not want to take on the political responsibilities and duties that are in the direction of overthrow and are comfortable behind a compassionate view of staying on the papers, which does not confront the system and the government, until we would say at all, we would say at all. since laws are passed to apply.
They also avoid attributing responsibilities to the real culprits of this attack, which is no other than the system and the government that represents it every time, but personify it in rectors, ministers, etc., as if they are in the initiative, as if they are not expressers. of the policy of the system that attacks the rights of the people. They put a demand for a particular rector or minister as a demand, cultivating illusions that with another Rector, for example, which will express the system more democratically, things will be better for students. Thus, ignoring the true role of the Great -Causing establishment within the schools, the Rectors, the presidents, etc. who actually act as the straps of the transfer and the implementation of the attack on the student youth and its right to public and free education. We also see, mainly on the part of the KNE, now that students have shown in every way that they want to fight, to try to undermine this race by replacing the occupations, with multifaceted actions. At a time when now there is more than ever there is a need to escalate the struggle to make the youth to win, they choose not only not to talk about masses, but about replacing them with other less dangerous forms of answer.
Indicative was their placement and attitude for the reminders. These forces did not request the abstinence from the remote control and were confined to a general complaint, which could not provide answers to the student world.
In the face of all these rationales of defeat and subordination, against all these views that can disorient and reassure the world that we have already won, because the bill has been presented and voted on for a few weeks, we say that now there is a need. Continuing the race. A real victory for the student movement is for this bill not to be voted on and if it happens. Neither on paper, nor anywhere! For this to happen, there must be no withdrawal in our struggles. It takes even greater escalation, massives of our collective struggles, general assemblies, occupations, demonstrations and not normalization, political upgrading of the movement and linking students' struggle with workers, with farmers, with all society, to victory.