Stating that the peoples of the world are truly friends and international conflicts are conflicts of interest of imperialists, also in the bowels of the beast, within the "territory" of gringo imperialism, there are continuously expressions of proletarian internationalism supporting the liberation struggles National of the Peoples of the World.
We take as an example only two expressions of this, although there is a lot that we could see. There are marches and pro-palestinian rallies, there are struggles against militarization to the interior and exterior such as the "police city" that we recently reported here .
Today we want to underline Aaron Bushnell's self-saving. This young man of just 25 years was an active member of the American Air Force and decided to give his life according to his principles instead of the interests of gringo imperialism. This is the second person in the last three months who performs something similar in an act of protest. The first was a woman who was immolated during a pro-palestine protest on December 1. Its history is generally poorly known and censored; Neither his name nor health status were published. Aaron on the other hand published his reasons in a live broadcast saying before caught fire in front of the embassy of the Zionist entity: “[…] I will not be an accomplice in genocide. I will perform an act of extreme protest, but compared to what the Palestinian people have been experiencing at the hands of their colonizers is not extreme in any way. This is what our ruling class decided will be normal. " Then, the worthy soldier comes from getting an flammable liquid and burning. While he burned he kept screaming “Free Palestine !! "Free Palestine!" , like this until falling.

His attitude is exemplary in matters of self-absence, internationalism and spirit of sacrifice. The forces of heroic Palestinian national resistance also recognize it that way.
In this regard, Hamas declared :
“ […] The US government, President Joe Biden has the complete responsibility for the death of Aaron Bushnell, due to his policy that supports the Nazi-orsionist entity in his genocidal war against our Palestinian people, by He gave his life to expose the massacres and ethnic cleansing sionist against our people in the Gaza Strip.
The heroic pilot Aaron Bushnell will be immortal in the memory of our Palestinian people and the free peoples of the world, and as a symbol of global humanistic solidarity with our people and their fair cause.
The tragic incident that cost the pilot Bushnell his life is an expression of growing anger among the US people who reject the country's policy that contributes to the murder and genocide of our people. They reject the violation of global humanitarian values by the Government, giving coverage to guarantee the impunity of the Nazi entity and its bosses of punishment and accounting. ”
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and who despite its ideological limitations is the most progressive force among heroic national resistance also stressed:
“ The act of self-shaped by Palestine of an American soldier is the highest sacrifice and medal, and a message sharp to the American administration to end its cover-up in the aggression. […]
The front sends a message to Arab soldie The confrontation in support of Palestine and its people who being killed, besieged and hungry in full view and ear of the world, only a few kilometers from the Arab countries and meters of the border. ”
The American monopolistic media on the other hand are trying to hide their sacrifice by declaring it suicide, denying their political and protest character. The Zionist embassy on the other hand commented that they have no injuries, without mentioning the deceased. The reaction of security personnel is also expressive, pointing a gun to him before trying to turn off the fire later.
As another example is the recent action of the companions in Austin, Texas, who made a rally in front of the German embassy in solidarity with the colleagues attacked and detained at the beginning of January in Berlin during a march that year after year honors the memory of The comrades Lenin, Luxembourg and Liebknecht ( LLL ). After the facts, the German and Turks who formed the red contingent in the march with the participation of Norway and Malta, They denounced The brutal police attack and political detention of at least 16 activists. The pretext for repression was the thriving solidarity of some contingents within the march with the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people and the use of the slogan "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!" , which is qualified by the German imperialist government as "support for terrorism" due to state prohibitions against everything that smells like solidarity with Palestine. During the repression the German police tried to kill a veteran partner in the movement. The march defended courageously leaving 21 injured agents. To the current date 15 detainees have been released, but a partner is still hostage in a dungeon of the reaction.

Both samples of solidarity and internationalism allow us to see with hope the continued struggle of the progressive masses and the true Democrats, who together with the communists who struggle to reconstitute the party of the working class in the US that oppresses another cannot be free. Therefore the importance of both examples.
The struggle of the US people against the US imperialist government has given bright samples of combativeness against police brutality and imperialist militarism, reflecting that the general crisis of imperialism is exacerbating in all parts of the world, including North America, where also The rise of the class struggle is seen.
President Mao teaches us: "Internationalism is the spirit of communism" And the masses assume it correctly with their actions within the jaws of the imperialist Yankee Beast.