A few hours before the passage of the bill on private universities, while discussions are being discussed in the House and the student associations are organizing the Pan -Hellenic demonstration in Athens, the KNE and the PCS forces show once again the zero confidence they have in masses. Instead of discussing how each club will arrive in Athens, to take place in the occupation committees and the assemblies, thus ensuring the further involvement of the student world in this process, the PCF forces (always with the signature of student clubs) They took a posters with their members of each city so that every student can communicate and "close a seat" on the bus ... As if the students are stupid and they have to contact the PCS to go down to the demonstration ...
Property rationales for the movement that characterizes KNE forces cannot allow her not to deal with who will "close the buses". No matter how much the bus seats are elected to the Bus, their stop will be expected the next day. After all, the direction they will take after March 8 is clear. The law is to stay on paper with multifaceted actions and without assembly occupations demonstrations. Already, while the youth is giving the struggle of its generation, KNE (and not only) "closes" ballots for the student elections and is preparing for the European elections ...
These ownership rationales do not in any way help the student movement. And they don't just concern KNE. Property rationales lead to the degenerative phenomena and organizational confrontations we saw in the nationwide of February 8th. The logic of assigning and unlawful student world from the actions of his club are a hindrance to the development of the student movement and the continuation of the grand struggle it gives.
Against these rationales but also against disorienting and impassable demands (not to apply the law, to stay on paper, etc.) that have done a great deal of damage to the student movement in previous years we are clearly responding. With collective and organized races we can win!
Republished by Racing moves