It is indecent the judgment of the STM of the military who murdered musician and collector with 257 shots - the new democracy

Author: João Alves
Categories: Situação Política
Description: Supreme Military Court Judges a case of death with 82 shots of musician and canner of can by preserving the corporatist spirit and maintaining impunity against the military who commit crimes against the people.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-06T17:42:08-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-06T17-34-29-03-00
Sections: Situação Política
Tags: Supremo Tribunal Militar
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-06T17:42:08-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg

In recent days, trial began in the Supreme Military Court of the case of the Army military who murdered with 82 shots the musician Evaldo Rosa and the Latinha collector Luciano Macedo. Before being interrupted by a request for a view, the Military Minister Rapporteur presented his thesis in which he reduces from 30 to three years of punishment, to which he was followed by the prime minister to vote. Everything indicates that the corporatism of the barracks and the spirit of caste that maintains the military will be preserved, especially the high officials, in the most widely impunity of criminals.

For Lieutenant Brigadier Carlos Augusto Amaral, rapporteur of the case, it is “a mistake fully justified by situations”, that is, the reactionary military acted in “self-defense” by promoting the summary shooting of a car where a car was Black family going to a baptism. In addition, he said the driver of the car, musician Luciano, "represented an imaginary threat." Although he said that the “military did not seek death,” the minister was missing (it is assumed to be aware of military practice) to shoot 257 times against a car is intended to intend to commit a murder of all who there they were.

Lieutenant Brigadier Carlos Augusto Amaral Oliveira, according to a military minister to vote, agreed with the thesis.

The lawyer who defends the murderous military is Rodrigo Rocca, former lawyer of Flávio Bolsonaro. Specialist in Military Law, Rocca has already defended officers processed by the MPF for crimes committed during the military regime.

Although there is no forecast for the trial to be resumed, it is hard to imagine a turnaround. The 30-year prison reduction for three will mean another white letter to kill.

The legal cover -up in the highest military court in the country is wide open. This means, in practice, impunity to the killers in uniform in cases where the military applies their well -known doctrine of war against the people, which comes down to ostensible policing on the sole purpose of stealing and imposing terror against the poor and poor people, Promote a priori trial of the alleged crimes committed and execute the death penalty. All the moment the military agents choose.
