PRWC »Pursuing in front of the right to union in Cebu

Author: admin
Categories: Ang Bayan, Articles
Description: Large and foreign capitalists deliberately intensify union workers and negotiations to remain cheap and subtle force in the Philippines. It is contrary to the reactionary state officials, in the own law and international agreements that are signed by it. It's hard to build [...]
Modified Time: 2024-03-07T14:05:22+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-07T00-21-24-00-00
Type: article
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Large and foreign capitalists deliberately intensify union workers and negotiations to remain cheap and subtle force in the Philippines. It is contrary to the reactionary state officials, in the own law and international agreements that are signed by it. It is difficult to build the union and push to recognize it as an exclusive representative of negotiating workers.

It is their experience of Bokya and Bayong, both 39 years and contractuals even 13-14 years of employment in a Cebu factory.

Those reasons have convinced them to take part in the union. "I'm hurting that there is a constructive union for job security so that it is not just to be stuck," Bokya said. "At that time, rumors were so strong that our (Labor) agency was only. This is the issue of first, "says Bayong also.

Year 2018 The union has been established in their factory, but today it is not recognized by the capitalist as the Sole and Exclusive Bargaining Agent (SEBA) or the sole representative of negotiating workers. To prevent the construction of the union, the maneydsment placed members of the "floating status" or removal of regular work rotations. The capitalist is a four-rounded stage to embrace those organized.

The workers resisted. They launched joint protests and pushed to open the inspection factory in the Department of Labor and Employment to prove the capitalist's labor-only contracting (LOC). They also rejected regular rotation to the workers put on floating status.

"We armband protest, sent a letter to talk but no response," Bokya said.

Hinunua, capitalist and state intensified the labor of workers. It entered NTF-ELCAC to the factory to conduct a forum where the union is redented. The union leaders threaten and intimidate their families. MANEYDSMENT MANAGES SHOW THE PASSIST AGENCY agents.

The workforce is the result of NTF-ELCAC requirements in the factory. "To gather the challenge, we have been home actively with the union of myembal workers, gathered them and trying to return the vitality of (words) and study."

They maintained the resistance to recognize the union as sheba and pushed the hatred for workers as much as a bribe. They are farming farm agency petitions to identify contractuals as regular. Outside of the factory, they have abandoned workers who lost regular income and times of stress.

"There is a matter of work at a time of widespread placing on" floating status, "and on hurricane Odette," Bokya.

"In that pandemic, it also helps to promote help to provide aid in government agencies," Bayong said.

In the process of building a union, they have woke up and widows in a wider social issue, especially in widespread violations of the state of human rights. "We have accompanied protests about government killings and harassment, in rallies against treading our rights," Bokya added. He also joined relief drives for the affected or understood communities of workers.

In personal life, they gain discipline, courage and militancy. "My life has changed because I have learned much of what the true union is, how true will resist and do not tell the capitalist," Bokya said. "I know the principles better, and no longer fears maneydsmen," says Bayong.

"Limiting drink," Bokya. "It is no longer shy to talk and be involved in making others understand our rights."
