Featured image: March mobilizing for the International Working Women’s Day, Istanbul, 3 rd Since of Marce. So ends: Yes the Theocraon of the Theocratic the Theocratic the Theocratic Ministry.
Several activities for the International Working Women’s Day have been carried out by the New Democratic Women (Yeni Demokrat Kadın – YDK) in Istanbul. YDK will be in the streets with the slogan “ Liberation is not in the Male-Dominated Order, It is in Our Hands ” on this years 8 th of March.
The YDK have called women to join them on the 8 th of March by distributing dazibaos and leaflets in poor neighborhoods. Burning problems for women have also been brought up in studies in nine different neighborhoods.
On the 3 rd of March thousands of women gathered at the square of the Kadıköy district of Istanbul, and marched through the streets under the slogan “Struggle Against Poverty, Violence, Exploitation and War”. Several women’s organizations took part in the march, including the YDK. Slogans such as “The 8 th of March is red, it will stay red” as well as slogans in honor of revolutionary prisoners were shouted.
Demands were raised for the release of recently imprisoned political prisoners, including Partizan reader Arzu Aksakal, with the slogan “Let the dungeons be destroyed, freedom for the prisoners”. The crimes of the government in regards to the 2023 earthquake were denounced frequently. Photographs of women murdered or disappeared in the earthquake as well as women murdered as a result of patriarchal violence were carried. The struggle of women in the workplace and universities were also raised, as well as solidarity with those suffering from war and occupation around the world, and support of the struggle of the Saturday Mothers who have been demanding to learn the fate of those who have disappeared in custody of the old Turkish State.
We also share an unofficial translation of a statement by the YDK:
On the 8th of March 1857, 40,000 women weavers went on strike in New York, USA, demanding “equal pay for equal work”. In the fire that broke out during this strike, 129 women workers who were locked in the factory lost their lives.
The 1850s were years when labor movements were on the rise in the USA. Industrial workers were working under extraordinarily difficult conditions. Women led the working class of the period and went on strike to demand a reduction of the 16-hour workday to 10 hours, correction of inhumane working conditions, an increase in wages, and equal rights for women workers.
After this event, at the meeting of the women of the 2nd International (International Socialist Women’s Conference) in Copenhagen, Denmark, Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, leaders of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, proposed that the 8th of March should be International Women’s Day and the proposal was accepted.
Since then, women have been fighting for the demands put forward by the murdered weavers.
Women continued to be inspired by this history of resistance and took to the streets every 8th of March, despite all the pressure, difficult conditions and bans. All over the world, women have struggled and continue to struggle for their invisible, ignored and underpaid labor. As in other countries, women in Turkey, Kurdistan and the Middle East are taking to the streets and shouting their demands on the streets.
Today, women are being condemned to more poverty, which has been exposed by the deepening economic crisis on a global scale, and are being slaughtered by the wars going on around the world. The roads of migration become the roads of death for women. If they are not on the road, they are subjected to attacks such as harassment and rape in addition to poverty where they stay, and they are killed in their homes, workplaces and streets as a result of male violence.
Today, the fascist AKP-MHP bloc, the representative of the patriarchal State, constantly attacks women’s vested rights. These attacks have become even more reckless after the annulment of the Istanbul Convention, which was signed with the rising wave of women’s struggle and rebellion. Women who struggle for their rights and gains are also subjected to all kinds of violence by the patriarchal State.
In this geography, as in Palestine and Rojava, poor peoples, mostly women and LGBTI+s, are massacred in the wars waged by the imperialist-capitalist system in search of markets.
On the other hand, the blatant massacre of workers and nature in Erzincan İliç by the patriarchal State and its representatives AKP-MHP will cause serious problems in the region in the coming years. This massacre will place a new and heavy workload on the shoulders of women. Already today, women are worried about their future in the region, wondering what they can do for a healthier future for their children.
We saw a similar situation when the 6th of February Maraş earthquake turned into a massacre of hundreds of thousands of people. Women were forced to shoulder very heavy burdens for the survival of those left behind and are still trying to survive in the earthquake zone by shouldering burdens that are getting exponentially heavier.
In the wars caused by the sovereigns, the burden of the poor peoples, the burden of the massacre of nature and all living things through ecological massacres, the burden of the massacre of people, nature and living things in the region through the earthquake, and the burden of the poverty caused by the economic crisis are also placed on the shoulders of women. Just as their labor at home is ignored, the worth of the labor they create in workplaces and factories is decreasing day by day.
Despite all the countless burdens, women stubbornly and persistently do not give up their struggle all over the world. We women, with the burden of the world on our shoulders, with the weaving workers in our memory, persistently continue the struggle for freedom that we inherited and engraved in our consciousness despite all wars, massacres and attacks. We are in every moment of life and struggle, as in the resistance of Palestinian women, as in the resistance of Rojavan women against the war waged by the imperialist-capitalists and their lackey the Turkish State using all kinds of technology, as in the resistance of women who have been shouldering the invisible but increasing burden since the 6th of February, as in the resistance of women at Agrobay, Özak, Sputnik, Burda Bebek and in countless factories who claim their labor, which is ignored and seen as cheap labor, as in the resistance of women. We are also present in the struggle for survival against the violence, harassment and rape they are subjected to at home with the argument of the patriarchal State’s “sacred family”, and in the effort to organize in universities despite all oppression and attacks. We are also the ones who put a stop to the patriarchal State that hatefully tries to make our lives dependent on cotton threads with elevator massacres. We are the women and LGBTI+”s who do not withdraw from workplaces, workplaces, streets and action areas despite all attacks and ignoring. We will be on the streets this 8th of March as we are every 8th of March. We continue our march for freedom this 8th of March as well. We call on all women to take action on the streets to enlarge this march.
Long live 8th of March, long live women’s solidarity!
New democratic woman
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Let us strive hard to bury the Patriarchy for women emancipation. We are going to celebrate 114th International Working Women's Day at a time when on one hand Brahmanical Hindutva Fascism has spread its tentacles in every sphere of life , and on the other hand , Imperialism has intensified its exploitative measures on oppressed people and nations. Now we are under the yoke of two monstrous terrors . Brahmanical patriarchy is an Indian peculiar chamber of horrors. In a semi -colonial and semi -feudal society, where women are forced to live in this chamber of horrors then what is the value of constitution and fundamental rights. Women face multitudes of economic and extra economic exploitation s which goes unpunished and male domination barricade s it from the general sight of society. Whether it is the war -torn regions of West Asia, Palestine or in Ukraine or, whether it is in the garment factories of Dhaka, the valley of Manipur or the forest belts of central India, women everywhere is facing the burn of imperialist crises. In India, the condition of women is not sublime as propagated by the BJP fascist Narendra Modi. Brahmanical Hindutva Fascism with the support of Imperialism provides impetus strength to one of the most inhuman form of social h ierarchical system that transforms women into an object of 'pleasure' and exploitation. Finance capital for its valorization requires a unified market, cheap source of labor power and abundant natural resources. Women oppression in the age of moribund Ca pitalism is interrelated with finance capital autocracy . Unable to see this attached strings, will be like punching in the dark. There is no doubt that Capitalism in its free -trade; manufacturing period brought significant number of women from the dark dun geons of household to factories. Due to this unprecedented expansion of social production, working class women movements came on the scene that gave birth to subjectivity of women's rights movements. Capitalism wherever it got upper did away with some feu dal patriarchal values but Capitalism gave birth to new form of patriarchal values that devalue the labour of women. Bourgeois democracy that is based on glaring social and economic inequalities have failed to give complete equality to women (the half of t he human race) and to men. Bourgeois republic only in words it promises equality to women but it in reality sustains the oppressive patriarchy system that looks down on women. Capitalist society turns every object into commodity and women are not an except ion and actually she faces it many forms. Bourgeois deceitful phrases consoles women only in her imagination but in reality those phrases denies the existence of Individuality to women which leads absence of democratic rights. In Manuvadi system woman is c onsidered not as a free being. Right from birth to death she must be under the domination of male. Right to own productive forces especially land and right over reproduction sphere has been denied by the ruling classes in India. Pro-Imperialist and Feudal Comprador Bureaucratic Bourgeois policies of the BJP government have broken the back of women dignity and her democratic rights. Displacement due to corporate -driven development model has taken away all necessities of life fr om the marginali zed classes. Women and children particularly from the tribal communities who come under the PVTG are the worst sufferer of the problem of displacement in India . Casualization and contarctualization of the labor force in India proves to be an efficient means for the extraction of profits by Imperialist and CBB led development model of the Indian state. This led to the in -formalization of the workforce in the unorg anized sector that is significantly composed by cheap women workforce. Concentration and centralization of capital in the era of Imperialism has crossed the red marks. This again has brought havoc on the normal life of the
oppressed people especially of wo men. Lakhs of small scale industries were force to shut down during the 10 years of Modi -kaal. Consequence of it was the significant rise in the army of reserve labour. It was woman who has to carry the burden of unemployment under her head as majority of workforce in small scale industries are composed of women sex. As the source of income became miniscule due to apathetic economic condition , percentage of women trafficking and prostitution has raised its ugly h ead after the horrific lock down. All these factors are leading towards feminization of rural work force that reinforces Brahmanical patriarchy with more intensity. Sexual exploitation and economic exploitation of women goes hand in hand, due to social ills they are inseparable . At present most of the cheap agricultural labor is carried by women and at the same time they face sexual exploitation by landlords and moneylenders.According to the World Bank Labor Force participation Report (2022), only 24 percent of women in India are gainfully employ ed. Retrenchments of workforce from IT companies have become the norm in the time when capitalism is going through general crisis. Most of the retrenched employees in IT sectors are women employees. Even the wisdom of the IT giants that is based on finance capital is not free from patriarchy. This rightly proves that hegemony of capital in social production and the presence private ownership of production forces will continue the patriarchal domination in society. As per as Global Gender Gap parity report 2 023, India stands at 127th position out of 146 countries in gender parity index. There is no question of women empowerment until the country remains in the shackles of Imperialism. Economic crises intensify the patriarchal violence in society and it is est ablished by the fact that more than 4 lakh cases relating domestic violence is hanging in the courts. Today, illiteracy is highest among the women in India. Out of every 100 women, we can find more than 30 illiterate women. Due to commodification of educat ion that serves the education corporate giants, schooling right from elementary to higher studies are becoming out of reach for the downdrotten classes.The drop out rate from schools and colleges is also highest among the women. All these are the effects o f Pro -Imperialist and CBB policies of the BJP regime. As the General election of 2024 is itching closer, the ruling classes political parties has not left any stone unturned to cajole the masses for its electoral benefits that remains in the service of CB B and Imperialism. At this time it is the RSS - BJP which has taken the central stage for advertising its facade pro-women stand. RSS -BJP is extremely busy in propagating the so - called women empowerment policies (Nari Shakti Vandana) of Narendra Modi's gov ernment. Nothing can be more hilarious than to hear from the mouth of fascist about gender justice and women empowerment. Echoes of applause and reverence are being showered by liberal feminists on Narendra Modi for his outstanding effort to pass the women reservation bill from the house that was stuck -up for more than 27 years and for blocking the bill for long 27 years BJP -RSS had played prominent role. Lot of dust has already gathered over the women's reservation bill as it has taken long 27 years to arr ive at the present point. Still taking such a long protracted journey, it has finally turned into ineffective and contemptuous towards women gender. To include delimitation and census clause in the bill itself proclaims that BJP has no real interest in the bill. The act will come into effect "after an exercise of delimitation is undertaken for this purpose after the relevant figures for the first census taken after commencement of the Constitution (128 amendment) act have been published..." The BJP governm ent has not conducted 2021 census on many pretexts. The government is running without the knowledge of the facts about the socio -economic condition of
people. All its programs are nothing but talk in air; hence it carries not a single grain of truth but fallacious propaganda. It is been projected by the liberal feminists and RSS - BJP clans that this bill aspires to bring more women in the upper echelons of power that will promulgate pro -women policies and a gender just society. This is the ruling classes and fascist's treacherous design to cook consent for continuation of its hegemonic and coercive dominance over the masses. In socially and economically backward country like India, working class women, peasantry women and women from oppressed castes and co mmunities are the most exploited being in society. Both economic and social exploitation remains an integral part of women in India. Such exploitation of women is carried out under the guise of democracy and women empowerment. Imperialist - finance capitali sm has kept our country in shackles that has denied all forms of development. The Indian ruling classes in alliance with Imperialism has negated the democratic revolution that remains a necessary precondition to break the glass ceilings of patriarchy. As the entire Godi Media was masquerading about women's reservation act in its prime time show, a Dalit woman was stripped in public and then urinated by the upper caste just because she was unable to pay 1200 rupees of loan. Neither President of India who h appens to be woman nor any other political parties has been condemned the incident. But, India was celebrating pompously the women reservation act. Women are visible in every struggle, whether in the Aganwadi, whether in Kashmir, Manipur against terrorist Hindutva forces violence supported by Indian state, whether tribal women who are fighting against the corporatization and militarization in the central Indian forests areas , against CAA -NRC, in farmers protests, in struggle against Hindutva fascism, in struggle against Imperialism, women are inner shell of all these democratic movements. All these movements are by women from various spheres of life are part and parcel of women empowerment. These are all class -struggles and without class - struggles against feudali sm, Comprador Bureaucratic Bourgeois and Imperialism there can be no question of women empowerment. Real democratization of Indian society is only possible when the base for semi -feudal and semi -colonial exploitation is rooted out forever. To accomplish th is task "Every cook must become politician. Only then can social revolution be victorious." Dear sisters and Comrades , Since last four de cades, Dandakryan women are fighting against loot and plunder of natural resources by the corporate classes. They have resisted white terror fascist Salwa Judum Campaign, Operation Green - Hunt, Operation Samadhan and now they are bravely putting up a fight against newly launched Operation Kagaar (Final War). The Indian ruling classes with the support of imperialist masters have deployed thousands military forces in the J ungles, along with war tanks, military drones, c hoppers and other war mechanisms. All these are because the grass - root tribal politically consolidated women is striving for their rights over their forests. They are fighting against the fascist Indian Brahmanical State for a just and equal society. They are in all productive works and are the blood - line of revolutionary alternative people's political power organs. They are breaking the chains of patriarchy with new democratic cultural practices. Women 's movement of Dandakaryana is creating a new chapter in the
revolutio nary history o f human species . It is a source of inspiration for the downtrodden class and oppressed masses. For that reason, the Indian ruling classes are desperate to crush the revolutionary women's movement in Dan dakaryana with iron heels. It is imperative to protect and strengthen the Dandakaryana women's movement in order to nail the coffin of Hindutva Fascism. Rela Mad kam , Adivasi Women 's Organization (Bastar).
