PC 6 March - About the assault on the wheel in Turin - Infosolidale

Author: maoist
Description: Assault on the steering wheel of the Turin Police, the claim of the anarchists: "We have jammed the mechanism" ...
Published Time: 2024-03-06T08-23-00-01-00

Assault on the steering wheel of the Turin police, the claim of the anarchists: "We have jammed the mechanism"

Sunday A garrison is scheduled in Milan: «He is one of our partner, a our friend. He made this way with us and we could only try the possible"

“He is a companion of ours, a friend of ours. He made this path with us and we could only try the possible: Incen his transfer to a CPR , where for 18 months it can be subject to possession and violence, it can be tortured, and then, one day, get to deportation. While Under our eyes The gears of state racism moved , we couldn't afford to remain unarmed ». It was explained in this way, in a Document widespread on the blogs of the anarchist area , The assault on the police flying took place in Turin on 28 February During the taking over, by the police, of a migrant of Moroccan origins .

Man had to be brought to the CPR of Milan And then repatriated. On him, according to activists, «has fallen more powerful the brutality of repression because he chose to fight, he has chosen to organize yourself ».
With the document A garrison of solidarity has been announced At the Moroccan on March 10 in front of the CPR of Milan in via Corelli.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/03/pc-6-marzo-proposito-dellassalto-alla.html