If one calculates that the basic mass of struggling students were at the Pan-Hellenic rally and that the previous day had been preceded by a dividing mobilization and course of the clubs affected and controlled by KNE-ARIS (in the context of the "multifaceted actions" it would be bad to meet with them. Strike teachers!), the concentration and, above all, the course against private universities was relatively massive and militant.
Of course, the student block was dominated by the anarchist autonomy while the teachers' block was more massive than the "Thursday's appointments". Proof that the de facto strike (by attaching a three -hour stance of federations to ADEDY) facilitated and prompted more people of education to go down the street.
The racing movements of teachers-lecturers with as much potential because of the nationwide mobilization, formed their own block with banners and slogans shouted by the teachers who participated in the process in general.