Sarandi Metropolitan Hospital staff have been without salaries for months. The situation has revolted the workers, who protested on January 18 against the violation of rights, and mobilized all the people in the region, concerned with the possible closure of the unit. At the end of last year, SUS maternity service was interrupted, forcing mothers from all over the region to travel to other locations for basic care.
According to complaints ascertained by the corresponding location of AND , the Sarandi Metropolitan Hospital has delayed the salary of doctors, nurses, nursing technicians, janitors and jams.
An employee of the hospital reported to the report that the late payment has been taking place for a long time. He informs that the doctors were the first affected and that they would have been six months without a single penny, and that in recent times this has expanded to all staff of the hospital. There is no forecast for payment. In addition, there are also widespread complaints about the lack of inputs and medicines.

Signaling that the situation will last, the hospital published, on February 15, a note stating that the salary for January this year would have a greater delay than expected, due to alleged problems with one of the main bank accounts responsible for the payment of salaries. In addition, in the same note, the hospital claimed that it would provide “assists” and a salary advance.
The publication was rejected by the workers. In the comments, one of them stated wryly that “when paying my bills I present this role and everything is resolved. Shame".
Faced with calamity, the hospital previously threatened employees in case of strike: one of the hospital nurses said the hospital coordination sent a statement to employees warning that if they stopped working, everyone would have to respond to the code of ethics.

On February 17, the hospital published another note, stating that at least 40 hospitalized patients ICU (Intensive Care Unit) were transferred to other cities such as Maringá, Ivaiporã, Umuarama, Campo Largo, Cascavel, among others, due to “low employee availability ”.
Faced with this statement, an employee reported that the hospital has always had fewer employees than the ideal. Exemplated that, on many occasions, several nurses had to take over 3 to 4 patients in the ICU. This is just another proof that it is unsustainable for these employees to work without being sure when they will receive their proper payments. This same employee made a point of emphasizing that he is since last month without paying his bills, due to the high interest rates charged for the delay of payment, which is the reality of most of the Sarandi Metropolitan Hospital.

According to APP-Syndicate, most of the 700 employees are late. Those who earn less received $ 900 in two installments of $ 600 and $ 300. Debts with workers would be at $ 2 million.