To know the origin of 8M, we recommend seeing our previous publication available in the following link:
In the urban center of one of the rural towns of the Mataquito Valley, Maule Region, a detachment of the People's Revolutionary Front (FRP) painted the following slogan:
Long live on March 8, International Day of Women's Women!
India, the activist and former Saibaba university professor was acquitted again
The March 5 Bombay's Alta Court acquitted Gokarakonda Naga Saibaba, ex professor of the University of Delhi, from the accusation of having links with An outlaw Maoist organization.
AND At the end, at the end, a judicial persecution lasting ten years, determined only by Saibaba's positions against the Violence and discrimination suffered by Dalit and Native Communities of India.
Saibaba he had been arrested in 2014 and sentenced, three years later, to life imprisonment Pursuant to the repressive law on the prevention of activities illegal.
After one mobilization of Amnesty International and numerous groups of the Indian civil society, had been acquitted of all charges in 2022, but the Supreme Court had canceled the sentence, postponing the case to the upper Bombay court for a review.
General strike March 8 International Women's Day
Protest sit -in 8 March from 11.30 am via Maqueda Metropolitan city - We invite you to unite
We are precarious social workers of Palermo of Palermo personal hygienic assistants, who deal with students and students of high schools, qualified OSS and OSA, is a sector by majority women, the working condition has worsened year by year, increasingly precarious, years It is the contracts were biennials, now we are also at the extension of months, a condition of work instability and life, you cannot make projects, you cannot make decisions because you never know if the extension will be made ... as precarious we have organized ourselves for years union With the Slai Cobas for SC and we have first fought in these years against the cuts in jobs and resources by the region/metropolitan city increasingly falcidiate by stepping through every law in force in this country for which these services are instead defined mandatory and essential , and today with the Meloni government that cut millions of euros for the disabled fund, the situation has worsened ... Then there are almost paradoxical aspects that affect us as precarious and women, for example the so -called "genre" issue, a assignment of users to the operators imposed by the metropolitan city contracting to the coops since last year on the basis of the "genre" and in front of an audience of disabled students under male majority in this city, the precarious ones remain out of work because the coops are obliged to hire men, On the part of the de facto institutions it is also an ideological fury against the women we are denouncing ... we have been struggling for years starting with wages not paid by some coops for the fact that being women and being maintained by husbands, companions ... we women could Wait compared to the men who had to have precedence, but on this with the struggle for months, today we are paid as it is right that it is like male colleagues but it remains that wages are low, 24 hours per week are made but the days are not counted in which pupils are absent, when there are the suspensions of the lessons, etc. and in any case the maincarts always try even trying to deny us basic rights such as parental leave or holidays for example ...
We have always actively participated in the strike of 8 March trying to connect with the other workers on strike, first of all bringing the whole denunciation of the condition of exploitation and oppression that we live in the workplace but also the problems we live as women, we are women with Children to whom all the care work is downloaded, separated, single, we do not arrive at the end of the month, we also do double, triple jobs even in black to raise a salary if you can say decent, some precarious have also undergone violent family situations of husbands who also tried to prevent her from struggling but we have made unity on this by actively supporting them for example in the difficult path of separating and on this having a job is important ... At the strike of March 8 we bring the whole protest and fight against the masters , the government, today it is necessary to fight against this Meloni government that is not at all "to be a woman's size" as Meloni would say, a government that is giving more and more free hand to the liberalization of contracts and is increasingly for war and always allocates More money for military expenses ... as precarious in Palermo we are also suffering a trial for struggles to defend the work and against the cuts, reported by the metropolitan city during an action of fighting the palace today we are facing this process with courage and deception Because we also mean this process as a struggle ... this too we bring to the strike of this March 8 by connecting to all the workers, precarious, precarious of the social and to all the workers, the workers, precarious, unemployed, women, companions who hold this March 8 The weapon of the strike or who would like to strike them despite themselves but cannot do it ... because our double struggle leftovers and why our life really has to change! A strongly solidarity thought to Palestinian women and all exploited and oppressed women who resist and also fight in the world.
Precarious social coop palermo slai cobas sc palermo
And therefore this year on March 8 it must be - and it will also be - a mobilization with the strike of women at the center, a large mobilization that will be in every city, from North to South, in the center, in every place of I work, in every neighborhood, in every sector in which women work in an increasingly exploited, increasingly discriminated, increasingly oppressed way.
We want to place two realities at the center of this March 8. On the one hand, the reality of the workers, of the workers who in recent months, in this past year but which will continue in a very heavy situation in which the loss of jobs is becoming an almost normal way that above all is also involving the workers of the greats factories. At the same time, beyond the data and complaints that appear in the newspapers, the condition of enormous, waged differences, of tasks and rights of the workers, falls further and lower.
But despite this, in recent months even the workers, the workers, have never stopped fighting and do not stop, cannot be stopped.
Often their struggles, their needs, their conditions, are not visible, are not the subject of news of the mass media or when they are used to break data, to make commitments every now and then, without then these commitments being made in the least.
Indeed, the problem that what is happening to the condition of proletarian women contains all the oppressions a little, all the attacks that are towards the set of women and we would also say towards the set of workers and popular masses.
Women continue more and more to be discriminated against salary, while doing the same job, carrying out the same duties as men, continue to take less.
Those who in the press, but also by the masters, by the squalid government ministers, raise these wage discrimination as well as the discrimination with respect to the working possibilities of those who have a stable and not ultra precarious work, they do it with a purpose that worsens The solution, as when some journalists related to the mastery, say to raise wages to stop denatality. So the purpose of these complaints, of these "solutions" to working women is not to improve their condition, but what if they take the most, perhaps they will do more children, and there is no talk of the problem of how to keep any children.
The whole campaign on the birth rate, to make more children, is expressly linked to the fact that women must return to play a central role for this bourgeois system, to a central role that sees them busy playing children, engaged in the home /assistance of the family. So anything but to meet the needs, to the absolutely fundamental needs of proletarian women but make them go back, make them go to a modern Middle Ages where the problem is that if women have children are "weighed"+ also for the miserable bonuses, for the incentives to the masters if they take women who have 2, 3 children etc.
Instead women who have no children or are sun, these have no right, they are not considered almost people.
This condition of women, a condition that is not only practice, but which is ideological and cultural, etc., is going to tandem with an increase in sexual violence, feminicides.
It can be said that now the data and statistics that were a year ago of one in three women killed, in reality they are clearly increasing, are overcome by a low intensity war that sometimes affects the workers, as often in the last Femicides took place.
And how does the government respond to this? The government responds with more police above all, with more secular measures that do not solve at all, that they do not slow down the feminicides at all. Indeed, let's not forget that even among the last feminicides - for example those of Latina - these, but many others also were committed by men of the armed forces, by policemen, finance guards, etc.
So, together with the campaign for the birth rate, to have children, arms to be exploited, new arms for capital and above all arms, meat, for wars that gradually increase and increases the role of our imperialism, Italian imperialism, then this It goes together with the attack on the right of abortion on which there are some signs but also the future is really black.
All this is a fascist use that produces, feeds a modern patriarchy of hateful males who react by killing, when women do not want to be submitted, when they want to break the ties.
But we in this March 8th we want that there is not only the complaint, the anger for all that is falling on women, on the condition of life in particular of the most exploited and more oppressed women, of poor women, but we want to bring an element of rebellion, of struggle, of confidence in the possibility of not passively suffering all this, but of being able to fight, of being able to defend itself immediately from the measures, from politics, from the ideology, from the attacks that are on the agenda, but above all fight for overturn this reality, because all life must change, overturn it with the only possible weapon also for women - indeed even more so for women - with the weapon of the proletarian revolution, in which women bring, precisely for their condition , not an oppression, but total oppression as such, bring an extra gear.
And in this the workers, the workers, are the center of this battle, because they are together and know the value of the unitary struggle, they know the value of the strength and therefore they are the ones who have more interest, more possibilities, to take one in hand Collective struggle and therefore must go beyond the trade union struggles that already do with the disputes to carry on a general struggle that is also avant -garde and example for all women.
At the same time this March 8 is an internationalist March 8, it is March 8 who is fully from the side of Palestinian women.
This March 8 Palestinians are at the center of solidarity by Italian and women from all countries.
Palestinian women are massacred to tens and tens of thousands, they are 70%, together with the children, of the deaths from the genocide that continues undaunted to carry on the Nazi Zionist state of Israel. But at the same time these women massacred, hungry, who see their children killed under the bombs or died of hunger, from thirst, due to lack of medicines, who cannot give birth because the hospitals are bombarded, who are forced to abort on the street, However, these women carry on a resistance that is truly an example for all the women of each country and for us.
In this sense, we want to strengthen our support - and on March 8 this must be concrete and visible - participating, bringing this solidarity to every strike of women, in every initiative/mobilization and where it is possible, especially in the North, in Milan , in Lombardy, bring it visually to the new event that will be there for Palestine on March 9th.
We think that the link between the struggle women, the workers in the first place and the Palestinian women, and because it is because it is our Meloni government, are more concrete, they are our owners who build weapons above all, which are the accomplices and the managers of the genocide in Palestine. These monsters, as our lives use for their profits, their reactionary, racist, repressive plans, to prevent the freedom of us women in this country are the same ones who want to crush the Palestinian people and women. The struggle of Palestinian women, therefore, is our struggle, helps us against this putrefied system, it is the struggle of us working women, it is also the struggle of Palestinian women, because it weakens our imperialist monsters.
Here, all this will be the center for us on March 8th. The companions, the workers of the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement in the cities in which they are present will make the strike of the workers, in particular in the factories and in the various jobs, as well as other initiatives.
This year we are actually focusing the most important initiative in Milan/Bergamo, both as regards the factories, the workers, who have also continued to fight both in recent months as regards solidarity with Palestinian women. So in this sense we appeal to all workers, workers and women to take this important March 8 in their hands.
And then we will continue more and more, and even more, to fight.
Here we would like to publish a leaflet of the Volks (ADRV) Democratic Rights, which was written on the occasion of March 8, 2024, the International Frauenkampftag.
Click here for the link: "Action for democratic rights of the people"
The leaflet for download:
March 8, 2024: For a revolutionary women's movement!
Women's murders, inflations, upgrading ... for a revolutionary women's movement!
When five women, including a 13-year-old girl, were murdered on February 23, the media outcry was great. Thick crocodile tears were shed by the rulers for those who are otherwise not interested. A hypocrisy with certainly further bloody consequences! It is the policies of the rulers who worsen the situation of women, further forces them depending on them and thus prepares the soil. Only the revolutionary merger and fight against these conditions will bring improvements.
Equality and patriarchy
The struggle for equality between women through the law was correct and necessary. At the same time, we are shown every day that this formal equality has not eliminated the oppression of the woman. Why? Because the cause of women's suppression, the patriarchy, is closely linked to the modern capitalist exploitation system and the position of women in society is suppressed. The law of the ruling cannot bring us a complete equality and liberation! The necessity of the revolutionary struggle against patriarchy and capital, which is the focus of March 8, is therefore not a mere appearance of the past, but more current than ever.
