Here we would like to publish a leaflet of the Volks (ADRV) Democratic Rights, which was written on the occasion of March 8, 2024, the International Frauenkampftag.
Click here for the link: "Action for democratic rights of the people"
The leaflet for download:
March 8, 2024: For a revolutionary women's movement!
Women's murders, inflations, upgrading ... for a revolutionary women's movement!
When five women, including a 13-year-old girl, were murdered on February 23, the media outcry was great. Thick crocodile tears were shed by the rulers for those who are otherwise not interested. A hypocrisy with certainly further bloody consequences! It is the policies of the rulers who worsen the situation of women, further forces them depending on them and thus prepares the soil. Only the revolutionary merger and fight against these conditions will bring improvements.
Equality and patriarchy
The struggle for equality between women through the law was correct and necessary. At the same time, we are shown every day that this formal equality has not eliminated the oppression of the woman. Why? Because the cause of women's suppression, the patriarchy, is closely linked to the modern capitalist exploitation system and the position of women in society is suppressed. The law of the ruling cannot bring us a complete equality and liberation! The necessity of the revolutionary struggle against patriarchy and capital, which is the focus of March 8, is therefore not a mere appearance of the past, but more current than ever.
Taxes and wage robbery
It is no coincidence that the deterioration in the social and economic situation of the population goes hand in hand with increasing violence against women. The wages were pushed down so far that the care and care of the children, the rent, electricity and gas costs, etc. ... are no longer available for many. A situation that makes the "own four walls" into a bubbling boiler. And instead of lifting the wages accordingly, the women are forced into an alms' policy that is supposed to make them dependent on grants and "sugar". One thing is certain: if no fight against these deterioration is run, the level of life will be reduced even further.
Use upgrading, warming and militarization
The rulers in Austria and the EU upgrade and fuel agitations between the peoples. They want to pull us into wars and explain we would have to defend the "western values" while they roll down our social and democratic rights. You explain to us we only have to choose the "right" party, all bourgeois parties are part of the mandatory and oppression apparatus- they all participate in one or the other form of upgrading and militarization. All of this shows us together, weighing and fighting against upgrading and war sheds!
For a revolutionary women's movement!
This March 8th is also demonstrated in many cities in Austria for the "defense of democracy" and against the "right rate". However, the women's movement must not be degraded to the appendix of the "liberal" faction of the rulers (such as SPÖ or Greens), which are currently using this slogan as a campaign sparkling. Which "democracy" should we defend? The democracy and social reduction of recent years under black and green? Should we defend the so -called "democracy" of the rulers, which means increasing oppression and exploitation for the population, and especially for women? No! The more democratic and social fundamental rights are restricted, the further away the emancipation of women. The defense and expansion of the democratic rights of the people are needed, but this will only be enforced in the revolutionary struggle against the prevailing class.
Down with patriarchy and capital: for a revolutionary women's movement!
For free and nationwide childcare!
Against inflation - for raising wages!
Against upgrading and war sheds: for the restoration of neutrality!
Against NATO and EU: down with imperialism!