Our friends from Serve the people have shared the Red Women's Committees in the Federal Republic of Germany's March 8 Opinion, which has also been translated by The Red Herald . We bring here an unofficial Danish translation of the statement:

Proletarians in all countries, unite!
8. marts 2024
Women, fight and make resistance!
The class struggle rages all over the world. No matter where we look, we see the wars, the folk murders, the blood baths and the massacres that imperialism triggers in a desperate attempt to escape its impending downfall. Imperialism, which brings wealth and prosperity to the exploitors and poverty and misery to the exploits, is in deep crisis, nourished by the ongoing struggle among the people of the world who bravely and stubbornly fight against the yoke of oppression. This dying beast's grimace is especially ugly in Palestine, where Yankee imperialism with its Israeli butchers-also supported by German imperialism! - Drives the abominable genocide of the Palestinian people forward, who keeps the resistance tab high and defends it with their blood. Although the enemy is armed for the teeth and equipped with the latest technology, the Palestinian people struggle fearlessly with all the means they have available and prove day after day that the victory is theirs. The role of the women of the people - even in the national resistance front of the Palestinian people - is by no means passive or limited to mere "support work", on the contrary, the women in our class and people fight in the front line!
Women's participation in the decades -long heroic struggle of the Palestinian people has existed as long as this battle itself, and the rest of the world is no different; The best examples of this are the folk wars in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines. Everywhere fighting, the women get up too and show that half of the sky is theirs and that they will conquer it!
In this country, too, the women in our class are double oppressed - of imperialism and the patriarchy - and therefore have double reason to fight. Each of us can feel it every day. We are forced to let ourselves be utilized at work, often under miserable conditions, and at the same time it is expected that we take care of the children and the household without pay, not to mention relatives who need care. Our bosses fill their pockets, and if we and our class brothers no longer give them a profit, they let us fall into unemployment or short -term work from one day to the next and rob our last salary.
The bourgeois state does everything it can to maintain this condition; After all, its own existence depends on it. It is therefore not surprising that we are the first to be affected by cuts, while the big money is invested in weapons deliveries and buildup so that the German state can secure its imperialist interests in the world, whether in Ukraine or in the so -called » Middle East". After the government, with Olaf Scholz at the forefront, recently moved around the money in the money in the bourgeois interest in unconstitutional way, the billions that are now missing, including be picked up by cutting the social expenses. As always, the burden is put on the shoulders of the working class. The planned cuts, e.g. In citizens' services, we will hit us women particularly hard, as we in Germany still serve almost 20% less than men, while we are almost ten times more often single parents and therefore more often depend on financial support. We have also been waiting for over a year for the promised "basic protection for children", but more than every fifth child in Germany is still living in poverty and there is no prospect of improvement. The situation is not better when it comes to childcare: Although all children from the age of the year are entitled to a place in a day care center, almost 400,000 seats throughout Germany are missing, especially in the working quarters. The few day care institutions that exist, as well as schools, leisure homes and other childcare facilities are systematically understaffed, cut to the bone and are allowed to fall: yet another factor that forces us into unemployment! The rulers are also only too happy to save our health: In addition to the already miserable health care for the entire working class, we are women facing a huge reduction of birth rooms and maternity wards, a huge lack of gynecologists and clinics performing abortions. And when we feel the effects of the patriarchy, for example through domestic violence, the perpetrator is in most cases not prosecuted, but the woman is simply sent to a women's crisis center. And even it is only if you are lucky, because women crisis centers are also in short supply, as opposed to civil law.
All the state gives us is empty promises. Any apparent improvement is nothing but breadcrumbs thrown to us from time to time to keep our mouth shut. For there can be no improvement to us in this rotten society. As long as imperialism exists, the utilization and repression of us of us will also exist. One cannot be smashed without the other because the foundation of both is the same: private property. Only the united battle with our class brothers for a classless society can create the basis for our emancipation. To serve this goal, we need a class -conscious women's movement that is fighting for the reconstitution of Germany's Communist Party and our actual liberation!
Red Women's Committees Brd
(Part of red federation)