Taxes and wage robbery
It is no coincidence that the deterioration in the social and economic situation of the population goes hand in hand with increasing violence against women. The wages were pushed down so far that the care and care of the children, the rent, electricity and gas costs, etc. ... are no longer available for many. A situation that makes the "own four walls" into a bubbling boiler. And instead of lifting the wages accordingly, the women are forced into an alms' policy that is supposed to make them dependent on grants and "sugar". One thing is certain: if no fight against these deterioration is run, the level of life will be reduced even further.
Use upgrading, warming and militarization
The rulers in Austria and the EU upgrade and fuel agitations between the peoples. They want to pull us into wars and explain we would have to defend the "western values" while they roll down our social and democratic rights. You explain to us we only have to choose the "right" party, all bourgeois parties are part of the mandatory and oppression apparatus- they all participate in one or the other form of upgrading and militarization. All of this shows us together, weighing and fighting against upgrading and war sheds!
For a revolutionary women's movement!
This March 8th is also demonstrated in many cities in Austria for the "defense of democracy" and against the "right rate". However, the women's movement must not be degraded to the appendix of the "liberal" faction of the rulers (such as SPÖ or Greens), which are currently using this slogan as a campaign sparkling. Which "democracy" should we defend? The democracy and social reduction of recent years under black and green? Should we defend the so -called "democracy" of the rulers, which means increasing oppression and exploitation for the population, and especially for women? No! The more democratic and social fundamental rights are restricted, the further away the emancipation of women. The defense and expansion of the democratic rights of the people are needed, but this will only be enforced in the revolutionary struggle against the prevailing class.
Down with patriarchy and capital: for a revolutionary women's movement!
For free and nationwide childcare!
Against inflation - for raising wages!
Against upgrading and war sheds: for the restoration of neutrality!
Against NATO and EU: down with imperialism!
By real equality for women
Only the revolution He will give it, we are for the emancipation of the woman but that's part of the entire revolution and is part of the emancipation of the proletariat; Therefore, it will be Fully in communism, they must undoubtedly come, so says the thesis, according to the Marxism The emancipation of women is part of emancipation of the proletariat, that is when there will be the full equality before life, m They will be jumps that will give; Thus, desire is one thing, reality is another, the other is not seeing the reality, that's what Marxism says, it is not enough because we could give a decree :
full legal equality, but it will not be carried out until communism equality before the Life, that's the fact. That distinguished Lenin well, said: “One thing is equality before the law, guarantee the equality of man and woman, and another thing equality before life ”, and said that the problem is that women fight for their own emancipation and can only do so within emancipation From the proletariat, there is no other way to do it.
With the appearance of classes, which marks the beginning of the exploitation, the oppressive weight on women also began; From a slave to Servant, from Servant to Obrera. Until today, where there are exploiters, the woman is sojuzgada and this situation can only end when the classical basis of oppression falls.
From the feminine slavery of yesterday to today's formal equality, mediate centuries of quiet and tenacious struggle or mass violence that started conquests in battles without barracks. The society develops in the midst of the class struggle and the masses in combat make it progress.
The progress of women has been and is the advance of the people. But they have not been passive beneficiaries, but combatant sisters and determined fighters of the cause of the oppressed and militants of the front row; The trenches of the town everywhere also carry the indelible footprints of their blood. The woman is not, as they say apolitical and indifferent; The woman is, especially that of the people, revolutionary combatant.
The daughters of the oppressed classes, workers, peasants and workers have given glorious names that decorate the emancipatory deeds of the masses: Rosa Luxembourg and Liu Ju-Lan, are examples of the international revolutionary struggle and in our Micaela Bastidas town.
It is that woman is not a simple passive being, neither domestic or apolitical adornment instrument; The woman with class consciousness is an indefatigable and militant fighter.
The Peruvian woman has also been and is a popular combatant, and as part of our people, she has fought with him throughout our history; The woman's struggle of our homeland has its synthesis: Micaela Bastidas.
Today's women suffer oppression and exploitation and they have a cause: the semicolonial and semi -feudal situation of our country; Situation that weighing as mountains about our people redouble their weight on the feminine masses of Peru.
In this society whose masses rise against imperialism and feudalism, women are taking combat location and release their clear war cry to join the roar shout of our people. The struggle of the Peruvian woman is part of the struggle of the oppressed and exploited people and their enemies are the same. His common struggles and his final success incontestable and necessary will also be the same triumphant and liberating success.
While the Peruvian woman has never stopped fighting the times, demand their broader and deeper participation.
Today when the ruling classes deepening capitalism dependent on imperialism in the country; When applying anti -democratic and verticalist conceptions, it is aimed at organizing the masses with corporatist molds denials of the principle of class struggle; Today, when the female mobilization and organization is encouraged outside the popular struggle and in favor For the class mobilization of Peruvian women, at the service of the democratic-national revolution.
This task will be fulfilled in substantial principles:
- It is only possible to fulfill a consistent and firm revolutionary role following the invincible light of Mariátegui's thought.
- The masses free themselves and they must serve them to become aware of their creative role in history.
- In our country the masses to which we must go are the workers and peasants mainly, and always orienting us to the poorest and most exploited
- To mobilize and organize it is necessary to investigate and propagandize; This is to know the concrete problems of the masses and develop in the midst of revolutionary agitation and propaganda.
- We must organize in all forms that the proletariat has created and developed. The woman must participate in all of them.
- Women can only be organized correctly if they do so following a class principle to group women based on their class position.
- Without clear and fair political awareness there is no soul, this is to follow the laws of popular struggle in our homeland.
- Starting from the fundamental and primary needs of the masses to raise step by step, through struggle, political consciousness, start from the most concrete needs and problems of the majorities and raise them politically.
- The revolutionary struggle can only succeed by joining all the oppressed peoples and classes, but the main thing is to rely on their own efforts.
- Under these principles, to fulfill the objective of class mobilization of Peruvian women, the popular female movement of Ayacucho determines its effort, tenacity and struggle to join other similar ones, create and develop the popular movement of our country as a movement generated by the proletariat in the female masses, with three characteristics: 1) adhered to Mariátegui's thought; 2) as a class mass organization, and 3) subject to democratic centralism.
Popular female movement
Stating that the peoples of the world are truly friends and international conflicts are conflicts of interest of imperialists, also in the bowels of the beast, within the "territory" of gringo imperialism, there are continuously expressions of proletarian internationalism supporting the liberation struggles National of the Peoples of the World.
We take as an example only two expressions of this, although there is a lot that we could see. There are marches and pro-palestinian rallies, there are struggles against militarization to the interior and exterior such as the "police city" that we recently reported here .
Today we want to underline Aaron Bushnell's self-saving. This young man of just 25 years was an active member of the American Air Force and decided to give his life according to his principles instead of the interests of gringo imperialism. This is the second person in the last three months who performs something similar in an act of protest. The first was a woman who was immolated during a pro-palestine protest on December 1. Its history is generally poorly known and censored; Neither his name nor health status were published. Aaron on the other hand published his reasons in a live broadcast saying before caught fire in front of the embassy of the Zionist entity: “[…] I will not be an accomplice in genocide. I will perform an act of extreme protest, but compared to what the Palestinian people have been experiencing at the hands of their colonizers is not extreme in any way. This is what our ruling class decided will be normal. " Then, the worthy soldier comes from getting an flammable liquid and burning. While he burned he kept screaming “Free Palestine !! "Free Palestine!" , like this until falling.
His attitude is exemplary in matters of self-absence, internationalism and spirit of sacrifice. The forces of heroic Palestinian national resistance also recognize it that way.
In this regard, Hamas declared :
“ […] The US government, President Joe Biden has the complete responsibility for the death of Aaron Bushnell, due to his policy that supports the Nazi-orsionist entity in his genocidal war against our Palestinian people, by He gave his life to expose the massacres and ethnic cleansing sionist against our people in the Gaza Strip.
The heroic pilot Aaron Bushnell will be immortal in the memory of our Palestinian people and the free peoples of the world, and as a symbol of global humanistic solidarity with our people and their fair cause.
The tragic incident that cost the pilot Bushnell his life is an expression of growing anger among the US people who reject the country's policy that contributes to the murder and genocide of our people. They reject the violation of global humanitarian values by the Government, giving coverage to guarantee the impunity of the Nazi entity and its bosses of punishment and accounting. ”
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and who despite its ideological limitations is the most progressive force among heroic national resistance also stressed:
“ The act of self-shaped by Palestine of an American soldier is the highest sacrifice and medal, and a message sharp to the American administration to end its cover-up in the aggression. […]
The front sends a message to Arab soldie The confrontation in support of Palestine and its people who being killed, besieged and hungry in full view and ear of the world, only a few kilometers from the Arab countries and meters of the border. ”
The American monopolistic media on the other hand are trying to hide their sacrifice by declaring it suicide, denying their political and protest character. The Zionist embassy on the other hand commented that they have no injuries, without mentioning the deceased. The reaction of security personnel is also expressive, pointing a gun to him before trying to turn off the fire later.
As another example is the recent action of the companions in Austin, Texas, who made a rally in front of the German embassy in solidarity with the colleagues attacked and detained at the beginning of January in Berlin during a march that year after year honors the memory of The comrades Lenin, Luxembourg and Liebknecht ( LLL ). After the facts, the German and Turks who formed the red contingent in the march with the participation of Norway and Malta, They denounced The brutal police attack and political detention of at least 16 activists. The pretext for repression was the thriving solidarity of some contingents within the march with the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people and the use of the slogan "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!" , which is qualified by the German imperialist government as "support for terrorism" due to state prohibitions against everything that smells like solidarity with Palestine. During the repression the German police tried to kill a veteran partner in the movement. The march defended courageously leaving 21 injured agents. To the current date 15 detainees have been released, but a partner is still hostage in a dungeon of the reaction.
Both samples of solidarity and internationalism allow us to see with hope the continued struggle of the progressive masses and the true Democrats, who together with the communists who struggle to reconstitute the party of the working class in the US that oppresses another cannot be free. Therefore the importance of both examples.
The struggle of the US people against the US imperialist government has given bright samples of combativeness against police brutality and imperialist militarism, reflecting that the general crisis of imperialism is exacerbating in all parts of the world, including North America, where also The rise of the class struggle is seen.
President Mao teaches us: "Internationalism is the spirit of communism" And the masses assume it correctly with their actions within the jaws of the imperialist Yankee Beast.
The mass block of racing movements, student resistance and teacher movements moved to the Philellinon and from there to the square where it is now.
The different versions of the letter sent by Lula to the National Congress, as part of compliance with the law that obliges the federal agent to account for “government plans' at the beginning of the legislature, indicated how Lula sought to maneuver economic discourse to make up the fall From the economy in 2024, he once again accepted the requests of the reactionary military and, finally, almost expressly admitted the exchange of unbridled positions with the "centrão".
The final text was delivered to parliamentarians in early February. Before him, two versions were written, with contributions from all ministries. The first was delivered on December 23, 2023, another on January 24, 2024.
Estadão Press Monopoly journalist Francisco Leali accessed the different versions using the Access to Information Act and released excerpts in his March 8 column. Already the full final text, entitled “Message to the National Congress of 2024”, It is available on the internet .
In the economy, Lula's team struggled to deliberately camouflage or suppress the excerpts that indicated a worsening in the economic scenario in 2024.
In the first text, the Ministry of Finance made references expressed to the “slowdown in growth to 2.2%”. In clearest words: falling the economy by 2.2%. The “fall in families consumption” was also included among the difficulties of the year.
Already in the January version, both parties were excluded. In this second text, Haddad's team, now in a more inaccurate tone, addressed the difficulties that the country would pass from the scenario of international crisis, expressed in the “turmoil in global financial markets” and the “uncertainties” of the Chinese economy.
The version was again changed as delivered to Parliament. In the final text, in addition to the suppression of the fall of GDP, the Chinese crisis also disappeared. In its place, they entered the government's self-phase, which insisted on “GDP growth” in 2023 and the drop in prices. Malandly, the government avoided saying that GDP was mostly pulled by agribusiness - therefore, without reflexes in improving the quality of life of the people - and avoided prices that increased brutally by 2023 and will continue to grow by 2024, such as energy electric.
According to Francisco Leali, the Brazilian reactionary military began writing their text even before the formal request of the Civil House. Múcio, besides having triggered all sectors of the Ministry of Defense to write the document, also passed the pen to the commanders of the three forces.
Rook, the commanders did not spare at the time of requirements. When the Civil House made the formal request, he requested that he had "about five pages." Múcio delivered nine. The government, submissive to the reactionary military since assuming, has maintained most of the document in full . Among the requirements of the millicada are “strategic projects” for both the army and the aeronautics.
In addition to asking, the commanders also took advantage of creative freedom to hide their own failures of 2023 . Among the “military operations of support for the Brazilian population” highlighted by them is Operation Yanomami, “with the following actions: i) air transportation of food baskets; and ii) aeromedical evacuation of indigenous people ”.
Neither the government nor the commanders nor Múcio remembered to mention in the report that until June last year, 50% of the baskets had not been delivered. They also avoided mentioning that the year closed with an increase in Yanomami deaths, perhaps precisely for the inoperability of the military, on the one hand, and the government, on the other.
