Russian: Statement of the ICL on Comrade Lenin – The Red Herald

Author: F.W.
Categories: Featured, International
Modified Time: 2024-03-05T22:32:06+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-06T03-56-00-00-00
Sections: Featured, International, ICL, English, pll_65e79d317ee3c
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Comrade Lenin, the leading light of the international proletariat and the great teacher of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, covers the path to the unity of the unity “We are those who make up the army of the great proletarian strategist, the army of Comrade Lenin. There is nothing to belong to this army above. ” (Stalin) As evidenced by the pages of history, on January 21, 1924, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed peoples of the world, the second great milestone of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Comrade Lenin became immortal and left behind a great heritage of immeasurable value. The teachings of a comrade Lenin, who turned the “world of the future”, the foundations of which were laid down by Marx and Engels, from abstract possibilities into concrete reality, and now, after a century and great shocks in the world, is completely relevant. In order to properly position yourself in the class struggle, it is necessary to accept this “relevance” and focus on it. This “relevance” is simultaneously a cure for reformist, revisionist and parliamentary cretinism, which means surrender and compromise with the ruling ideologies of any kind. This is a guarantee of faith and determination that the communist world can be created. Lenin as a teacher of communism, who melted the ice and paved the way against an international reaction and revisionism

Correctly identify the contradictions in the history of the class struggle, to catch moments of the historical gap and be prepared at these moments for the gap was the most outstanding line of the whole struggle of Comrade Lenin up to his immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, the leadership of the international proletariat for a long time passed into the hands of the opportunism of the second International for a long time, and, according to Comrade Stalin: “There was a period when the parties of the second International could not take the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world from the influence of these Opportunist and class of compromise social democrats. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, with the foundation of the communist international, he developed the form of organization and struggle corresponding to the dynamics of the class struggle in the new period of capitalism. " Comrade Lenin turned the Communist Party and the Communist International into an instrument of war against the bourgeoisie, freeing the Communist Party and the Movement of the Communist International from the shackles of legal forms of struggle: “Instead of revolutionary policies, sobble filtering and vile political bargaining, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary intrigues. For visibility, of course, “revolutionary” resolutions and slogans were accepted ... ”, but which were“ stored in the drawers of the cabinets ”, freed from the vise of legal forms of struggle. “Meanwhile, a new period of imperialist wars and revolutionary battles of the proletariat was approaching. The old methods of struggle turned out to be clearly insufficient and powerless in the face of the omnipotence of financial capital. It was necessary to rebuild all the activities of the second International, his entire method of work, to expel all the philistinism, the narrowness of thinking, political tricks, reneginess, social showing and social-pacifism. It was necessary to revise the entire arsenal of the second International, throw away all rusty and outdated, and forge new weapons. Without this preliminary work, it was useless to start a war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat risked to be insufficiently armed, or even unarmed in future revolutionary battles. The honor to carry out this general restructuring and the general purification of the Augish stables of the second International fell on the share of Leninism. ” (Stalin, Fundamentals of Leninism) Comrade Lenin with his characteristic genius caught the essence of the contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie could not be quite effective and successful if the burden of the international proletariat is not shaken off, not to fight revisionism and opportunism, not Show the masses the true nature of these views in theory and in practice, not to isolate them, as far as possible.

Having established a dialectical and necessary connection between the “internal struggle” and the “external struggle”, he waged a double struggle. Comrade Lenin left us, the Communists, an extremely important lesson that the struggle against revisionism and opportunism cannot be separated from the struggle against imperialism and all forms of the dominant reaction. On the contrary, the struggle against imperialism should be cleared of revisionism and opportunism. The imperialist system, analyzed in detail by Comrade Lenin in the beginning of the 20th century, has highly maintained the teachings of Lenin in conditions of exacerbation of the contradiction of the imperialist system in the past period, but its contradictions are aggravated, and it is in a spiral unsolvable antagonistic contradictions. Although the collapse of the USSR and the process of integration into the capitalist system through which China went through, for some time prevented the explosion of contradictions, the law of uneven development of capitalism continued, and the meter-propelled rivalry developed to the stage of “disintegration” with regional wars. This indicates a system crisis and that the previous “solutions” no longer work. The imperialists, who for a long time supported their crisis, shifting the burden of the system in the semi -colonies and deepening the robbery of the semi -colonies, came to a standstill here. One of the explosive moments of the problems inherent in the imperialist system that developed in accordance with the Leninist definition of imperialism is that the meter -propelled struggle, which has been manifested in various forms in recent years, is currently moving into regional wars. When Lenin listed the contradictions of imperialism, he mentioned the meter -propelled contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions. We see that events are developing in accordance with the observations of Comrade Lenin about the nature and contradictions of imperialism: “The second contradiction is a contradiction between different financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for sources of raw materials, for foreign territories. Imperialism is the removal of capital to the sources of raw materials, a frantic struggle for the monopoly possession of these sources, the struggle for the redistribution of the already divided world, the struggle, which is conducted with special fury, are conducted by new financial groups and powers, striving to take a “place in the sun”, against the old groups and powers , stubbornly clinging to the captured by them. This frantic struggle between various groups of capitalists is noteworthy in that it includes imperialist wars, wars for the accession of foreign territories as an inevitable element. This circumstance, in turn,

