The pages of the press are full of the question of the dossier of the Perugia investigation. There is an investigation, apparently, of the Prosecutor of Perugia who uses investigations by the Guardia di Finanza in Picture is still not clear that.
But "Secret dossier", use of the judiciary to hit the parties adverse within the economic, political and social system of This country are inherent in the capitalist system which, behind the dress of freedom and democracy, covers a war between gangs, a war between bandits to occupy the main economic positions, to do profits, to control economy, state, judiciary.
AND So nothing new under the sun. The nature of these operations P2 taught us. Operations that were intended to provide the tools for an institutional reform, for a real change of regime in our country, to cancel the Republic born from Resistance and establish a modern fascist dictatorship.
The National Renaissance Gelli Plan: the heirs of this Gelli plan I am in government and not from now, but from the long cycle that has brought From Berlusconi to Meloni.

I am Specialists in the use of the secret dossiers of so -called services "Secrets", of the so -called "deviated" apparatus of the state, piloted magistrates. They are specialists.
Now they scream to the plot.
I had The Minister of Defense Crosetto began, to say: "There are some Investigations, they want to hit us with the judiciary ".
Wanted The sky was true! Because, actually, behind the white leaf of the "Virgin from the candid mantle" of Meloni, a worm of corrupt ministers is hidden, linked to business, linked to the parasitism, social and political of this country. Crosetto, who is on the payroll of the war industry and all of his action is based on the interests of the war industry, as a saleswoman of the war industry should actually be investigated and hit for
This figure of his.
AND What about Santanché? What about the filthy slaves of the Government, of the Mastro, the Undersecretary who shoots the policeman ... .. a shit. This shit should be brought to light, it should Going out into the newspapers should be hit by the judiciary. Self This was the purpose of this investigation we are in favor of This investigation. But let's fear that it is not so, that it is still inside the war between bands that use official and unofficial means in the Economic policy dispute and so on.
However We think that all those who are subjects of this investigation, belonging, both to the government area and to the oppositions, are of criminals. And that for this reason their shores are in defense of the crime because, apart from dossier and counter -pounds, the only one attention that the press should have and, consequently, i citizens and the judiciary, is what the things written about it To these characters are true or not! And are quiet: they are true In most cases.
This shows the rotten of a social political system, of the way of Training of governments, ministers of his ruling class. I am The rotten, natural product of the capitalist-imperialist system in its putrescent phase of which Italy is part.
This System must be shot down, this is the point. This system does not reforms, breaks down and does not change, if you don't want the Verminaio of what is written by the newspapers remains unpunished e only a factor of the political struggle between parties and gangs remains between gangs, between businessmen, between masters and masters, etc. etc. work for a different future that breaks down this system.
Abatement of this system cannot take place within whom this system He keeps him standing, he cannot take place inside his institutions, not because there are also no good ones in the institutions people but because the institutions and the logic that forms them, guides them, Plasma is something that serves to preserve this system. TO Also keep when you criticize it to try to save him.
For This is necessary a revolution! A social revolution, politics, moral, cultural that can lead to restore in our country a semblance of civilization, democracy, of equality, of freedom. All this, in the current historical phase, yes he calls political struggle against a modern fascism, police status, regime of governments as business committees, states at the service of strong powers, namely the great industrial, banking capital, etc. etc.
There Fight against this system must be conducted by those who have no interest and does not derive any privilege from this system: and these are the workers and workers who, just to say, are the only ones that "pay the taxes fully", as they say normally, while from the little one to the great trader, from the masters to the banks, they taxes do not pay or pay them a ridiculous measure.
AND So we are always there. Are the exploited, the oppressed, the masses of this country, and among them a lot of good people who are not part exactly of the proletariat of the popular masses, who must rebel.
But The rebellion does not go through the votes. Does not pass through the system, We saw it. When it puts confidence in parties that are said Against the caste, against the system etc. etc. - see the last experience of the 5 Star Movement, of the grillini - you can see the end they do, It is then seen how this populist demagogy leads them to Parliament, in which they then turn into more or less systematic rulers of this system, and indeed, when they are not needed, they leave the pace a Worst people of them as those in government are currently.
So not the parliamentary way and not the vote change things and the way parliamentary or vote are an influential participation factor in public life, in the construction of governments, in operation of the state, in what is absolutely indispensable e necessary in every society.
AND Here that the need for the revolution is born.
There Revolution is not a password of ancient extremists set For communism, already failed in Russia and China. All this is A caricatured version. The revolution is a people who do rebel, guided by the class that produces wealth in this country and therefore can transform this wealth from a source of profit in a source of well -being. This class is the working class, together with all those who in this country perceive income, salaries, necessary to live in different degrees, these are masses. But the masses who vote, the masses that vents their opposition in electoral abstention or in the mass media, in social networks, such as yes he says, they are helpless masses, companions who accompany the ordinary operation of this system that does not deserve to work.
AND So there is a need for a necessary change, of an initial gearbox, build the tools to fight against this system for a real revolution And for a change in progress, because fighting you change.