Another passage altered by the government concerns the "centron". Lealli revealed that, in the first version of December of the text, the government stressed that it sought “excellence in the formation of the Ministries teams” and that “the initiative also seeks to expand the dialogue between political agents and government agencies”.
Here, the wit has rendered again: “Excellence in the teams of Ministries” is raised, but nothing says about the insertion of André Fufuca (PP-MA) in the Ministry of Sports only because it was the requirement of the centron for the approval of the framework Supervisor. Or the appointment, for the same reasons, by Silvio Costa Filho, a training educator and career politician, in the port and airport ministry portfolio, created only for the “take it-in-life”. Is this the “interlocution between political agents and government agencies”?
Both parties were suppressed in the official version, which does not mean that the practice of exchanging positions for favors will end. It just is not convenient to make explicit mention to her.
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On Sunday, February 25, New Epoque was able to cover a demonstration of support for the Palestinian national resistance which took place in the popular district of Montreynaud.
This demonstration was held on the call of the "Gaza United" committee. Members of the LJR took part in this demonstration, during which they brought the struggle for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, communist prisoner and fighter for Palestine imprisoned in France.
Indeed, in attacking the 40th year of detention of Georges Abdallah, the unitary campaign for the release of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah (Cupplgia) called for an international month of action from March 4, with as a point culminating demonstration in Lannemezan, in front of the high security prison in which the political prisoner is locked up.
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“Stop Now” demonstration at the Senate Square on Thursday 1.2. Photo: Ivan Bessedin / IS
Wednesday 6.3. A number of SAK unions reported extensive actions that the press has called a "lacquer bomb" or "lacquer" or other one of the other names. Unlike previous strike activities, the actions reported last as much as two weeks (March 11 - March 24) are very centrally targeted at the Finnish export industry. At the same time, SAK offers more open compromise.
The strikes have been reported by the SAK Automobile and Transport Workers' Union ACP, the Public and Welfare Association JHL, the Industry Association, the Electricity Association and the Service Trade Union PAM and the STTK Trade Union Pro. SAK says in her announcement in his announcement : “Actions are targeted at export and imports in ports and track. There are also large industrial plants and distribution terminals. About 7,000 employees are covered by the lacquer of key areas. ” Of these 7,000 employees, 4,000 are covered by the Industrial Federation.
This is in high contrast. For example, the Industrial Union has only 11 strike sites. By comparison, there were 753 laconic offices in mid -February, and according to the Finnish Industry Association, the strike was about 60,000 industrial employees.
At the heart of the strike is three unions: the Industrial Federation, which includes 11 production plants (four companies: fluid, Okmetic, Outokumpu and SSAB factories), and the ACP, which closes the trade ports, and the JHL whose strike concerns the passage of goods on track. Other unions play a very helpful and secondary role. For example, pam is reported that it "supports the strikes and has decided that service workers will also strike on the strikes of these unions". Larger lacquer -loading unions also financially assist the load -bearing federations.
A two -week strike sounds like a powerful effort, what image is supported by the rhetoric used in some bourgeois press and from the mouth of the government and the bourgeois unions. But in fact, it's not that dramatic.
Confederation of Finnish Industries EK tells that the price tag for reported strikes will be estimated at EUR 320 million. The price tag for the previous strike in February evaluated 380 million, while summarizing that the total amount of the strikes reported until then will rise to nearly one billion. In other words, for the price tag, the latest strike round is, according to EK estimates, lighter for companies.
Also, on the employee side, the attack is more moderate. For all sectors, the figures become less accurate and the invoices are more complicated, so we are just about the Industrial Federation, which has been the most important unions at all stages. If 4,000 people are on strike for 10 days (because the week of work is 5, not 7 days), a total of 40,000 working days will be lost due to the strike. In the last round, the industry had a 3-day strike, which covered 60,000 employees-so on working days, 180,000 working days were talked about (though the strikes are of course not accommodated or will be realized to that extent). With such mathematics, the strikes of the last strike of the Industrial Federation were 4.5 times bigger than the upcoming round.
It is very much to talk about that SAK and STTK on Thursday 1.2. 13,000 people participated in the "stop now" demonstration, while the strike (or at least its "key areas") comprises only 7,000 people.
Undoubtedly, a motive can be money. In the last round, the Industrial Association paid its members a strike grant of EUR 100. The 180,000 working days would thus make EUR 18 million. Now the Industrial Federation is reported That it costs € 166 for each 14 days, so it would make for 4,000 people over 9 million. In other words, the strike grants paid by the Industrial Federation drop to half the last round. In this sense too, the actions of the unions are more moderate.
Thus, the latest strikes are seen in the federations with a retreat while the strikes are concentrated in the export industry, which bourgeois economists consider to be a locomotive in the Finnish economy (according to Marxism, this is at most a partiality, since in imperialism, financial capital has a dominant position compared to other forms of capital).
But it is far from Marxism if it is stared at the fact that strikes look like an ingenious power of the powerful tactically where they would have the most felt most. Marxist tactics are not based on the fact that a small number of people make a cunning movement, but is based on mobilizing troops. And specifically for the troops, the deepest and widest troops at this point completely cropped outside of strikes. The strikes are the highest proportion of workers' aristocracy. Is this a sign of strength or weakness?
Let us remember how Lenin quotes Engels and confronts each other with a poor, declining labor -and -linguistic and strong, rising ground floor: “In a letter dated April 19, 1890:“ Movement (working -class movement in England) progresses to the surface layer lower and, according to the increasingly wider layers and besides, mostly lowest (italics in the Engels) of the troops that have so far been in place and are no longer far away the day when those troops find themselves , that makes it clear that they themselves are that gigantic mobility troops. ” March 1891: “The failure of the broken union of port workers,“ old ”, conservative Trade Unions, which are rich And just for that reason, they are left alone on the battlefield "… September 14, 1891: The Old Unionists, 8-hour working days, were won at the Trade Unions' Newcast Congress," Even the bourgeois magazines recognize bourgeois loss "(italics everywhere in Engels)…" (imperialism and dispersion of the socialist movement). And so on, and so on.
In this context, we want to remind the red flag of February from the conclusion : “When Orpo's government and trade unions go to the negotiating table and reach a compromise, it is a compromise similar to the Sipilä Kiky Agreement-in other words, an agreement against the working class, which the unions must make a false“ victory ”. To this end, and as part of their general function, yellow trade unions need to break down the optimism, victory and confidence of the troops in their own forces. This psychological operation is already underway at a full pace, with workers who require a general strike, or generally only a harder line, by the federal bosses that tougher extracts will weaken the position. ”
It is this pacifization of troops that appears more clearly in SAK's lacquer tactics.
Bag: a compromise site
On Tuesday in the press release SAK lists 5 examples of things it has been ready to negotiate with the government. Jarkko Eloranta, Chairman of SAK tells SAK had had discussions behind the scenes with the government, and that in these discussions, "we have come well over the Pitkänsilta against the government's goals, but there has been no desire to continue discussing, nor in compromise thoughts go beyond it."
Of course, we do not know what SAK and the government have discussed behind the scenes, until sometimes, maybe years later, someone in the discussions remembers things to the public. But we know which five things SAK himself wants to say: 1. The reduction of earnings -related cuts to certain groups; 2. The fact that local agreement can be made primarily by a shop steward and, in the second, a trustee or a whole personnel, but not "other"; 3. The regulation of local agreement, especially in companies that do not have a trade union representative; 4. No adventure of adult education allowance; 5. Taking political strikes to the relativeity of the Labor Court.
What kind of compromise do they tell? Let's start with the easiest, the second example-the Minister of Labor Arto Satonen (co) said the same evening in the A-studio that "the rest" has been removed from the local agreement (is the claim true, seen when the draft proposal is given to Parliament and thus publicity; currently in the consultation). The third example, in turn, is primarily a question of securing the interests of yellow federal centers to chain troops. The fourth example is also related to the special stresses of the unions, as adult education support is provided by a joint employment fund for trade unions and bourgeois unions; This is a detail related to Finnish professional corporatism. The fifth example is also the same because it itself - restricting political strikes - does not change, but only the instance that decides; The Labor Court is reminded of SAK, as 4 of its 16 members are appointed by bourgeois unions and 4 trade unions, while the government wants to restrict the strikes by law and not by a corporate court.
Thus, one of the five examples could be acknowledged as a matter where the government has agreed to compromise, and three are those in which SAK defends his own corporate interests, while trying to disguise it into something "public benefit". For example, adult education support is part of a broader education policy issue with a red flag placed In its context, presenting the following crystallization: "Finnish imperialism, under the guidance of major cities, strives for the forefront of new technology to grow as the living standards decline everywhere." This - but the most important thing for SAK is the adult education allowance handled by the bourgeois unions.
At a quick glance, however, in the first example, SAK would indeed be on the deepest and widest troops, as it explains: "Surgery of earnings -related unemployment insurance must be reduced to low -wage, families with children and the elderly." First of all, this fine compromise allows the government to hit the listed groups, as "this can be accomplished, for example, by transferring a daily allowance to a subsequent staggering, partially restoring the children's elevations and facilitating the chances of the elderly." Let us repeat, "transferring later," "by partially", "by facilitating opportunities". This means that SAK accepts the cuts on these, but hopes that they will be targeted even slightly less.
But even more interesting is that SAK will grab that, a little, perhaps populist, when the government itself has stated in its government program its own leading labor market leadership so clearly: "It is the duty of the working capacity and working age to participate in the labor market and make it possible to improve their working capacity and labor market position." And SAK sticks to one stem or rather a small detail from the stem!
Lenin has taught me to make a difference between compromises and compromises: "Every proletar has experience with strikes, experience with" compromises "with hated oppressors and exploiters, and workers have had to work without any improvement or partial satisfaction. The crowdfight and the sharp escalation of class oppositions in modern times helps every proletar to notice in which compromise is forced by objective circumstances (when the strikers of the strikers are poor when not getting help from otherwise hungry and starved) and does not reduce the faith of such compromise The revolution and their knowledge continues the battle in which such a compromise differs from the trades made by the traitors, the traitors who defend their selfish selfish self -benefit (also lacquer crippers make a "compromise"!), Fearing, humble desire to serve capitals , persuasive, bribe and flattering… "(" Leftism "as pediatric disease in communism). It is obvious, as a strange compromise, we consider the compromise driven by SAK.
Spots of compromise?
For all SAK compromise proposals, the government will not agree, and it would undoubtedly be a strange compromise if SAK could get its own compromise proposal as such.
It is noteworthy, however, that Satonen leaves the door open to compromises. Tuesday 5.3. The A-studio reporter asked him, “Eloranta would like to go there [Friday's tripartite debate] other things [other than the pay model]. Is this just theater now? Do you have some kind of concessions or arrival? ”
To this, the Minister of Labor replied, “Well as I said, of course, this is also the details of the local agreement. Such a final government proposal has not yet been made. Of course, there are some details of what can be viewed. Of course, these peace of mind, unemployment insurance - when they are already in Parliament, then we are already quite advanced and then Parliament is the one who says its last word. ”
With those words, Satonen, who has struck a strict and unyielding line so far, says that some details, ie - in Finnish, can be considered a compromise on local agreement.
On Thursday, March 7, Satonen flashed several times during Parliament's Question Time that an agreement from an export -driven wage model could be reached, the employee benefit of the local agreement could be opened. This is a mirror image at the SAK's request that the government must come to the local agreement in order to agree to negotiate the payroll. Thus, in the public debate, it is already realized that the parties are ready to discuss the same Making mutual compromises.
At the same time, the Minister of Labor has also flashed that the Committee on Work and Equality could be fine-tuned, for example, to local agreement. It is typical that the committees will make changes to government bill. By hiding its arrival in committee proceedings, the government could make concessions to trade unions without losing its face or acknowledging its retreat. If someone dared to point out that, the government could once again hide its "parliamentarism" behind which it has so loved to invoke when opposing the "foreign parliamentary influence" of the unions. When the concession formally takes place in the committee, the government does not have to propose that it has bent to SAK. Thus, this would be an appropriate form to deal with the matter.
For its part, the possibility of compromising in the committee, too, is that the vice chairman of the Committee on Work and Equality is Lauri Lyly (sd), former chairman of SAK, not only a very experienced negotiator because of his federal background, but also the expressive veteran director of the AY movement who piloted SAK: n to sign a kiky agreement.
Further, Turja Lehtonen, Vice Chairman of the Finnish Industry Association, has said Wednesday 6.3. In Studio A that if a genuine negotiating process starts, the strikes can be postponed.
In different directions, compromise is well presented. On the government side, one question may be the need to get a two -profile (between trade unions and bourgeois unions) solution to the pay model, as it has been a bit challenging to bring this to the legislation, and Satonen has repeatedly emphasized that he considers the best solution to the pay model.
