To know the origin of 8M, we recommend seeing our previous publication available in the following link:
In the urban center of one of the rural towns of the Mataquito Valley, Maule Region, a detachment of the People's Revolutionary Front (FRP) painted the following slogan:

Working women in Maule: stories of sacrifice, struggle and double oppression
There are few current stories of the precarious working conditions that must endure the female masses of our region. And being an area stencially linked to agricultural production, the great protagonists of this new commemoration of the 8M or International Day of working women will be, for us.
According to the latest agricultural census published in 2022, of the 257,436 women who work in the field, the
90.6% are temporary.
This figure could be explained by the massive incorporation of temporary women in the high crop season, where the need of families to achieve a "second salary" is indispensable for survival, especially the poorest.
The harsh working conditions for whom they work in the field are not a secret: extensive days, with heavy pace and works, in full summer scorching sun (reaching 38 ° C at the end of 2023 and early 2024), missing so much of drinking water such as dining rooms and bathrooms.
These conditions expose to the masses of the field to urinary infections, stomach diseases, insoloations and skin cancer, joint damage and bones, added to high risks of accidents that can end forever or partially with the ability to power work. Another line for sum is the constant exposure to chemicals such as pesticides and agrotoxics harmful to health.
For the rest, salaries who perform as important work as the temporary masses have not increased but have been maintained after several years or even down by patterns and contractors.
All of the above has resulted in constant resistance by the working masses of the country For sales between nearby.

So much precariousness contrasts with the enormous profits that landowners and agricultural companies perce great after mining.
And if working in the fields is a great sacrifice and effort, for popular women, there is another great mountain that oppresses and exploits them:
The double oppression.
This is seen that they are mainly the female masses who take care of domestic work, such as the care of children and the maintenance of households, without receiving any kind of remuneration.
It is for all the above that, as a revolutionary detachment we encourage our companions to join the ranks of the revolution to conquer their emancipation and work for the liberation of the entire people.
Against the oppression and exploitation of imperialism, semi-feudality and bureaucratic capitalism, our call is one and of course:
Woman, you are half of the sky and you must fight to conquer it!
Is 8m:
Discard the trends that demolish the popular masses and actively lift the role of women in the tasks of the revolution!
Long live the workers, peasants, temporary, students and popular!
Long live on March 8, International Day of Women's Women!