[Video] Saint -Etienne: demonstration in support of the Palestinian national resistance - New era

Author: Missak Manouchian
Categories: National, Solidarité internationale, Vidéo
Description: On Sunday, February 25, New Epoque was able to cover a demonstration of support for the Palestinian national resistance which took place in the popular district of Montreynaud. This demonstration was held on the call of the "Gaza United" committee. Members of the LJR took part in this demonstration, during which they carried […]
Modified Time: 2024-03-08T00:30:53+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-08T17-00-00-00-00
Type: article
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On Sunday, February 25, New Epoque was able to cover a demonstration of support for the Palestinian national resistance which took place in the popular district of Montreynaud.

This demonstration was held on the call of the "Gaza United" committee. Members of the LJR took part in this demonstration, during which they brought the struggle for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, communist prisoner and fighter for Palestine imprisoned in France.

Indeed, in attacking the 40th year of detention of Georges Abdallah, the unitary campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (Cupplgia) called for an international month of action from March 4, with as a point culminating demonstration in Lannemezan, in front of the high security prison in which the political prisoner is locked up.


Source: https://www.nouvelleepoque.fr/video-saint-etienne-manifestation-en-soutien-a-la-resistance-nationale-palestinienne/