by contrainformation Ross Operaia of 6/03

The situation in the two large industrial groups, the arcelrmittal, from Today in extraordinary administration and Melfi's Stellantis, should concentrate the attention of the trade union movement, confederal and basic and workers in general, because they are around to the events of these two large factories, two great complexes industrialists present in several Italian cities, the game is played of the general recovery of the workers' struggle, which as always We consider fundamental for an authentic class unionism e To give workers and popular masses, an inevitable point of reference in the more general struggle against masters and in particular against this government.
The decree that introduces the extraordinary administration in the Acciaierie Group of Italy passed the first passage in the Senate and, in the next days, with the approval in the Chamber, he will have completed his process. This decree enjoys the support of all confederal unions, According to different shades. In this it must also be considered the position of the USB which is of substantial support, albeit with distinction, al government decree. If we look at things, from the point of view of workers and workers immediately appears that
Slai is right Cobas for the class union in Taranto, who said during All this period - and also says it in these hours - that The extraordinary administration is not the solution, but, indeed, it can be a worse remedy for evil.
And in fact What are the immediate consequences? than with the Administration extraordinary we witness the replay of a story traveled over the years past, that is to say the insolvency of Ilva, in bankruptcy substantial, which is discharged on the workers, in particular of the ILVA contract where this download produces in the companies of the contract for a situation that, to put it with an euphemism, according to the declarations of industrial associations it involves of the contract, layoffs, permanent layoffs, a Combattorio worsening of working conditions if it will be succeeded to resume the work.
The devices financial, administrative, inserted in the decree do not escape the basic question that the masters, the names of the contract e of the survey in general, they will not have the money that they say they are advancing from Italian steel mills. The administration commissioner extraordinary is proposing to the companies to resume work paying him in advance the future works, those who resume, but not they give any kind of insurance regarding the previous. In these conditions it is difficult for many of the contractors to really resume work and, indeed, to follow, to the contrary, after the generalized request for layoffs, the announcement of collective layoffs.
This involves Many problems also for the direct workers of the steelworm, where Already in this month they are found with two paychecks, one up to period in which this company is steelworks of Italy and another in new period since it is commissioned.
Two pay slips that, far from being a technical problem that can be remedied Since the next few months, it is a spy of a more substantial problem: that Fine is the previous workers? It is also inserted in the picture of the insolvency, in the liability, and therefore payable it is not known when? And secondly, what happens to the holidays, why ArceloRormittal in recent months had transformed into the cashier integration the holidays and as a consequence Workers still have many holidays to consume but are faced with a different corporate structure. This as problems immediate.
Much more serious The problems on the future we will talk about in shape appear widespread in a public meeting in Turin on Monday that opens one National campaign of the Slai Cobas for the class union for clarify the matter and return it to workers and workers, First of all by Taranto, but also of the other Ilva plants and the universe of national steelurgery and the entire class factory Girl.
So let's give Appointment to the report-report of the 11marzo assembly a Turin, also organized with the collaboration of Medicine democratic and the lawyer Vitale who takes care of the civil parties in "Educational environment" process. Of this story and how much it affects in the general Ilva affair at national and local level, We will speak widely on the occasion of this assembly.
On the question Stellantis must instead overthrow the speech, start not from government/owners diatribe which will however find its own solution, but of what is materially happening in the factories.
In Melfi the first Problem is, also here, the contract, in Mirafiori and Polignano is the announcement of employment cuts and we had the story of the death at work in Pratola Serra.
Much “meat a Cook ”, as they say. On this we are supporters of the workers' autonomy, of the establishment of the establishment for establishment, of the forces necessary to counter the Government Plan e masters, of a connection network of them, of an intersindacal type and basic, which can allow a common action of the most part advanced and combative of the working class.