Similarly, there are many hopes for the unions about that issue. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo convened the tripartite debate on Friday after the discussions had already disappeared. Returning to the discussion table takes place at the request of the Teachers' Trade Union OAJ. OAJ is not in favor of a government -driven export -driven wage model. It wants to discuss to find a cheaper solution for it.
There are significant disagreements between the unions, remembering that leaders of exports, especially the management of the Industrial Federation, are in favor of an export -driven wage model as it increases their power in the labor market. Instead, for example, Päivi Niemi-Laine, the former chairman of the JHL, had to resign after being in the SAK Representative Council in a minority in opposing the wage model. It may be that the compromise on the wage model is an export -driven wage model for some fine -tuning, which allow some public sector employees sometimes exceed the general line in some boundary conditions.
For local agreement, a compromise may include a wording that favors unions in the workplace as a guarantor of peace of mind.
Currently, it seems that the conditions and the need for a compromise are or are very close, but at the same time, only those who have participated in the discussions behind the scenes. It is not impossible for the government to run through the local agreement without any major compromise, and wait for the unions to come to the negotiating table from the wage desk - especially for SAK unions, it would be humiliating as they have not agreed to negotiate the wage model alone.
Finally, we would like to confirm what the Red Flag has said immediately after the publication of the government program on June 17, 2023 in her document in his document “In a revolutionary battle against Orpo's government”:
“The government also intends to develop corporativism with a strong hand. As a starting point, the government program states: "In order to strengthen Finland's long -term competitiveness, the government strengthens the export -driven labor market model". In order to emphasize this, it is recorded in the Labor Dispute Administration Act that "the general line of salary inspections cannot be exceeded by a reconciliation proposal from the National Mediator's office or by the Mediation Board." Local agreement is developed with a strong hand, and the government wants to promote "peace of mind".
The basic principle of local agreement in the program is: "The will of the government is that local agreement is equally possible for all companies, regardless of whether the company belongs to the Employers' Association or the kind of employee representation in the company." The corporative system with its trade unions and bourgeois unions remains a common framework through, for example, a TES system, where trade unions are chained by tying reconciliation to the "general line"; Local agreement will be developed alongside and as a supplement. Studies have shown that increasing local agreement may increase the average wages, but this hides the growth of pay gap as the highest wages rise and lower, thus increasing the division of workers into relatively privileged and more oppressive. As part of the local agreement, the "shop steward lock" is also removed, not only to facilitate locally agreed weaknesses for workers, but also, for example, the co-determination procedure. "
And: "When the right of strike is limited as possible as it is possible, for example under the agreement of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and mechanisms related to the" general line "and" local agreement "will be applied to the good reason that Finnish corporatism Power very much. Trade unions are starting to resemble a "work front" in Germany in the 30s in order to better fulfill their purpose to curb the class struggle. At the same time, working life is developing in a more "premaar" direction as real wages are reduced and exploitatively increases, and workers' mobility and labor market flexibility are increasing. ”
These have undoubtedly been the correct reviews.
by counter -information Rosso Opera of 8 March
March 8 already started since this night, from the factories, from workers, often immigrants, who have already responded with force and with The strike that today, in the various shifts, will be in some factories.
March 8 is continuing in the various cities, first of all with the role of workers who, as well as strike, are making principals and also collecting all the women who say enough, that yes rebel.
The same the students this morning in some large cities such as Milan, Rome, etc ... are fighting together with the school workers. So the precarious of social cooperatives that constantly risk not have the work more, with very low wages, in many cities too This morning they are making principals against the institutions responsible in general first of all of this condition of precariousness.
Then there will be Other events, other processions in the afternoon.
It's a day ours, is a day of women who rebel, it's a day of women who want to unleash their fury for a change total, a revolution that is a "revolution - as we say- earth to heaven "
The strike of women, the mobilizations, many, various, who are keeping today, yes they articulate around two appeals around in particular: the appeal that it concerns all the various realities of the various cities, which is the appeal of not one of less than, after the great demonstration of the November 25 in Rome, brought to this other day with an appeal that we largely share and of which we will then read some pieces.
The other appeal is Ours is the appeal of the proletarian feminist movement Revolutionary that unites with the concrete action, in Particularly towards factories and workers, workers with Palestinian women.
Let's read precisely Some pieces of these appeals.
In the appeal of not one less, women are said to have the responsibility of stop the black wave that takes more racist, more individualist, poorer with fewer rights. At the same time it says that the power on November 25th wants to pour into this March 8 with the blockade of production and reproduction, and in asking the government how much The lives of all those subjectivity are valid that do not fall within the Dio/Patria/Family Project.
And therefore in This appeal, rightly, is attacked the whole Meloni government that treats feminicides, male violence, as a problem securitarian and therefore shows how the rise of the rights in the world has made feminist, racist policies even more hard, nationalists who feed exploitation and violence. So then it does A summary of the condition of the majority of women: women they have lower wages, more precarious jobs, hunger pensions, suffer the cuts and school cuts more, which fall doubly on them and on the care of the care work.
One of the words of order, slogan, that the appeal of not one of less carries on, are On the one hand, the strike of 8 March against patriarchal violence And on the other "if our lives, our work do not apply, we Let's strike ".
We think that this year by not one less there is a more position Chiara, of struggle against the government that carries on the position above all of working women.
In our appeal we say that workers indomitable, Despite attacks, blackmailing at work, threats, climate increasingly heavy, discriminatory on the jobs Also this year they did not stop, they continued to fight by saying “Nobody can crush us, nobody can attack Our dignity and for this we strike ".
So I'm in Primis the workers who take a fight in their hands because All life must change.
In the appeal It is written: “The Meloni government gives everything to the masters e Chat, alms for working women. Meloni replies to feminicides, rapes, which are increasing with more police in the neighborhoods, securitarian decrees, while its squalids, hateful Ministers, they offend women. This government wants to take away every right, first of all the right of abortion, because we should serve only to make more children to give fresh meat to be exploited to masters and for the homeland, for the wars, thus leaning us too All the family care work, while healthy worsens.
A government racist who gives suffering and death to our immigrant sisters. A government that wants to educate even children in schools to do the war, inculcating an outdated nationalist humus. This is fascist! And this fascism of the Meloni government feeds a modern patriarchalism of hateful males who react by killing, increasing more and more, in a truly horrible way, the feminicides, killing When women don't want to be submissive, they want to break the oppressive ties.
And then just The workers who are together include the weapon of struggle of unity, which there are no individual private conditions but social, class, the result of this capitalist society, the workers must take a collective struggle in hand not only for defend themselves from the attacks of masters and government, but to change all their life, the life of the majority of women, to change this world.
Because of this Let's tell workers, workers, be bold, proud, more determined on everything. If we women do it, if we become "Dangerous", the government force/masters/state can be cracked and then…. Then…. overturned with the proletarian revolution of all exploited and oppressed, in which women, for theirs condition, suffer not an oppression, but oppression Certainly, a total oppression and bring an extra gear.
But in this 8 March, together with the centrality of the women's strike, of the condition, of the struggles of the workers and workers, the other aspect The solidarity with Palestinian women is central.
In the appeal of Not one less this is placed as an important aspect, the Palestinian flag has been present since the convocation flyer. In the appeal it is said: “War, genocide and colonialism They are the maximum expression of the patriarchal system. And us We deploy alongside the Palestinian women who fight for one's existence and self -determination. And we claim the immediate cease fire on Gaza. With Palestine in the heart " .
In the initiatives that we have already from this night made towards the factories, to the workers and in all places of work, the appeal to solidarity by workers to women was central Palestinians.
In our Appeal we say that on this March 8th “It goes all of ours solidarity with Palestinian women massacred, hungry in dozens of thousands, who see their children killed by bombs and hunger, thirst, lack of medicines, women who cannot give birth in Bombarded hospitals, which abort on the street. But they are also women which transform their immense pain into force, in resistance. AND So we give unconditional support to Palestinian women, to the resistance of the Palestinian people, against criminal action Genocidia of Israel, against the wars that imperialist states, including Italian imperialism, they are carrying out many parts of the world.
And let's say too that there is a link between us and the Palestinian women, this link must become more concrete and stronger. And the Meloni government, the owners of the our country that build weapons, which support support for Genocidia Netanyahu, these are equally accomplices and responsible of the massacres in Palestine. These monsters not only use ours lives for their profits, their reactionary, racist plans, repressive to prevent the freedom of us women, but want crushing the Palestinian people.
For this the Palestinian women's struggle is our struggle.
So I live an 8 Proletarian and internationalist March, even more this year Proletarian and internationalist!
On this March 8th We have some less companions who left us. But these companions in March 8 live in all our struggles and in March 8 they will also be side by side in the initiatives, in the events.
In particular We want to remember three companions.
The partner of Taranto, Concetta Musio, the partner who has always been active, also stimulating in ideas, in proposals, in the feminist movement Revolutionary proletarian, always present in the struggles, in Slai Cobas initiatives for the class union. This companion left us on February 20, his last presence - was sick for some time, but as soon as he could come to the events -It was for Palestine in November, in a garrison in Taranto. But we believe that the right way to Remember it both through his words. Right on the occasion of an 8 March she wrote:
“ It's our turn feminists, workers, unemployed, migrants, fighting and being The avant -garde of the women's liberation movement. The discrimination have not been swept away, especially in the world of work where women remain an oppressed majority, with disparity, injustices, harassment and violence both in the places of work that in the home. We know well that the road is in climb, but determined as we are, combatives as we are, n on molleremo c steep. And therefore the day of March March It must not be an end in itself. We need to do more, to make strong actions that make ours truly feel voice and who give a truly revolutionary turning point. "
And the precisely the Revolution, certainty and trust in the possibility, necessity, of the Revolution that Concetta always carried in its activities with companions and companions with whom he fought.
The other partner who unfortunately died, who left us a short time ago, is the companion Anna of Amazora. Here we also read a text that his Bologna companions sent us for this March 8th. “Care Compares, after the death of our partner Anna, we get up. In This March 8 we reiterate our unconditional solidarity at women and the resistance of the Palestinian people who fight against him Israeli Assassin State. Those persecuted of yesterday who are transformed into persecutors, who have tried to carry on the '48 ethnic police, occupying militarily, devastating, torturing, Unging and killing the Palestinians. We are alongside that People who despite all this, do not break and do not give up. Against the state of all latitudes, with its borders and galleys which keep this system standing that sows death and misery. With Anna in the heart, Palestine free from the river to death.
Finally he has us Leaving a third partner, the Rosa partner of Milan. Rose Calderazzi was from Taranto, he loved his land very much and often there He came back, but it's in Milan that she became an active partner militant. Since 1968, from the great season of '68, he began the his struggle both as a woman and as a worker and as a militant. His struggle in '68 was certainly the most fruitful period because it was full of the need for the revolution, beyond the organizational choices, political, made, but what moved it was the Fight for the revolution. Then the Rosa partner in Milan gave the its contribution in many other mobilizations, in many others Associations. In particular, in recent years he was very active in Not one less and in the women's house in Milan. But in the same time, in her freedom, she did much more, she turned the world To know, to understand and therefore reported this world, the world of people first of all, through photographs, in Italy. She liked dancing, she liked to live. For this to the greeting that we have given this partner on March 2 in Milan, at the cemetery of Lambrate, about 150 people came, especially women, e each brought an aspect of what this partner was and So together, putting together all aspects, it came out a partner, a figure who unfortunately left us, but that too It will remain with us and on this March 8th it will also parade with us.
March 8 is one International/Internationalist day, in which all women of Every country from all over the world fight.
We want today In particular, highlight the struggle that carry on their companions Indian, Indian women with the War of Popolo. There is from them received an appeal, a press release, also aimed at all women who are struggling today, which descend into the squares. Is a press release of the organization of women Adivasi Bastar. Of this hour We read some excerpts. This press release is entitled “We fight To bury patriarchate, for female emancipation ". We report some parts.
“ Now we are Under the game of two monstrous terrors: the Bramanico patriarchy is A peculiar Indian room of the horrors in a company semi -colonial and semi -feudal where women are forced to live in This horror room. Women face multitudes of economic and extra -economic exploitation that remains unpunished and the male domination acts as a barrier to the general view of the society… .. in a socially and economically backward country Like India, women of the working class, peasants, women of the castes, of the oppressed communities are the most exploited of the society. Economic and social exploitation remains an integral part For women in India. This exploitation of women comes perpetrated on the pretext of democracy and emancipation of women. But women are visible in every struggle, both in Aganwaty, both in Kachemire, in the manipur against the violence of the terrorist forces induced supported by the Indian state, both women tribals that are fighting against corporateization and the militarization in the forest areas of central India. In peasant protests, in the fight against fascism induct, in the Fight against imperialism, women are everyone's core These movements. These are all class struggles and without struggles of class against feudalism, the bureaucratic bourgeoisie, tablet e Imperialism, there cannot be female emancipation. In last four decades, the women of Dandakryana have fought against The theft and looting of natural resources by classes of the masters. The Dominant Indian classes, with the support of the masters imperialists, have deployed thousands of military forces in the Jungle, together with tanks, military drones, helicopters and others war mechanisms. But women are breaking the chains of the Patriarchate with new democratic cultural practices. The movement of the women of Dandakryana are creating a new chapter in the revolutionary history. "
This year, March 8, working women's international match day, marked in several places in the country in protests against the patriarchy and in anti -imperialist solidarity.
