“ Thanks for everything you are doing for me and for the Palestine, you are our voice and you are part of our struggle. Although we are under attack, we are free, like you who fight for freedom "(Ananyaeesh from the Terni prison, 23/02/2024)
From Over a month Anan Yaeesh, Palestinian citizen residing in L'Aquila , is imprisoned in the Prison of Terni without accusations or trial. On the He weighs a request for extradition from Israel, accepted by the Minister of Justice Nordio and translated by the Court of Appeal of L'Aquila in the most restrictive precautionary measure: detention prison.
The lawyer of Anan in recent days has filed an appeal of release to the Court of Appeal of L'Aquila, which will meet again on March 12th to discuss the revocation of the precautionary measure. For that date We therefore decided to organize a sit-in before the court in via XX Settembre from 11 am.
Anan He was born and raised in Tulkarem, in employed the West Bank, where he has discounted over 4 years in employment prisons and suffered a ambush by the Special Forces Zionist for his business politics in the context of the second intifada. Israel accuses him of terrorism, but his true fault lies that he has opposed the abuses of the army occupying in defense of the refugee camp where he resided.
Anan He is a political persecuted and has been enjoying protection for 5 years special in Italy, because in Israel human rights for i Palestinians do not exist. The Zionists call them beasts from exterminate, "humans", as Yoav Gallant, minister said of the Israeli defense, and the military jurisdiction, as are military prisons where Jews and Jews are also imprisoned which, by objection of Consciousness, refuse to shoot on the Palestinians.
Several In fact, it is the international convictions regarding the frequent violations of the state of law and human rights to the detriment of Palestinian citizens.
As citizens Aquilani and Abruzzo we invite everyone to mobilize, conscious that his eventual extradition to Israel would expose him to serious risk of torture, disappearance, total absence of rights, Farse processes. Especially in this precise historical moment, in which The state of Israel is located before the International Court of Justice because he was accused of genocide, with over 30,000 deaths, of to which most civilians and following the reports presented by International organizations on inhuman detention conditions And torture in Israeli prisons.
There same International Court of Justice and UN have defined Israel "Occupante", which, in addition to chase away with the strength and violence the Palestinians from their territories, practice a Apartheid system towards Arab citizens reminiscent of the terrible State of South Africa of the past decades.
We will be then present on Tuesday 12 March, from 11 am, before the court of L'Aquila in via XX Settembre, trusting in a total review of the prison sentence, for the freedom of this our brother who wants to live and work in our city.
We claim The right to life for the Palestinian people and their exiles.
Promote The Aquila coordination for Palestine
First memberships:
Arab-Palestinian democratic union, young Palestinians of Italy,
Yeusef Salman (President of the Palestinian community Rome and Lazio),
Raniero La Valle (peace -ter-dignity), USB Abruzzo/Molise, Cobas
Abruzzo, Cgil Abruzzo/Molise, Italian Left, Power to the People
Abruzzo, party of the Communist Refoundation, the brave eagle,
ANPI, Anppia, Circolo Arci surencia L'Aquila, Women's Association
Terremutate, Abruzzo solidarity with Anan Yaeesh.