It has been clear that the growning popular rage by miserable social status, accuracy, expanding poverty and unemployment, the endless waves of anti -populist attack and their consequences on the terms of work, study, care and the very life of the masses, he will constantly give birth to Moods for struggle and race. That was what proved to be in the Last year's magnificent mobilizations after the crime of the system In Tempi, which was the fuse to break out the indignation that has accumulated "underground" for years. And as proved deafeningly by Recent events, people and youth anything but willing is to forget and give forgiveness to the real perpetrators of crime. This is true, even if their rage for the time being diverted to millions of online signatures for the 'Removal of immunity' and 'constitutional review', which, which Regardless of the intentions of the participants, they only manage to disorientate and obscure the path of fight against Responsible for countless crimes at the expense of life of life exploitation and its policies. At the same time, in the direction of Full concealment seems to be moving the parliamentary process of Inquiry Committee, which recently appeared as a great deal Success from the KKE, which had given the current in favor of his fight to adopt as a proposal by the bourgeois parties, since He had previously taken care of the Sporting meeting to preach the end of mobilizations on the subject, in view of the 'Mother of Battles', of parliamentary elections that were then approaching.
As long as they are not recorded, Well, real steps of forming, integrating, upgrading the struggle, so much system forces will use the negative Class-political correlation to promote their attack. The truth This is what is reflected in the determination of the ND government to proceed with the Pierrakakis bill on private universities, to Do not retreat from the "Sacred and Sacred" of "Fiscal Stability" in front of agricultural claims, while the fields were flooded again with A few rains and compensation and projects announced here and months are referred to the calendars, to continue opening unknown a series of fronts, as with the recent joint ministerial decision to the operation of afternoon surgeries in hospitals and Further commercialization of the social good of health.
THE Ability, of course, of the government to implement its anti -popular agenda in all areas, as well as the support he still enjoys from the Basic centers of power inside and outside the country, anything other than They also signal some of her ability to persuade wide folk mattresses in order to accept its policy. Therefore Government, but also the "whole system" are constantly taking care of reminding that the attack will pass "by fire and iron", with ever greater intensity of fascisting of public and political life, by persecution of fighters, with drag unions in the courts, with the Class unionism in illegality by Hatzidakis-Georgiadis laws, by terrorism and targeting the youth struggling, with the Mitsotakis even reach statements about the need to make them changes to disciplinary regulations of HEIs, so as to open the Road to deletion of students involved in occupations.
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Read on sheet 958 released on Saturday 9 March 2024
Sheet contents
Main articles
The river is not turning back!
Workers - Farmers - Students to continue their struggle!
Palestine on the bloody ropes of slaughter and famine!
Below are the Zionists and their barbaric state, USA!
The culprits are hunting the crime in Tempi
Let us not allow them!
The health and all the people must fight for our rights, not for reformist illusions!
Interview with TELEPERFORMANCE strikers
Victory in the fair fight of the call centers workers!
PASOK and SYRIZA support the creation of private universities and represent the "opposition"
The Conference of the "New Left" and the return of "Ancient Rust"
Something like a conference with a strong systemic - right footprint
Bookstore Outside the walls Gravias 10-12 Exarchia
Hangout opposite Miltiadou 3 Daphne
Slingen youth and culture space , Syngrou 24, 2nd floor
Left Kougiou Youth Hang 23
Crack left space of thought and action , M. Vogou 20
Zalo left -wing politics and culture , Harilaou Trikoupi 21
Reverse youth and workers' hangout , Pukevil 2