Union of Migrant Workers in Europe (AGEB) Celebrated its 5th Anniversary! – The Red Herald

Author: A.R.
Categories: Europe, Featured
Description: The Union of Migrant Workers in Europe (AGEB) celebrated the 5th anniversary of its establishment by organizing an event in Zurich, Switzerland, on Saturday, March 2
Modified Time: 2024-03-05T22:34:31+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-05T23-41-00-00-00
Sections: Europe, Featured, Turkey, English, pll_65e79e4180713
Tags: Turkey
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg

We hereby publish a summary of an article published on European news .

The Union of Migrant Workers in Europe (AGEB) celebrated the 5th anniversary of its establishment by organizing an event in Zurich, Switzerland, on Saturday, March 2, with the motto “Let’s Organize the Resistance against Imperialism”.

In the opening speech, it was mentioned that AGEB was founded in March 2019, with the motto “We come from history, we walk to the future”, with the claim of being the historical defender of the 52-year tradition and accumulation of struggle, by taking the teachings of communist leader Comrade İBRAHİM KAYPAKKAYA as a guide.

The activity started with a moment of silence in memory of those who became immortal in the struggle to create a free world without borders, classes and exploitation, and all the revolutionaries and communists who became immortal in the struggles against imperialism, fascism and reaction all over the world.

Then, a representative of AGEB Coordination made the opening speech. In it, it was stated: „If we are alive, our red blood must boil with the fire of inexhaustable forces. The coming process will create strong opportunities to escalate the anti-imperialist, anti-fascist and anti-feudal struggle. We must be on a course of struggle that is widespread, strong and effective among immigrant workers, that elevates the class struggle, that deepens the contradictions and turns them into a struggle, not calming them down.“

Then, a video was shown with various sections of activities in AGEB’s 5-year history of struggle. After the video, researcher-writer Murat Cakir made a presentation including his evaluations and analyzes of the political process in Europe.

Following the presentation, a poetry recital was given by a member of the MAVİ YOL POETRY GROUP , which is a component of AGEB and produces artistic works within the Swiss-Turkish Workers Federation . Afterwards, the symposium titled ” Political situation in Europe and our priority tasks ” started.

Representatives of embarrassing, adhk, avg-conno and One-kar organizations attended the symposium as speakers.

Following the presentation the participants were given the possibility to speak out to express their questions, suggestions and opinions.

In the last part of the event, the Music Group, which is a component of AGEB and carries out artistic works within the Austrian Workers’ and Youth Federation-ATIGF, took the stage. The event ended after the music concert.

Source: https://redherald.org/2024/03/05/union-of-migrant-workers-in-europe-ageb-celebrated-its-5th-anniversary/