By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.
Turkey: Statement for March 8
The Turkish comrades in the women's organization Lilla-Red Collective have published a statement for March 8, published in the Rupa Haber. The statement is entitled "8. March belongs to those who fight for their rights, and not those waiting to get their rights! ”
The statement depicts the importance of March 8 and the fight against imperialism and women's oppression. The comrades write that the representatives of the imperialist system, with their patriarchal culture, talk in the wide and wide about how much progress it has been made for "women's rights", that women are doing better and better. It will be called out on streets and squares, in parliaments and TV broadcasts on how important women's rights are. The imperialists will use March 8 as an opportunity to adorn themselves with the fact that women's rights have improved, and at the same time to dehumanize the masses in the Third World.
But the story of March 8 started in New York on March 8, 1857 with a bloody strike where 40,000 working women demanded to reduce the 16-hour day to 10 hours. They also demanded equal pay for equal work. Supported by the bosses closed the police workers inside a factory before they lit up. 129 workers died in the fire. Later, at the International Socialist Women's Women's Women's Conference) in 1910, Communist Clara Zetkin proposed to do on March 8 to the International Workers' Day.
The statement from the Turkish comrades talks about the terrible conditions of female masses in the Third World Lives Below. Femicide (murder of women), rape and sexual harassment, home violence, human trafficking, prostitution - all kinds of cruel acts of violence are carried out against women. This is especially done in semi -seed countries such as Turkey, India, Pakistan, Philippines, etc. The woman becomes an object to serve the patriarchal society. Furthermore, women are particularly severely affected by wars and conflicts. Especially in Palestine we see this, where Israel does not make a difference to women, children and the elderly, and does as much harm as they can.
Even in western countries, the comrades write, women are forced into involuntary part -time work with low wages. Female workers have hard working conditions, for example in the health care system. Women are subjected to stress and pressure that give major impacts on mental health, and their rights are thus constantly reduced when exposed to hard working conditions, harassment and low wages.
The statement is advocating to fight against Symbolic actions and liberal attitudes around women's struggle, and that the liberation of women can never happen under imperialism, a system based on violence, exploitation, poverty, aggression and unfair war. A revolutionary spirit is necessary to crush imperialism and patriarchy.
Turkey: Call for the 8th of March
(Red Herald)