The first thing the fellow Alderete tells us is that “it is false that organizations are intermediaries for colleagues who charge work. It is an idea that they want to put years ago. The reality is that the high ones were given by the Ministry of Social Development, now the Ministry of Human Capital is given. Now within human capital, and each beneficiary has a card in which money is deposited.
“Our social organization, I understand that the others too, all they do is control the daily presentism of workers who receive the plan, because those who receive a social program carry out some consideration or work in a dining room or a textile cooperative. They make, for example, overalls for schools, aprons for hospitals or chins for the public system, as was done during the pandemic. Quite occasionally came to control an official of the Ministry. We do the assistance control because we fight, that people work. The control should do it the State, but the reality is that it does not. ”
In particular, on the change of the plan to enhance work, says Juan Carlos that “we must remember that the pass of the Ministry of Social Development to the Ministry of Labor was already scheduled and scheduled with Massa, when he was Minister of Economy. Originally the plans to work were a program of the Ministry of Labor, it is not new, they had been planning it before.
“We are concerned that neither Minister Pettovello nor anyone say how they will implement this change in plans. These changes do not know how they are going to be implemented, we do not know anything about how the new system would be, why don't they give details? Why do the backs of organizations that nucleate these workers? History has shown that whenever they do something behind the democratic organizations of workers, it is to implement measures against them.
They will divide by ages, 18 to 50 years, and another for over 50 and mothers of four children or more. But what they don't say is that they are destroying sources of work every day. Therefore, where are those partners and colleagues go to work? Where will your job insertion be? They are inventions that circulate to reduce social plans.
"The amount of unemployed will grow as never before"
Alderete says that Milei does not have a government plan, a political plan: “It is a business plan, which has a name and surname. For something the main business caste of Argentina is installed in the government. They occupy very important positions, and they care about businesses more than people.
“They are advancing with that plan based on the destruction of wages, and in particular in relation to unemployed and precarious, not only freeze the amounts of enhancing work, but also unwill them from the minimum, vital and mobile salary.
“We are going to an army of unemployed as our country had never lived. We are already recession, this will be stronger yet. The amount of unemployed that will be unfortunately will be immense, very large. ”
On the CCC struggle plan and the set of popular movements that are being developed to face these plans, says Juan Carlos that “the time comes we will have to raise some fighting plans that are tougher, and install. It will not be easy, there will be confrontations. The second of Minister Bullrich resigned because she had relations with the governors, but not only that, we also know that she did not agree that there are great repressions in our country. You don't want to take charge of that. We have to prepare and prepare the whole of the companions and colleagues. ”
Finally, Alderete reaffirms that “the situation in the dining rooms and milk drinks is tremendous, very serious. Every day in many dining rooms we have to put ‘we have no food’, ‘it is not going to cook today’. The dining rooms that are working fail to cover the demand. Companions row to withdraw the food or eat in the dining room and does not reach. The truth is that the companions who hold the dining rooms do magic to cook and find how to get something in the stomach that teenager, that boy, that grandfather.
Therefore, to continue facing this government, which has very powerful sectors behind it and they believe owners and lords of our country, you have to get together with everyone, in unity. ”
Today N ° 2001 03/06/2024