In Aalborg, a demonstration for March 8 was organized by the unions. Activists from anti -imperialist collective also participated with a banner against the militarization of the state. The banner had the slogans "no to female military service!", "Repeal the military service for everyone!", "For a red class line in the women's movement!" And "against imperialism and patriarchy!". Several leaflets in solidarity with the fighting women in Palestine and in the People's Wars in Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines were also distributed.
A demonstration was held in Copenhagen on the occasion of working women's international match day with a special focus on women who are fighting in anti -imperialist matches, especially in Palestine. Several speeches were held in solidarity with the fighting women and also revealed the patriarchal conditions that the bourgeoisie is trying to cover up in bourgeois Danish society.
The demonstration started from the Red Square and continued to Blågårdsplats. Hundreds of torches that symptomated the women's battle and demands were carried down by Nørrebrogade. A banner with the slogans "women, fight and resist!" And "against imperialism and patriarchy was also seen during the demonstration". Fighting cries like "Strengthen International Solidarity!", "Everyone in Gaza has the right to life!", "Viva Viva Palestine!" And "War against war, fight against state, imperialism and patriarchy!" Was also shouted.
When the demonstration had arrived in the proletarian neighborhood Blågården, several masses of Palestinian tabs hung out of their windows and welcomed the demonstration.
Leading up until March 8, a Dazibao was also hung up in the proletarian neighborhood Blågården at the People's Park. The dizibao had the slogan "proletarian feminism for communism!".
Read on sheet 958 released on Saturday 9 March 2024
Sheet contents
Main articles
The river is not turning back!
Workers - Farmers - Students to continue their struggle!
Palestine on the bloody ropes of slaughter and famine!
Below are the Zionists and their barbaric state, USA!
The culprits are hunting the crime in Tempi
Let us not allow them!
The health and all the people must fight for our rights, not for reformist illusions!
Interview with TELEPERFORMANCE strikers
Victory in the fair fight of the call centers workers!
PASOK and SYRIZA support the creation of private universities and represent the "opposition"
The Conference of the "New Left" and the return of "Ancient Rust"
Something like a conference with a strong systemic - right footprint
Bookstore Outside the walls Gravias 10-12 Exarchia
Hangout opposite Miltiadou 3 Daphne
Slingen youth and culture space , Syngrou 24, 2nd floor
Left Kougiou Youth Hang 23
Crack left space of thought and action , M. Vogou 20
Zalo left -wing politics and culture , Harilaou Trikoupi 21
Reverse youth and workers' hangout , Pukevil 2
“ Thanks for everything you are doing for me and for the Palestine, you are our voice and you are part of our struggle. Although we are under attack, we are free, like you who fight for freedom "(Ananyaeesh from the Terni prison, 23/02/2024)
From Over a month Anan Yaeesh, Palestinian citizen residing in L'Aquila , is imprisoned in the Prison of Terni without accusations or trial. On the He weighs a request for extradition from Israel, accepted by the Minister of Justice Nordio and translated by the Court of Appeal of L'Aquila in the most restrictive precautionary measure: detention prison.
The lawyer of Anan in recent days has filed an appeal of release to the Court of Appeal of L'Aquila, which will meet again on March 12th to discuss the revocation of the precautionary measure. For that date We therefore decided to organize a sit-in before the court in via XX Settembre from 11 am.
Anan He was born and raised in Tulkarem, in employed the West Bank, where he has discounted over 4 years in employment prisons and suffered a ambush by the Special Forces Zionist for his business politics in the context of the second intifada. Israel accuses him of terrorism, but his true fault lies that he has opposed the abuses of the army occupying in defense of the refugee camp where he resided.
Anan He is a political persecuted and has been enjoying protection for 5 years special in Italy, because in Israel human rights for i Palestinians do not exist. The Zionists call them beasts from exterminate, "humans", as Yoav Gallant, minister said of the Israeli defense, and the military jurisdiction, as are military prisons where Jews and Jews are also imprisoned which, by objection of Consciousness, refuse to shoot on the Palestinians.
Several In fact, it is the international convictions regarding the frequent violations of the state of law and human rights to the detriment of Palestinian citizens.
As citizens Aquilani and Abruzzo we invite everyone to mobilize, conscious that his eventual extradition to Israel would expose him to serious risk of torture, disappearance, total absence of rights, Farse processes. Especially in this precise historical moment, in which The state of Israel is located before the International Court of Justice because he was accused of genocide, with over 30,000 deaths, of to which most civilians and following the reports presented by International organizations on inhuman detention conditions And torture in Israeli prisons.
There same International Court of Justice and UN have defined Israel "Occupante", which, in addition to chase away with the strength and violence the Palestinians from their territories, practice a Apartheid system towards Arab citizens reminiscent of the terrible State of South Africa of the past decades.
We will be then present on Tuesday 12 March, from 11 am, before the court of L'Aquila in via XX Settembre, trusting in a total review of the prison sentence, for the freedom of this our brother who wants to live and work in our city.
We claim The right to life for the Palestinian people and their exiles.
Promote The Aquila coordination for Palestine
First memberships:
Arab-Palestinian democratic union, young Palestinians of Italy,
Yeusef Salman (President of the Palestinian community Rome and Lazio),
Raniero La Valle (peace -ter-dignity), USB Abruzzo/Molise, Cobas
Abruzzo, Cgil Abruzzo/Molise, Italian Left, Power to the People
Abruzzo, party of the Communist Refoundation, the brave eagle,
ANPI, Anppia, Circolo Arci surencia L'Aquila, Women's Association
Terremutate, Abruzzo solidarity with Anan Yaeesh.
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On March 8, 1857, in New York, textile workers women, low wages, long working hours and inhuman
Against working conditions, they responded by strike. To break this strike, in the fire, 129 female workers
was burned and killed. This honorable resistance of female workers is also the right, freedom and
It has been a symbol of equality struggle.
Clara Zetkin at the International Socialist Women's Conference held in Copenhagen in 1910
He was attributed to the struggle of women and suggested that it should be called “International International Women's Day .. First
The commemorations that took place on different dates in the years, the third international women gathered in Moscow in 1921
History at the conference was clarified as 8 March. The reason for the “March 8” factory in New York in 1857
The textile worker who lost their lives in the fire and on March 8, 1917, "We want bread but rose!" Russian saying
Petrograd, a textile worker who raised the sparks of the revolution by rebeling against the tsar, refers to the resistance of female workers.
was found, as essence; The commemoration of those who lost their lives in struggles and struggles of working women
It was accepted as “March 8, International Working Women's Day”.
114 years later, we women, our struggle for labor and rights, burns the torch of the struggle for freedom
We continue to embrace the resistance of women's labor and rights.
Imperialist wars in the world, racism, exploitation, impoverishment, gender discrimination
At a time when it is experienced and the sound and power of women is needed more than ever.
Cases of harassment, violence and murder against women have increased. In recent years, every frame of the earth
Wars cost thousands of people's lives. Millions of people, these wars, especially drought,
He had to leave the living spaces caused by lack of future and natural disasters. On the Migration Roads
In addition to hundreds of thousands of people who lost their lives, despite all the difficulties, those who can come to European countries; racist
and discriminatory treatment.
There is no justice in places where war, poverty, exploitation, and the most price of this is the LGBTI
+ s, children pay. Women who make up most of the refugees are exposed to violence, cheap work
Her power is seen as a commodity, depending on the needs of capitalism, cheap labor and blessed motherhood His power is seen as a commodity, depending on the needs of capitalism, cheap labor and blessed motherhood
It is almost punished in the case of pregnancy and maternity, and the first out of work in economic crises
they are.
We women know that; A free, equal, equal without solving the gender discrimination serving the interests of the ruling class
It is not possible to form a society. March 8, women fight for social, economic and political rights,
For women, more poverty, hunger, misery, violence, massacre and migration for women
Discrimination applied to women and LGBTI+ individuals.
Right demands such as "March 8 should be a paid holiday for all working women"
It is the name of the day she shouted. It is the name of the day he shouted.
Long live March 8 International Working Women's Day!
Women are strong together!
Woman, life, freedom!
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
News Center | 08.03.2024 | Atiif (Federation of Turkish Workers in Germany) published a call and made a call to the 41st General Assembly. Call is as follows;
“We need to take a solid and lasting stance together against right -wing orientations, war investments and imperialist sharing wars with the economic crisis in Germany. The political alternative ideas that the immigrant laborers living in Germany will present in our congress are very important.
With this perspective, we urge all our members and immigrant laborers to participate in our 41st General Assembly, to produce ideas together and to fight together! ”
The General Assembly, on March 16, 2024 at 11:00 Saalbau Depot Oberrad - Offenbacher Land Str.357 60599 Frankfurt Am Main address stated that the statement, "We are waiting for the participation of all members and friends" was terminated.
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
On March 8, 1857, in New York, textile workers women, low wages, long working hours and inhuman
Against working conditions, they responded by strike. To break this strike, in the fire, 129 female workers
was burned and killed. This honorable resistance of female workers is also the right, freedom and
It has been a symbol of equality struggle.
Clara Zetkin at the International Socialist Women's Conference held in Copenhagen in 1910
He was attributed to the struggle of women and suggested that it should be called “International International Women's Day .. First
The commemorations that took place on different dates in the years, the third international women gathered in Moscow in 1921
History at the conference was clarified as 8 March. The reason for the “March 8” factory in New York in 1857
The textile worker who lost their lives in the fire and on March 8, 1917, "We want bread but rose!" Russian saying
Petrograd, a textile worker who raised the sparks of the revolution by rebeling against the tsar, refers to the resistance of female workers.
was found, as essence; The commemoration of those who lost their lives in struggles and struggles of working women
It was accepted as “March 8, International Working Women's Day”.
114 years later, we women, our struggle for labor and rights, burns the torch of the struggle for freedom
We continue to embrace the resistance of women's labor and rights.
Imperialist wars in the world, racism, exploitation, impoverishment, gender discrimination
At a time when it is experienced and the sound and power of women is needed more than ever.
Cases of harassment, violence and murder against women have increased. In recent years, every frame of the earth
Wars cost thousands of people's lives. Millions of people, these wars, especially drought,
He had to leave the living spaces caused by lack of future and natural disasters. On the Migration Roads
In addition to hundreds of thousands of people who lost their lives, despite all the difficulties, those who can come to European countries; racist
and discriminatory treatment.
There is no justice in places where war, poverty, exploitation, and the most price of this is the LGBTI
+ s, children pay. Women who make up most of the refugees are exposed to violence, cheap work
Her power is seen as a commodity, depending on the needs of capitalism, cheap labor and blessed motherhood His power is seen as a commodity, depending on the needs of capitalism, cheap labor and blessed motherhood
It is almost punished in the case of pregnancy and maternity, and the first out of work in economic crises
they are.
We women know that; A free, equal, equal without solving the gender discrimination serving the interests of the ruling class
It is not possible to form a society. March 8, women fight for social, economic and political rights,
For women, more poverty, hunger, misery, violence, massacre and migration for women
Discrimination applied to women and LGBTI+ individuals.
Right demands such as "March 8 should be a paid holiday for all working women"
It is the name of the day she shouted. It is the name of the day he shouted.
Long live March 8 International Working Women's Day!
Women are strong together!
Woman, life, freedom!
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
Strasbourg | 08.03.2024 | A march was held by women's organizations, including the new woman in Strasbourg, France, for the 8th of March International Women's Day. During the march that started at Kleber Square at 17.00, slogans were shouted for current political developments and women's struggle. In particular, slogans against the genocide attacks of the Zionist Israeli state against Palestine drew attention. At the end of the march, the Patriarchy system protested against women, while the violence against women was pointed out in France. After the speeches in front of the Strasbourg Courthouse, the action was terminated with slogans. In addition, during the march, the French statement issued by the New Woman was distributed.
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
Schwenningen | 08.03.2024 | As every year, Villingen - Schwenningen as the March 8 platform, preparations began in January. This year's motto was “equal fees, right to decision and roses”. What women wanted was “equal wage and the right to decision about their own lives” as well as “Gül”, of course, “a beautiful world”.
After the preparations for months (Friday, March 8) at 16.30 Schwenningen Markplatz'da gathered. A joint statement was read. "Equal fee is the right to appoint our own destiny and we are struggling for roses!" The declaration started; “. “Traditional women's professions and women's affairs are subcontracting for even more precarious working conditions, and their already extremely stressful working life is worse. In particular, foreign and immigrant female colleagues are more affected by this situation. The situation in the country shows that insecurity and future anxiety, racism, pressure and exploitation are increasingly fueled. The immigrants and refugees, shown as scape goats, are labeled as criminals of the capitalist crisis, and the deportation of immigrants and refugees by various discourses and methods from AFD to other system parties is kept on the agenda as a so -called “solution ..
