We have found this article on the website of the Support Committee to New Brazil

-The Brazilian state continues its genocide and war against the people. This time, there was a new massacre in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, where 9 people were killed in a police megaoperation. The online medium The red herald Point out the following: " These types of crimes against the people have been frequent during the history of the old Brazilian state. As and report for years there have been megaoperations in favelas and numerous massacres, which on numerous occasions have resulted in numerous killed. Another consequence of these criminal actions has been the protests and revolts of the people. And reports that motorcycle drivers from the German complex plan a protest against the massacre, and that the climate of rebellion may be extended to other favelas. So far this year there have also been previously protests in Maré and Manguinhos. ”
-The court has been organized by the peasant communities of Junco de Maranhão , where " l March 9 and 10 will be held the Popular Court against landowner crimes and the hoarding of land in Junco do Maranhão, with the aim of judging the crimes that occurred in Gleba Campina, which affect more than 10 peasant communities in the region of the region of the region of the region of the region Gurupi, in municipalities of the Para-Maranhão border. Gleba peasants have faced, in addition to the appropriation of land, growing attacks by gunmen and the military police ”
Roberto de Fortini murdered on February 17, according to the Brazilian newspaper to Nova Democracy. De Fortini was an anti -fascist and popular hero fighter, responsible for organizing the guerrilla movement in the northwest of Rio Grande do Soul and therefore, he was a participant in the armed struggle against the military regime. He was an activist of the revolutionary popular avant -garde. You can read more in Spanish here .