(videos listed are listed at the end of the text)

'Outside the US', 'Outside the NATO. "
For 50 years, every November 17, its iconic slogans Rebellion of the Technical University rewritten at the gates of Patision Street, these that then crushed the tanks while they have been deeply engraved in the collective memory of each Progressive man. Anti -American slogans and positions echoed, adopted by the rebel youth precisely because they were accurately expressed their opposition to imperialism and fascism and determination to fight for the independence of our country. 50 years later, the volume C2 of the KKE History essay, reviews the older positions of the same of the party for the causes of the April coup but mainly brings A blow to the "commonly accepted" movement points of the movement. In one junction like today's, where the imperialism shows his teeth to peoples in the most barbaric way and the country has turned into a vast basis At the service of the largest murder machines on the planet , Perissos decides to 'formalize' substantially, a review that has begun for a long time and concludes that NATO and Americans do not They had no involvement in the organization of the coup of the Colonels.
Revising her History
Specifically, in an event - presentation of C2 Volume of the History of the Party History (1967 - 1974) , the Helen Bellu , a member of the KKE CC PG, said the center he organized - imposed the dictatorship ' were in the inside of the Greece, it was part of the Army Administration, the Greek Army, not of Higher Administration (Generals) or the King but Colonels, Battalions, Officers. The coup was not made by a foreign repressive mechanism, As was often the case e.g. In Latin America, Asia countries, with direct US intervention or other powerful capitalist states. US - NATO did not have some crisis in their relations with Greece to need a government subordinate. » ( video 1, 17.40) Alas! Not It even needed US Marine Corps surgery as it did in countries of Latin America. As for the presence of the infamous 6 th Fleet in Piraeus was only a ' peculiarity »Of foreign policy of dictatorship. ( video 1, 23:30)
In the essay they claim that during the Seven years and later ' We have denounced the coup as American -made, NATO, considering that he was organized or had the approval of US Pentagon, CIA or even the US Foreign Ministry, that was carried out by prompting or urging them, in order to ensure of American interests in Greece, but also in the wider area of Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean "*, but «… These estimates did not take into account that The US did not have one -dimensional policy towards military dictatorships »*. So the older positions of the KKE (9 The Congress of 1973 at An. Berlin) « disregarded or underestimated the intra -disposal contrasts that They developed from the end of the CSE race and exacerbated as the dictatorship » * . To be more specific « The KKE did not take into account the contrast of a significant part of the bourgeois political system with the palace to control the army, but also for the need to modernize in Operation of the institutions and mechanisms of the bourgeois state »*. THE Imperialist factor is absent and acquitted solemnly.
'Myth' then that the coup was American -made (the word myth is often used densely in the presentation of the essay), myth and that it was fascist, since the junta 'He did not rely on a Nazi/fascist party, Its leaders were not politicians who used their climbing through bourgeois parliament, no political organization, youth, etc. " and generally It was not entirely the same as the fascist regimes of Germany and Italy. ( video 2, 38:00) As for the events of the Technical University, not We call them, they say, "uprising" but "uprising" ( video 1, 48:40) since it was' spontaneously and classically limited ». An interpretation that makes that he doesn't remember the organized confrontation of two political line , especially at the beginning of the events, of which the one was against both the continuation of the occupations and the adoption of anti -fascist and anti -imperialist slogans. Neither the ex -post cavity of an anti-fascist-anti-imperialist square unity (at the level of the people - against bourgeoisie) that Eventually built in the fire of the struggle of those days and sealed the collective memory.
To be b Of course righteous, every phrase that displays the new positions accompanied by a hasty "Yes but". Thus, it is stated that: ' The coup d'etat in 1967 and Ioannidis who overthrew them They had been in the CYP, they had close ties with the CIA, Papadopoulos had Relations with shipowners such as Onassis, with Greek -American capitalists such as Tom Daddy , with publishers like Savvas Constantopoulos, with politicians, with Greek -American academics teachers, with American ambassadors » ( video 1, 20:00) . Coincidence will It was after ' Greek governments either parliamentary derived or coup d'etat, were not US subjugations But consciously recognized the active role of the US in the struggle with communism » ( video 1, 22:30). The hasty 'yes but' is addressed Probably at the base of the party that should accept the content of Essay and at the same time leaves a margin to Things are presented when and when otherwise Depending on the audience and the junction .