AFD and other order parties directly attack us women and queer individuals with their reactionary and patriarchal policies related to women and family in order to solve the so -called crisis. ” While continuing, they expressed the real problems of domestic and migratory women in Germany. When it reached the end of the action with the slogans thrown along the way, the action ended to meet at the next activities.
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Particularly massive rallies and demonstrations across the country on February 28 were massive rallies. Many thousands of workers, both from the public and private sector, despite the absence of a strike from the sold out of the GSEE, fought the strike at work and rushed to the streets, expressing their moods against the suffocation Everyday life they face, the result of the barbaric anti-labor-anti-government policy of the government and capital. The mass expression of the wrath and discontent of the world of work on the day of the strike has certainly been boosting from the mass and dynamic mobilizations that were underway all the time by students and farmers. At the same time, as it turned out in the last days before the strike, the one -year anniversary of the crime in Tempi and the climate of rage caused by the provocative operation of the responsibilities of the system and its managers played an important role in the massive strike. mobilization.
It was filled with strikers and youth the center of Athens. The class course, the racing movements of teachers and students and the student resistance participated in the rally in Havtia, along with the collectives of the extra -parliamentary left and unions. Their blocks were particularly massively and pulsed to the Constitution, highlighting the need to defend labor and trade union rights and denouncing the crime in Tempi. The presence of the repressive forces, especially around the blocks of the hawks, was particularly challenging. The class march, before the strike, sought to highlight the need for it to be massed, with workplaces, discussions with workers, and with the central event he held in "outside the walls".
Thousands of strikers in Thessaloniki, despite the crashing attitude of the EKT, which declared a 4 -hour work stoppage at the last minute. Against the trade union leadership, as well as employer terrorism, many workers have been covered by their sectoral associations. The class march and the racing moves participated in the rally in Kamara with massive and composed bloc. The attitude of the police here too. The class march participated in the morning in strike rallies, such as TELEPERFORMANCE, and in previous days intervened in workplaces.
Workers, students and farmers massed the strikes at the Center, despite the efforts of the trade union leadership to keep the workers' processes detached from the struggle of the city's student and agricultural movement. They were the blocks of class march and racing movements.
One of the most strike rallies in recent years. The class march and the racing moves with distinct blocks started from the annex, along with unions, student clubs and labor collectives, and headed to the crowded Olga Square.
Framed with a significant multitude of competitors was the block of resistance initiative that attempted to highlight the need to dynamize the resistance of workers, youth and the whole, of the people. There had been preceding interventions in the hospital and in workplaces, with a call to the strike.
Despite the strike attitude of the Heraklion Labor Center, the massive presence of workers in the strike was important, highlighting their racing moods. Massive and militant the block of class march in the demonstration. The previous day there was a wide intervention in Lionia Square, with banners and dudukas for propaganda strike.
There was a great deal of participation, especially by public sector workers, but also by students and students. The massive presence of youth is of particular importance, let alone in the current phase of turmoil and intense processes inside. The class course here too had a very massive presence.
Corresponding images of mass strike mobilizations were recorded throughout the country. In Larissa, Trikala, Samos, Corinth, Volos, Alexandroupolis and elsewhere, the workers widely fought the strike.
Mass participation is constantly looking for
The strike of 28 February, therefore, is an important legacy and is added to the popular mobilizations of recent months. He captured the anger and indignation, but also the willingness to resist and claim in terms of mass movement, wide masses to the system's politics. Completing one year from Tempi, coupled with the relevant challenges and mockery of government staff and state mechanisms, reminded the complete depreciation of the people's lives and the murderous characteristics of the policy pursued by the system. People's discontent, however, is not limited to this mass crime. It is ruled in the overall barbaric policy that chases, flattens conquests and condemns the world of work in poverty and poverty daily. The "connection" of the issues was made by the tens of thousands of workers who participated in the strike, despite the - to a large extent - one -way and anniversary character that the dominant forces attempted to give it. And in any case the struggles of youth and farmers fueled the mass strike.
But there remains the need for workers to come to the fore, by highlighting the labor claims. The boiling rage remains to seek a racing way out, both because it did not find it on the common front that was (and continues to be) necessary with youth and farmers, and because the problems continue to swell.
Accuracy has dissolved labor income. General inflation is maintained at 3.2%, in itself significant. For the popular strata, however, the situation is even worse, with food prices growing almost twice as high as the cost of housing has been launched. Real estate prices, which rose about 40% in 4 years, coupled with high mortgage interest rates, make a summer night dream market. At the same time, rents have increased even further in many areas, creating an unsolved problem for the majority of workers. To these comes to add the reduction to literally every aspect of social so -called benefits. The people are called upon to put their hand deeper into their pocket for care, for education of their children, for everything they need, and they are getting less, both at the level of benefits and financial support and in the level of access and quality of services.
Government policy causes and multiplies the problems, despite its provocative effort to present the opposite. They were sold through bids and possibly their actual values to have increased), they do not face the problem. After all, they recall that the political staff of the country, with the contribution of the media of the ruling class, has no contraction to fool the people overtly. Similar mockery is any moves on the issue of home. Subsidies concerning few and minimal or with conditions that ultimately exclude those in need, and "tools for protecting the first residence" that either do not apply in practice or end up in "re -leasing", ie the payment of rent for their own homes than those who are housed by those who do so. They lost them. And all of this is vigorously and "solemnly" advertised, "forgetting" that on the one hand they highlight the dire position in which the people are and on the other are only to be copied copies of benefits that have existed for years but were abolished (as they were for For example the programs of the old labor residence organization).
In the same spirit of presentation as a "solution" to a situation that simply baptizes the problem differently, government statements about acceleration by one month of raising the minimum wage are moving. Even if "it will be ahead of 8" (as Hatzidakis and Spanakis said), the essence remains that this minimum is very low, as is all the salaries that are not affected by its change. Three years on the bottom, for which the government has lifted a lot of dust in the past, they still "extinguish" the 12 -year service, but their "ceiling" ends at a very three -year period by 2027, as the general rule For freezing as long as unemployment is more than 10%, it remains in force from 1/1/2027 and the revision of the unemployment rates initially announced by ELSTAT also led the official index to a double -digit rate. And the "promises" of doubling the average salary are completely in the air.
The only honest position on the part of the system is the one that says that "whoever does not go out, to get (and another) work". And they are common to private employees, civil servants, farmers, pensioners, students, students. The system does not recognize any people's right to a decent life. He is not even committed to ensuring his life. In fact, the people and the workers are struggling to survive in an ever -increasing regime, which government policy makes even worse. , while the future is much more gloomy as the confrontation not only continues but rises levels. In such a context, even this government's "encouragement" is in the air, as the possibility of finding any jobs to be looking for is increasingly likely. And it is certain that government policy will continue to dismantle any protection grid.
Against undermining the labor matches must be formed
The only real way out for workers is the collective struggle for resistance to anti -labor policy and claiming their rights. With the preceding struggle for real salaries to cover the cost of life. For collective agreements that will guarantee increases for all workers and improve the terms of work. For a real increase in unemployment benefit and for the entire unemployment period. For work and life with rights. A struggle that first requires the emergence of labor claims and escalating mobilizations. Against the moods of trade unions, which prove that they are moving in the opposite direction.
On the one hand, GSEE did not even get a strike. He also complements a year that he has not made the slightest decision on strike: neither the law of Georgiades, nor against the anti -populist budget, nor for wages and precision, nor for care and social security, nor for education, nor… He has opened openly, on the side of the system, the role of burning any racing mood, cultivation of frustration and defeat, preventing any efforts to set up labor struggles. And it perceives very well the criticality of this role as indignation accumulates, deadlocks grow, government propaganda is revealed, the illusions of "different" management of the exploitation system collapses. Her decision - at the end of January - for a strike on April 17, is part of the demands of the role, which is not simple, as her "detour" cases certainly concern her effectiveness to keep workers on the sidelines. In the hope, possibly in consultation with the government, that the increase in the minimum earlier will work undermined, it is certain that it will do everything it can so that even this strike that has called on it to be limited and controlled.
On the other hand, PAME and the rest of the forces that - also in the late January - put the direction for a strike on February 28, did what they were going through to keep employees from meeting with student and agricultural mobilizations. In the phase of their development. And, even more so, the labor claims are not highlighted and not to join a common racing front against anti -populist politics. The call for 28/2, without any other, objectively put labor issues in a second plan, a direction that was reinforced by the absence of substantive processes in the unions.
Despite the moods of the sovereign forces, the problems faced by workers are here, they are daily and leading to even worse direction as government policy progresses and employer arbitrariness does not encounter mass resistance. And neither the government fairy tales nor the next ballot boxes can "wait". They require work to highlight the needs and rights of workers, against the "boundaries" of the system. They require the formation of resistance and mass struggles, against the obstacles that the system puts. This necessity was attempted to serve the proposal of the class march, January, for labor mobilization from the beginning of February, but met by forces referring to the labor movement a combination of defeat, weakness and illusion about the role of trade unions. And especially PAME. The necessity remains, the strike on 28 February confirmed that the world of work is looking for it. A key task is to strengthen, at all levels, of labor resistance that regularly erupts and emphasizes the need and ability to activate the endless popular forces.
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The political debate is used to political parties. On this basis, everyone (self) is determined. It is the only thing that was not done at the recent 4th SYRIZA-PS Congress! The reason is now outrageous: the "new party" that will emerge from the announced constituent conference (also called "re -establishment") in the coming autumn will not have (with the same or other name) not even a relation to what already exists. What is increasingly being excluded is openly promoting its bourgeois character and is focusing on the positions and practices that are cynical defamation and provocations towards the world of the left.
So he fell in a conference with an indefinite number of delegates (!), With Kasselakis' personal Clacadors having understood the largest space (as reported by intra -party opponents), with no political debate, with 'decisions' New elections for the emergence of the president, but also with a hovering threat of new or new breakdown.
But the political staff residing in the party of today's opposition, a political force of starvation, opportunism and anti -communism, has "succeeded". It reappears as a "united" and claims its election rise to the forthcoming European elections, with its chairman's bar being at least 17%, bringing back to our memory the well -known election target of the 10 -year reformist KKE in the 1980s, which had even been linked to the infamous "real change". Signs of the Times…
The question is, of course, what all of them disagree with. In the big issues concerning our people and our country, they were united in the period of SYRIZA's rule, but also a "responsible opposition" in the first four years of Mitsotakis and continue to practice. What, for what is the interconnection? It is obvious that the second urban pillar and the political system has a serious problem due to the non -functioning of a classic bipartisanship in our country. We are therefore here, with the efforts to create and promote a systemic alternative management solution to lead the moves within SYRIZA. Something that "caught" the capitalist-imperialist system and, in the first post-transfer poll, shows him "catching up" or even surpassing PASOK! The agony of the centers inside and mainly outside the country is revealing.
The handling of the foreground and the background at the aforementioned Congress-Parody were truly incredible. The "players" were changing a line at a dizzying speed, taking back even what they had just expanded. It is, after all, known to be the "flexibility" of this political space, which has been "a dissertation", since the time of the old KKE, adapting to the demands and winds that blow in the social system of dependence and exploitation. As for "direct democracy" Kasselakis, this is a great fraud, since all the data testifies to a highly leading party where social media is played by the key role, not some political-party processes. Some are talking about a party model of "Apollonian policy", as the current leader, from where elsewhere, from the US. You can discuss for hours and for days without saying anything!
Tsipras's intervention shortly before the commencement of the conference, which monopolized its evolution, though it is evident from its outcome that it was a serious strangulation of his prestige, moves in the same direction as the current existential anxiety of this party. Tested in the difficult class for the ruling class by the pressure of the imperialist -lists and the massive kinetic presence -adhesion of the popular strata, he deposited his availability to "contribute" - even with him, in time, the way - to "overcoming" The problem of alternative urban management of the system and perhaps its party. The non -adoption of his proposal, however, shows that Kasselakis (despite his own ass) controls things. One, however, must be clear: there is no left -wing (FRO) fabric in the tricks and quotes. The increasingly right -wing political scene that has been shaping in recent years and in our country requires new right shifts than everyone. The era of "I take a flash left and turn right" can no longer be tolerated by the real holders of political power inside and outside the country. Only the path of adaptation remains to bourgeois politicians who hope to remain as a choice at least in reserve.
The "clarifications" that the former prime minister has deliberately made to give at the "Kathimerini" conference leave no room for misinterpretation: If they and SYRIZA have a future, they should renounce the "sinful" past, to deposit the same as the "sinful" Where it must but also publicly and assure them in practice that there is no case of repetition. This did the conference itself and makes all today's political opposition political union.
The proposal of a temporary way out of Famellou's re -exerted introversion, Pappas and G. Tsipras weighted a single factor, which is none other than the upcoming European elections. Whether or not the "knives" come back to or after them is open. Undoubtedly, however, the Polakis attack on A. Tsipras on "Meacoulpa" is based on the assessment that Tsipras "chapter" will currently remain in the back of the Astling and that the Kasselakis team will continue to control things. The Arivists, like his speech, always "bet" on the horse they thought would come first.
