Parties of the "centrão" and "opposition" to the government, such as União, PP and the PL pocketist, dominated the commissions of the House in the pre-agreement that has taken over the last days in the National Congress. While parties closer to the government will chair façade committees, such as supervision and control, the PL is in the lead of the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJ) and Education.
The PL even appointed the Boconist Deputy Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) to preside over education, but the nomination was not consolidated after the afternoon of discussions on March 6. Notorium Falastrão, Ferreira was present in the Bolsonarist agitation of the end of February on Paulista Avenue.
The CCJ, in turn, should be delivered to the parliamentary Carolina de Toni (PL-SC). Since 2018, Toni has also been resistance from the governors for the appointment, but the PL did not give up the nomination. In the House, the CCJ deliberates on important issues, such as constitutional amendments and bills. In the past, it was the CCJ that approved the advance of texts such as the Social Security Reform.
The PL also got the Sports Commission and the Foreign Relations and National Defense Commission.
Centrão controls budget and agriculture
The "Centrão" was not behind in the dispute for the vital committees. PP, President's Party in fact Arthur Lira, was treated from the commissions of agriculture, finance and taxation and the mixed budget commission.
Thus, the party gets even more freedom to benefit the landlord and control the budget. Prior to the agreement, parliamentarians, and particularly the PP, were already with more significant control over the budget, especially after the mandatory calendar of the payment of parliamentary amendments was approved.
In the same list, Somos ended the day with the possible control of the Science and Technology Commission. If the agreement is consolidated in this way, there will be no free time for the student struggle this year: on the one hand, students will have to face the demagogic discourse of the government, as it has done since last year; On the other hand are the enemies declared in the committees of education and science and technology.
Governors have weakened commissions
In this picture, the closest government and the closest "allies" came out in the dispute and have committed commissions that, as much as they allegedly legislate on important topics, exist more by facade in the old Brazilian state than for functionality and success in practical actions.
This is the case of the committees of culture and human rights, divided between the “federation” ruling of PT-PV and PCdoB parties.
The same "federation" also got health, which does not mean good news to professionals in the field. Given the reluctance of the federal government to approve, last year, questions as basic as the minimum nursing floor, it is not possible to expect that by 2024 the requirements of the category will be met without new days of hard struggle.
Weak and more committed government
At the end and to the corporal, the picture indicates for an even weakened government and committed to the "centron" and the reactionaries assumed.
Last year, the government's commitment to these sectors was clear from the approval of measures such as the “tax framework” and the delivery of ministries and organs such as the sports portfolio and the presidency and vice presidents of Caixa Econômica Federal.
This year began with new nods, such as the increase in parliamentary amendments from $ 35 billion by 2023 to $ 41 billion by 2024 and the acceptance of a mandatory payment calendar of these same amendments.
The question is: without further ministries and secondary bodies to deliver, and without the control of money, as Luiz Inacio will negotiate with the "centrão" to make his "political pragmatism" reactionary and fulfill the most basic campaign promises, to Sometimes it delivers everything that is required by the ruling classes? The negotiation will be even more required this year if the commissions board is taken into account.
For the indications, it will be a year of a desperate scenario for the agent Luiz Inacio. On the other hand, it is a fortuitous ground for the breakdown of the people's illusions with the current government, and the growth of the popular struggle for democratic rights and freedoms.