On March 8, 2012, in the city of Rosario, Comrade Miguel Rubinich, founder of the PCR and a member of his central committee, at the age of 77, after a long illness against which he fought with the same fortitude with the fought by revolution and communism.
Miguel was an invaluable partner in the construction and unity of our beloved PCR and JCR, and in the tasks that we raise in pursuit of the tasks that the proletariat needs for the National and Social Liberation Revolution.
Rubinich was a one -piece partner. Sincere in their ideas and actions. Solidary. Communist in all sense of the word. He never boasted of his tasks within the party, on the contrary: his humility marked his desire to learn from each partner.
He was an indispensable partner in Santa Fe, in the understanding of the history of our regional because he was a humble connoisseur of workers and peasant tasks in the province. His experience was reflected in the book Notes on the history of the Santa Fe regional of the PCR.
Years later, his contribution at the head of the National Education Commission was fundamental for a set of affiliates-for which he was “the teacher” Marelli-, he would advance in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and in the line of our PCR.
Dear Miguel Rubinich, until victory always!
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024