Elly Schlein's appeal to Giorgia Meloni for March 8th
"Tomorrow is the International Day of Women, it hurts to see a women's president who disinterest about the condition of the other women. Then, tomorrow we approve of a 5 -month equal leave, fully paid, for both parents".
No to "new" hypocritical appeals using instrumentally the day of March 8 on our bodies, on our lives as women of the other side of the bourgeoisie of modern fascism, the Democratic Party, which does not even do that minimum institutional opposition against a fascist government who has been placed since he took office in his agenda the attack on the rights, conditions of living and working of the majority of women in every field, at work, on the birth rate, on immigrants, on pregnant women in prisons, On the minimum salary and citizenship income, etc. etc.; Conditions that, together with an obscene ideological campaign that feeds in the face of feminicides and rapes the conception "you searched for it" and responds only with more police and securitarian rules, constitute the best humus to feed, justify the hatred of miserable men against women.
And then he claims to solve the condition of the majority of women in this country made of more and more exploitation, work/not work, precariousness, unemployment, violence, attack on freedom of choice/right of abortion, racism, sexism ... with measures minimal, which should already exist, and that as already happens with other measures, the government rather than hypocritically limits only to some sectors of workers?