And with exactly the same logic, we get to today's reality: « After all, today's prime ministers, politicians, economists, etc. They have very close relationships with the EU. and USA But that doesn't mean that exercise power on behalf of these foreign centers and not on behalf of the bourgeoisie in Greece. Sure (again the "yes but") the domestic capitalist interests intertwined with foreign capitalist ». ( video 1, 21:20 But enough with what was said and written. The More important and revealing in the presentation of the KKE History essay These are the facts that a single word was not said.
Myth and the "apology" of Clinton?
Is Really impressive the fact that in the presentation of the essay, nobody did not feel the obligation to give a elementary response to the number of evidence confirming the fixed mixing of the American agent and her CIA so much according to the period before the coup as well as the organization and support of . To guide and support the junta From the US there are the facts and testimonies from all - and the urban - sides. But mostly there are policies interpretations answering the question why they wanted and imposed the junta the USA. We are referring, among other things, to the Arab Israeli war of 6 days in June 1967, developments in Cyprus since December of the same year, Movement in the country and the inability of urban parties to control it. And they don't even bother to comment the most well -known case of a public "acceptance" of this mixing, that is, the famous Phrase of US President Bill Clinton, during his visit to Athens 1999, which was called "apologize" to the Greek people, that is, " The US has allowed Cold War interests to prevail of Interest- or rather their obligation- to support democracy ». In a climate of intense anti-Americanism in the Greek people, a few months After the bombings of Yugoslavia, The US for the first time accepted the absolutely self -evident, ie the Support of the junta, of course avoiding to refer to their active mixing In Greek politics, in Their role during the period 1965-67, as well as in the tragedy of Cyprus. For KKE, the limited, even "self -evident" assumption, the proven links with the CIA , The Nixon's embrace with the junta regime and the meeting with Patakos, The appointment of the openly paid Henry Job at the US Embassy (personal choice of Tom Daddy , according to Aristotle's book Peleoni « Ideology of realism. The American Policy against Greece 1963-1976 »), And so many other evidence, no They need some special interpretation and answer. Permanent Epiphany to each Aversion of presenting new positions that the financial and external Junta's policy was no different from that of previous governments ( video 2 59.00 and 1.08.00 ). You say and one said that American intervention in Greek things started with The 1967 coup. As if the people He has forgotten Purifoy, Truman doctrine and Belogiannis' execution .
The ghost of anti -imperialism and dependency
Elsewhere It is therefore the real political targeting of this peculiar historical Review and its connection to the current attitude of the KKE. 'New Spirit' is included to a wider business that has long launched and aimed at extermination of anti -imperialism and corresponding demands not only from Strategy but even from the… vocabulary of this party. Is characteristic that the word 'imperialism' is almost non -existent in Presentation of the essay as in many recent ideological texts of the KKE. After all, as stated features and often, the economic policy of the junta like all other governments' was aimed at domestic accumulation of capital »While cases such as Tom Daddy are characterized as 'exceptions' ( video 2: 59.00 ). If The KKE has rejected Zachariadis, Batsi, Belogianni's analysis for Total foreign dependency and the role of foreign capital in Greece, must clearly declare it. Its rejection also means rejection of politics Tradition, of the "line" of EAM of ELAS and the TSE. If again it doesn't rejects but ... adapts it to modern conditions then comes to complete agreement with the dominant ideology of the ruling class that the urban Class brought to the country and we must recognize historically progressive roll!
For So let's just say it, according to the KKE, today (as then) Greece is not Dependent country, its people are not doubly subordinate to the bourgeoisie and in Her imperialist bosses and so… In the fire the extraterrestrial need and the duty of the double struggle that so many fighters raised in its lines, she of independence and that of the class struggle against capital .