It is noteworthy that it leads to the mutual weakening of the imperialists, to the weakening of the position of capitalism as a whole, to the acceleration of the onset of the proletarian revolution and to the practical necessity of this revolution. ” (Stalin, the foundations of Leninism) Russia and China, the former socialist countries, which gave the imperialist system a respite thanks to their new markets, became the main players in the meter -on rivalry, arguing with the hegemonist power of the United States. This means that the scale and nature of the contradictions increase as new and powerful players involve in the struggle for the redistribution of territories. Against this background, there was a large -scale confrontation between the invasion of Russian imperialism into Ukraine. It can be predicted that this trend will deepen and spread further. So far there is no direct confrontation between imperialists, territories where wars are waged for the section are semi -colonies and colonies. The semi -colonies and the oppressed peoples of the world will continue to pay for these wars until the imperialists declare a direct war to each other. With this, the division of the world into a handful of imperialist states and most oppressed countries will be deepened - this was masterfully analyzed by Lenin. The third contradiction is aggravated with imperialist robbery and robbery, and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal rise in powerful national liberation and folk wars, which shake the imperialist system. In parallel with the process in which imperialism is experiencing meter -on contradictions, as well as the contradictions of imperialist countries and oppressed peoples and nations, all parts of the ruling system, especially imperialist states, become more centralized, militaristic and warlike than before, which opens the way for all fascist sentiments, To bring society to the appropriate ideological format. This is carried out either by the so-called right-wing extremists, or under the cover of social democratic or liberal parties. The Communists and the oppressed peoples of the world, faced with the reality of the system, which is becoming more and more reactionary and aggressive every day, is necessary for the Lenin Party, which will lead the struggle of the proletariat for political power, as was indicated by Comrade Lenin in order to organize a powerful resistance against this reaction. Only such a party, today the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, can wage an irreconcilable struggle with the bourgeoisie.

The great legacy of Lenin, the Leninist concept of the party: the general headquarters of the proletariat “Revolution is not a dinner, not writing an essay, not writing a picture, not embroidery; It cannot be so refined, so leisurely and tender, so moderate, kind, courteous, restrained and generous. Revolution is an uprising, an act violence, as a result of which one class overtures the other. " (Mao Zedong) It is very important how the Communists determine the existing contradictions and how they position themselves in the face of the development of events. Over a hundred years that have passed since the death of Comrade Lenin, the imperialists turned their ruling structures into even greater military vehicles. Their army, police, secret services, etc. Equipped with capabilities incomparable with those that were in the past. On the other hand, a significant part of those who call themselves “communists” or “revolutionaries” ignores this reality (even if it seems theoretically accepted) and far from positioning itself in accordance with it. However, following the ideological and practical line of reconciliation, which locks the working class and oppressed masses into the ruling system, they extinguish the anger of the masses and act as a wave -rope. While the imperialists and the ruling operator structures equip themselves with more and more cruel devices and institutions, it is necessary, as followers of Comrade Lenin, to wage a strong ideological struggle against the fact that those who call themselves “revolutionaries” and “communists”, further and further and further They move away from reality that the revolution and revolutionary struggle will be based on weapons and violence. The tireless struggle of Comrade Lenin against the opportunism of the second International, as a leadership against these views, is one of the important tasks in order to give justice to Comrade Lenin in the year of the century of his immortality. Comrade Lenin defined the new type of the Communist Party as a "military organization of the proletariat." The need for such a definition was caused by the imperialist system and the mutual position of classes. Both the process, which led to the October Revolution, and the Civil War, which erupted with the October Revolution, was the specific reasons that Comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "a military organization of the proletariat." The Communist Party, which will manage the liberation of the proletariat and oppressed masses, should have this characteristic, while the counter -revolution is armed with the apparatus and means of violence on top and commits all these terrible reprisals over the working class and oppressed nations. For a revolutionary war, a military party is needed. Only fools and incorrigible revisionists based on the bourgeoisie can see it differently.

“Some make fun of us as supporters of the“ omnipotence of war ”. Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war; This is good, not bad, it is Marxist. The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. The experience of the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that only by force of weapons the working class and working masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landowners; In this sense, we can say that only with the help of weapons can the whole world be converted. ” (Mao Zedong) At its constituent conference, the MKL defined the construction and recreation of communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the world proletarian revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party, developed by the comrade Mao Zedong, corresponds to the understanding of the Communist Party, stated by Comrade Lenin, as well as enriched by Stalin, and is the realization of the Leninist understanding of the party in the ideology of Marxism-Maoism. During the period of imperialism and the proletarian revolutions in which we are, the Communist Party, capable of withstanding the growing aggression of the imperialist reaction and leading the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world to liberate, should have the quality of the “military organization of the proletariat”. The most important heritage of Lenin is the question of political power as a radical issue of each revolution. Lenin showed that "the proletarian revolution is impossible without the forcible destruction of the bourgeois state machine and without the replacement of its new" and that "everything but power is an illusion." Under the personal leadership of Lenin, the world's first socialist state, the dictatorship of the proletariat was created, which secured the proletarian path to power and its retention. After the death of Lenin, it was his successor Stalin brilliantly determined Leninism, developed it and made the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the shoulders of Veliky Lenin, the chairman of the Mao was able to advance the world proletarian revolution to new heights and develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism, which today is Marxism-Maoism, should be picked up, protected and applied today. We, like MKL, will continue to fulfill the tasks set by the Great Lenin, and it is good to use the legacy left to us by Comrade Lenin. Comrade Lenin, the great teacher of the international proletariat and Marxism, Leninism-Maoism, He leads and directs our struggle for the world proletarian revolution today, how he led her yesterday!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long live proletarian internationalism! International Communist League January 2024
