With our rights not. From the feminist articulation of Paraguay we summon the eighth 8m march of the International Day of Working Women. We are working women in the countryside and the city, who belong to organizations and self -consisting, unite the fight against the violence and inequalities suffered by women women every day in a macho and patriarchal country.
A year ago we warned, unfortunately and this begins to be fulfilled: cartism is a political sector that today is in power and constantly seeks to strip us of our historical conquests and make us go back in rights achieved with a lot of struggle, nobody ever gave us anything.
But women together and organized, as we have done for 7 years, we will combine this 8m 2024 in one voice, all adding efforts, supporting and reaffirming that if they touch one, we all react.
Know that far from dismantling or discouraging ourselves in our struggles, we are increasingly united and strong to defend what is conquered with so much effort.
This year we have decided to launch the 8mpy 2024 march in front of Congress, and obviously it is not a coincidence, we consider that here are the main henchmen of nefarious economic political power, which in a accelerated and authoritarian way violate our lives and the life of the population Paraguaya in general.
We strongly repudiate overwhelming and political violence committed against a senator, stripping her of her investiture arbitrarily and unconstitutional, hitting democracy. We denounce that in recent months the political companions have suffered the resurgence of violence and political persecution, threatening the right to political participation in the same way as men. We demand that legislators and policies be respected and that public policies are generated that promote greater participation of women.
We also repudiate the machismo and the violent plan of the Colorado Chartist movement, today in its second period of government, which promotes the repeal of Law 5777 on the integral protection of women against all kinds of violence. We warn you that we will not let this happen, that we will resist putting our body and mind even definitely stop this nefat intention to leave us without protection.
Women denounce precariousness and inequality, we gain 12.7% less equal work as a man, we also suffer harassment in our places and in the buses on my way to work. To this is added that only 60% of women have paid employment in Paraguay. In addition, we dedicate 27 hours per week to domestic and care tasks, which fall mostly in us, a job often invisible, and that hinders our leading participation in the different areas of society.
We demand that the right of women be fulfilled to plan their lives, to be able to decide how many, when and with whom he wants to have children or if he does not want to have them, because many women go through violence by health personnel, who, based on misinformation And prejudices, they deny access to contraceptive methods such as copper T or tubal ligation, even when free access to them is a right.
Sadly yesterday he took a public status a new case of a 10 -year -old girl victim of abuse who became pregnant and forced by this state that denies rights to become such a small mother. We repeat are non -mothers girls, enough to force a girl!
Today we are here to warn all macho, the negligent and accomplices authorities and precarizer entrepreneurs, who threaten our labor, political, social and economic rights that next Friday, March 8, the working women and diverse women, we will go out to the streets to the streets to the streets Demand a dignified life, with equal opportunities and without discrimination. Because our work is worth!
We invite all people, especially women who join this march where once again we will go out for our labor rights and against all kinds of violence.
We are next Friday 8m at 5:00 p.m. In the Uruguayan square and march at 6:30 p.m. to the Plaza de la Democracia.
With our rights not!
For our rights and against all violence!
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024