Is True that the causes of this deep turn are indistinct. It make's them indistinct on the one hand, in favor of revolutionary phraseology and ideological purity which attempts to dress this approach and on the other hand the persistent Silence on evidence and events that do not "fit". Above all, however, the - Historical - Scientific - Construction of the KKE, which relieves the US, It is politically disadvantaged and unsupported. Does not answer the basic question How did middle officers could generals) , against the king, against all bourgeois parties, to They make the coup and keep a junta for 7 years. And all that without even the approval of the US. And most importantly, if as a job case Adopt the version of the KKE, it does not respond to why, with what goals and On behalf of which 'business groups', interests and aspirations they did. As for the… in favor of revolutionary approach it finally acquits the urban parties who, due to their dependence and with their dependence, laid the road in every respect to the American -used coup and while they saw it coming They were inactive because of position and nature. But It also acquits the local ruling class he treasured with the backs of the junta And the measures she took. After all, this is exactly the relationship in general dependency. The ruling class serves her, Because with the backs of its protectors she has the power and at the same time treasures at the expense of the working class and the people . Did this not happen with the Memorandums? Is miserable distortion of reality that our position for the dependency - ours and not the one that the KKE had previously - acquits the urban class. The opposite is done with the position of the KKE. And the unveiling They are made when one observes today's image.
In favor of revolutionary position or right -wing revisionism?
The KKE is well aware that one of the main terms that must satisfy in order to be recognized (even more) as System interlocutor is to Do not dispute foreign bosses and dependency . To comply with the term this, does not hesitate to proceed to right review of the story by attempting to adjust (or rape) the reality to 'fit' in his pursuit . Now that he judges that with 50 -year "security" and system backs will be able to It hurts even more decisively the anti -imperialist feelings of our people.
There is no doubt that KKE positions have serious implications not only on theoretical level but also on a political level, Trade union, kinematic. At a time when the country has turned into a Huge basis, which the EU and the US dictate policies and co -sharing budgets, which huge amounts They are spent on the purchase of military equipment, which daily government and bourgeois class give their credentials to local and foreign bosses, rushing to send military assistance to Ukraine and participate with warships In "defensive" EU missions to the Red Sea, the "revolutionary purity" of the KKE is expressed in practice by submitting proposals of law to Parliament and "Struggle" for a good representation in the next European Parliament. How far is SYRIZA that in 2014 deleted The phrase for the "American -born junta" from its anniversary announcement? By the system agents that tone in the name and interests of the US, EU, NATO but they speak with emotion about the ... message of the Technical University? With whatever narrative that occurs each time, Eventually the KKE is serving the same target: To The foundation of bourgeoisie - power in the country remains untouched. He had this line in the uprising of the Technical University. This line has and now . The line of hostility in the occupation and disengagement of her but also war in anti -imperialist slogans (as advanced) finds Her "maturity" in today's line: "Anti -imperialism was wrong". This is the same direction as another wrapper .
This is not the first time the KKE has "correcting" the people. Him people who for half a century out on the streets every November 17 participating in Large rallies and marches to the US Embassy. Because not He forgets who are the murderers of the peoples and who those who bleed the soil that is pressing. So let's ask the KKE reviewers: There is a need today assembly movement against War and imperialism? It makes sense Do we ask for the bases to leave? To make up the struggle of the working class and of the people and the goals for leaving the EU and NATO? The sinking attack on Rights of the working people and youth, which these days took On the way students, students and farmers, is related or not to EU plans, of the OECD, the US and the submission of the bourgeoisie to their demands? It is ultimately meaningful to walk every year at the US Embassy? (Or maybe a course in the BSE offices will better serve the class anti -capitalist purity they embrace?)
For us the answer is more than obvious. THE Anti -imperialist struggle is an integral part of the struggle of the people and the youth and is a red cloth not only for imperialists but also for The local bourgeoisie that serves them and for every system of the system. No, The fighters of the Technical University did not make a mistake. Neither those who, every November 17, with raised fists and steady consistency, fill the streets and walk toward the biggest yacht of terrorists . In difficult times, in conditions Silence, in conditions of defeat, in conditions of almost total compromise diverse leadership the fight against imperialism, nail in his heart System, it is still a key task of the Left.
*: https://www.tovima.gr/print/politics/to-praksikopima-itan-telika-made-in-greece/