"On March 8 we strike, our work and our life do not touch each other"
General strike March 8 International Women's Day
Protest sit -in 8 March from 11.30 am via Maqueda Metropolitan city - We invite you to unite
We are precarious social workers of Palermo of Palermo personal hygienic assistants, who deal with students and students of high schools, qualified OSS and OSA, is a sector by majority women, the working condition has worsened year by year, increasingly precarious, years It is the contracts were biennials, now we are also at the extension of months, a condition of work instability and life, you cannot make projects, you cannot make decisions because you never know if the extension will be made ... as precarious we have organized ourselves for years union With the Slai Cobas for SC and we have first fought in these years against the cuts in jobs and resources by the region/metropolitan city increasingly falcidiate by stepping through every law in force in this country for which these services are instead defined mandatory and essential , and today with the Meloni government that cut millions of euros for the disabled fund, the situation has worsened ... Then there are almost paradoxical aspects that affect us as precarious and women, for example the so -called "genre" issue, a assignment of users to the operators imposed by the metropolitan city contracting to the coops since last year on the basis of the "genre" and in front of an audience of disabled students under male majority in this city, the precarious ones remain out of work because the coops are obliged to hire men, On the part of the de facto institutions it is also an ideological fury against the women we are denouncing ... we have been struggling for years starting with wages not paid by some coops for the fact that being women and being maintained by husbands, companions ... we women could Wait compared to the men who had to have precedence, but on this with the struggle for months, today we are paid as it is right that it is like male colleagues but it remains that wages are low, 24 hours per week are made but the days are not counted in which pupils are absent, when there are the suspensions of the lessons, etc. and in any case the maincarts always try even trying to deny us basic rights such as parental leave or holidays for example ...
We have always actively participated in the strike of 8 March trying to connect with the other workers on strike, first of all bringing the whole denunciation of the condition of exploitation and oppression that we live in the workplace but also the problems we live as women, we are women with Children to whom all the care work is downloaded, separated, single, we do not arrive at the end of the month, we also do double, triple jobs even in black to raise a salary if you can say decent, some precarious have also undergone violent family situations of husbands who also tried to prevent her from struggling but we have made unity on this by actively supporting them for example in the difficult path of separating and on this having a job is important ... At the strike of March 8 we bring the whole protest and fight against the masters , the government, today it is necessary to fight against this Meloni government that is not at all "to be a woman's size" as Meloni would say, a government that is giving more and more free hand to the liberalization of contracts and is increasingly for war and always allocates More money for military expenses ... as precarious in Palermo we are also suffering a trial for struggles to defend the work and against the cuts, reported by the metropolitan city during an action of fighting the palace today we are facing this process with courage and deception Because we also mean this process as a struggle ... this too we bring to the strike of this March 8 by connecting to all the workers, precarious, precarious of the social and to all the workers, the workers, precarious, unemployed, women, companions who hold this March 8 The weapon of the strike or who would like to strike them despite themselves but cannot do it ... because our double struggle leftovers and why our life really has to change! A strongly solidarity thought to Palestinian women and all exploited and oppressed women who resist and also fight in the world.
Precarious social coop palermo slai cobas sc palermo