Horror CPR, Ilaria Cucchi: “You are attempted suicide in seven days. For migrants that is the only way to return free "

Ponte Galeria: the hard complaint of the Senator on the front line against the repatriation centers. Yasmine Accardo (leave): "There is no protection of rights e recognition of people who are imprisoned in these concentration camps state. In Rome, the stop-cpr network is being born ”you are attempted suicide in seven days. The tension to the CPR of Ponte Galeria salt day by day after the disorders of the last month. A list of despair that stretches after protests for The conditions of invivability inside the center for the repatriation of Rome. A prison in all respects with high rallies closed cages Over eight meters, reduced hygiene to light, solitude and despair of those who are not even understood when he speaks
On February 27 the first case little by little Less than a month from suicide Of Ousmane Sylla who hanged himself. Hamid Chialaamin has an identification number, 17166, like all the other finished in the list requested and obtained by senator Ilaria Cucchi , of the alliance group Green-left. The migrant was found lifeless
After he tried to hang himself and transferred to Sant’Eugenio. “The reality of the CPR is one reality that is now collapsing. In the last few days they are counted in Ponte Galeria an average of an attempted suicide a day, practically one massacre. Indeed the thrilling hypothesis is that migrants try suicide Hoping to return to freedom because it is not suitable for life in community. All this happens in the general disinterest but instead it is time to tell them these places and demand that they are closed - says the parliamentarian Ilaria Cucchi -. Three guests were declared not suitable and wonders why they were in there. I will do everything what is in my possibilities starting from a question parliamentary. And as happened in the city of Ferrara, where We paraded in 1,500 associations and civil society, we will continue to do in each city to ask that the CPR be closed. "
On February 29, three were attempting to end it Always binding the sheets to the railings: Salhi Saber, El Maddahi Othman, Mohamed Alì Eltayahi. On February 4th there was one protest at the CPR for several hours following the death of Ousmana Sylla, The 22 -year -old from Guinea, who was found hanged with a Lip to a grate. The young man, before killing himself, left a Message that is a testament: he wrote his name, his own on the wall surname, his village of origin. And a prayer: “Please, I report my body in Africa, I miss my country a lot, me My mother is missing. Law enforcement officers do not understand anything, Not even my language. I can't take it anymore, I just want my soul rest in peace". During the disorders two were injured military and arrested fourteen migrants.
On March 4, two were hospitalized at the Aurelia Hospital and Sant’Eugenio. This is Barry Abdoulaye and Mohamed Elbikri. Just from the latter boy, 23 years old, the count began of attempted suicides because the girlfriend had tried to get in Contact with the CPR to find out what happened to. "My boyfriend Yesterday he got dressed in Ponte Galeria, was taken to the hospital but not We have news. His name is Mohamed Elbikri, he asked to be repatriated. In the last two weeks it was always under therapy almost Sedato ”, the woman had written in a message to the associations. And and came to the surface that Elbikri was not the only one who had in the last few days tried to kill himself.
"Where there is no protection of the rights and recognition of people which are imprisoned in this system of status concentration camps - he says Yasmine Accardo, to leave -. To make that evident violence do it with an act of violence towards themselves, to give Meat to a body that is continually disconnected in this country. We are very worried because despite years of complaints, the state Continue to propose new detention systems. In Rome he is creating This new network against CPR called "Stop CPR" and we will continue to beat us "