And the members? These are "properly" for leadership when "pots" remain. To monitor those on the upper floors of their party and express themselves by giving (!) Subscribe to the leader. We give it a voice to the members and "Take SYRIZA in your hands" by the president sounds like a bad farce. Their loud detour even within the conference gives yet another awareness of what party they are.
Following the collapse of electoral -parliamentary delusions into a wide world of the left, this world is needed, with whatever left is left - because it has been a great deal of damage for decades now - to reinstall its presence in the movement that is necessary and may to exist. A movement of resistance and claim, in the prospect of a confrontation with the forces of the system. A movement that, in the furnace of the class struggle, will give all those materials that are essential to political subjects who want and can re -raise the issue of revolutionary perspective!
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The Conference of the "New Left", the formation formed by MPs and executives who left SYRIZA after the election of St. Kasselakis in his leadership. With the central slogan of the Conference "Politics", the new party executives in their positions, and the decisions voted on, attempted to give the key features of the body, with many references to "Left 21 th century ”who want to represent.
Of the placements of almost all executives who were ministers of the SYRIZA-ANEL government (not few), there was no critical reference to the government's "First Left" government. In the (Automatic) scams he cultivated, in the memorandum he voted for, in the anti-populist-assurance policy he implemented, to commit and submission to the US-NATO-EU. It is obvious that for the leadership and executives of this party, the history of the "political confrontation" within SYRIZA for its orientation begins in… 2019, when it loses the election and passes through the opposition. But even then, and despite his increasingly right shift to the "center -left" of government management, in the context of the system of exploitation, oppression and imperialist dependency, there was no substantial questioning, but only scattered criticisms. The dual elections of the summer of 2023 had to come and the SYRIZA electoral crash, which also brought the resignation of Tsipras to find out that they had to discuss its orientation. And they were these executives who are otherwise against the "leadership parties" who have nothing to do with the Left, who promoted the first election of a new leader in SYRIZA and after a conference of positions and self -criticism. It was only that they came to them ... Kasselakis and that their "leftism" could not stand it. A lot of hypocrisy.
Thus, they decided to "return to the roots" of SYN, which is also said by N. Filis, who also identified the ideological -political character, the vision of the new formation, saying: "It takes a spirit of democratic function and vision -and vision -and vision -and vision -and vision - This is socialism with freedom, democracy and respect for the environment. " To take the baton D. Vitsas and to raise the "bar" higher by saying: "Our ultimate goal is communism, it is not socialism with democracy and freedom. This is the intermediate goal. "
In addition to the "socialist" and "communist" declarations of key executives of the "New Left", let's see the immediate action plan presented at the Conference by the President of the Parliamentary Group Al. Haritsis. With the common title "We are worth" the axes were mentioned for: "1. Life without precision, 2. state state ally of the citizen, 3. Economy for the benefit of many, 4. Substantial climate transition, 5. a society with a home for all, 6. a Greece of stability and peace, 7. A country with rights and rights democracy".
The Conference also discussed the issues of "Foreign Policy", where the text in which the respective committee concluded: "In foreign policy, the defense of national sovereignty and sovereign rights of our country, respect for international law, Peace, stability and cooperation in our neighborhood are fundamental principles in the history of the Greek Left that inspire our present and future. From the recent past we keep the valuable legacy of the Prespa Agreement, which was a breakthrough in Greek foreign policy and one of the most emblematic acts of the SYRIZA governments. The "Spirit of Prespa" permeates all of our positions on foreign policy and we are self -criticizing the fact that we have not always adequately oppressed nationalist divergences. The "New Left" will go ahead with the principle that left and nationalism are not compromised. " And he goes on to say: "... it is steadily in favor of European integration and the active participation of Greece in it ... The" New Left "belongs to the forces of left -wing Europeanism. We are fighting for a radical shift in European integration ... We are opposed to steps that promote the EU's further submission to the US or even convert the Union into a NATO branch. "
The "self-criticism" of the "New Left" leadership for the SYRIZA-ANEL governance has nothing to do with the fact that the US-NATO bases were developed across the country, it did not concern the formation of reactionary axes with Israel-Egypt, it had nothing to do with With the strengthening of NATO-EUs in the Western Balkans, the "Prespa Agreement was emblematic", but it had to do with the fact that they were not "adequately opposed nationalist divergences"!
While the submission and reinforcement of the bonds of imperialist dependency is? Is it internationalism ...?
And of course, no mention of exit from NATO and removing American bases from the country.
We could say that based on all of the above we are facing a political formation that is not only "young". He carries all the "ancient rust" of a reformist current that constantly recycles and in "new" versions of his petty illusions. He wants "socialism" and "communism" without affecting any podium of capitalist-imperialist domination, without conflicts and reversals, a peaceful course of transforming the system through continuous transformations.
We must admit that they are the most consistent devotees of the theory of "developing productive forces" that will "peel" the system to pop out socialism-communism in relation to its other "left" variants, which thrive in the KKE and the KKE. to organizations of the extra -parliamentary left.
The main issue with this space is that it does not have the slightest reservation, when the system needs it, to become an organic part of the attack on the working people, it has proven it. At the same time, and in relation to the previous one, the services it offers to the system are multiple, provoking every concept of the Left, sowing confusion and trapping people into logic of subordination and defeat. And in this respect, such a political formation is quite useful for the local capitalist system, but also for the dominant imperialists, who not only contradicts but submits to them. Especially today that the rift that divides the system with the working people and the youth is constantly growing and expressing massively on the streets, as in the strike of 28 o February, in student and agricultural mobilizations, such "embankments" of popular rage are multiple useful.
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Who does not remember Alexis Tsipras to declare pre -election that "If you were able to have a Harvard universities in Greece, I am ready to discuss it" ; How to forget about Stefanos Kasselakis' pre -election interviews, where he spoke in the best words in favor of scholarships to study at private universities or the northern North Sector of SYRIZA Ms. Linu, who in the question of whether private schools should be established, replied "depends"? And of course, the case of SYRIZA MP P. Pappas, who publicly supported the plans for the establishment of private universities in Greece, said in an interview that "we are perhaps the only one of the western countries that do not have private universities. » and that "The recasting of Article 16 is a debate that needs to be done."
So they discussed these days, in the midst of the biggest student movement of the last 15 years, SYRIZA's… think tank ruled that the Pierrakakis bill is… problematic. And the main problems they have identified are its unconstitutionality and that it allows for the establishment of private universities that "in essence will not do research" (!).
And of course, there were no problem with Article 58 of the Bill, which first introduces tuition fees to the undergraduate programs of public universities for foreign students. After all, SYRIZA Heraklion MP H. Mamoulakis will also be unforgettable, who recently dared to unravel in the midst of mass demonstrations that: "If necessary ... tuition in public universities as a last resort." This is no impression, as SYRIZA faithfully served the policy of class barriers in studies and, of course, by the law Gavroglou was the one who introduced the tuition fees to the postgraduate degree, taking the big step to dissolve the free character of higher education.
SYRIZA's political positions are in the same rotation as those of the government and US-EU imperialist and the statements of its executives are constantly testified.
In summary, SYRIZA supports the "(good) private universities", but now is the time to represent the opposition under the pressure of the student movement. In the same vein, his political offspring, the day25, is moving, as in the May election debate in May Varoufakis stated that "good private universities exist only in the US", contributing to the debate on "good" and "bad" private universities.
More interest is the position of PASOK, which as an older and more "experienced" party of the local mega -class and imperialist dependency, does not attempt to camouflage its intention to support the establishment of private universities in Greece and is trying to justify its attitude. Pierrakakis Bill. Nikos Androulakis stated last June that "If we are discussing a private university like the big universities in Europe and the US here, we are positive, we will not get in the way, as long as it meets high academic standards." . Or else, as it clarifies in all tones: "Our party's programmatic position is to establish non -profit universities with a revision of Article 16". So here's the opposition that PASOK exercises:
Invokes' unconstitutionality » of the Pierrakakis bill, from its point of view that Article 16 should be revised first and then establish private universities. In short, PASOK wants an immediate review, not bypassing Article 16. At the same time, it calls for stricter quality criteria, "non-profit" and another "evaluation", considering that the ETHAE is inadequate, because it has ... a large burden of work. He calls for more funding in public universities, winking at his timeless allies on the high floors of the academic elite (rectors, great captains) as usual. Disagrees with changing the introduction system to the Pan -Hellenic exams. It proposes better dispersion of private universities, to share the pie in the province, where it has local supports. Wants to be a '' Severe commitment of long -term stay of foreign branches in the country ', so as not to stay admissible students '' Unnamed ', If the university suddenly decides to leave (!).
In short, PASOK's objection is concentrated in Androulakis' statement that "it has a comprehensive proposal for the proper functioning of private universities" and is not compatible with a "frightening bypass" of Article 16. So it is openly in favor of the most historical strike in public Free education in Greece and its problem is that the government "is not doing well".
PASOK, which began with the fact that it "does not stood in the private universities" to reach the bill in the House of Representatives, had to travel a distance that costs inside.
Thus, the incidents in the parliamentary group give and take, in cases such as Giannakopoulou and Konstantinopoulos, who accuse the leadership of violating basic principles of the party to fish. That's exactly what things are.
Given that in the past four years, SYRIZA and PASOK voted in voted in 70-80% of the bills brought by the New Democracy to the House and this image remains unchanged after the June elections, which ratified both in "third place", It is a political survival bet to search for points of differentiation from the government. The Pierrakakis bill is offered as an opportunity, having found the widespread contrast of youth and the poorest popular strata. The essence of the political impasse in which both SYRIZA and PASOK are located is that in today's conditions of intensity of dependence and attacking and exacerbating all contradictions, no other management has a ground to stand. Only through their struggle can the students and the people fly out of their backs this "spit" that is open and blurred in consciousness. PASOK and SYRIZA are bourgeois parties who faithfully served the policy of dependence, Barbarism and class barriers in education from government positions and their current opposition acrobatics are at least feud.
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For a month ,teleperformance workers, and particularly members of the Tunisian community, have begun a major struggle to seek wage increases, the abolition of VISA special purpose and collective agreements. Despite the pressures, threats and blackmail that employers have launched all this time, workers do not retreat until their fair demands are satisfied, and have also supported workers from other call centers such as Webhelp, TTEC, Foundever, where the same working conditions prevail.
Within a month, employees founded two business unions in Teleperformance and Webhelp and carried out two strikes with the unprecedented participation of thousands of employees (4,000 in total). Teleperformance, after these developments, counterattacked the SETIP, the sectoral association, utilizing Hatzidakis Law on GEFISOE and now openly questioning its ability to negotiate a collective agreement. In addition, he announced that the ridiculous amount of 50 euros will be increased as an asterisks, causing even more anger for workers. Following these nasty actions of the employer, workers respond with a new 24 -hour strike on 13/3, and the strike goes beyond Greece's borders as they will also participate in France!
Developments in call centers racing affect the whole industry and all employees in the country, as these companies are tens of thousands of workers nationwide. The victory of their struggle is sure to bring many rearrangements to the existing correlation and will be a trigger for the outbreak of new games.
Below are pieces from the interview given to the class march of three members of the Tunisian community and offer a picture of the first steps of their struggle, their demands and directions. The whole interview is available here .
1.What were the first steps of this race and what were the factors that made you gather signatures by claiming wage increases?
The first step was to analyze our present position in terms of our salaries and labor rights in the company. The signatures collection started from Facebook and a colleague, T. and then collected over 760 signatures. This struggle brought together workers who shared the same concerns and the same frustration. Later, T. suggested that we address SETIP that helped us and guided us about the course we would take to demand justice from the company.
Initially I actively sought to negotiate for fair compensation and indefinite contract, especially after being faced with increasing responsibilities but stagnant salary. Despite all our efforts to open a dialogue with the employer, we have faced a steady resistance with rejection answers that showed complete indifference to our concerns. These systemic issues prompted us to act and motivated the movement of a memorandum that resonated with a wide range of colleagues, reflecting a common sense of frustration and frustration.
2.What are your requests and why?
Our main demand from the management of Teleperformance is fair salaries that reflect the value of our work as well as the cost of living. I have been a company employee for 6.5 years without any increase, despite the inflation we have been experiencing in recent years in Greece that has influenced rents, food and other basic daily expenses. It is also important to emphasize that the majority of us have fixed -term contracts. This intensifies uncertainty and volatility in our working status. In our first meeting with SETEP, other collective demands emerged.
3. Do you think the two strikes on February 8 and 19 were successful?
Sami :
The two strikes on February 8 and 19 marked significantly milestones in our collective struggle, and served as an exemplary shift to the strengthening of workers and solidarity. The strikes have managed to break up chronic fears of retaliation and encouraged a large number of workers to openly express their dissatisfaction.
The strikes were a huge success, especially with the knowledge that the employer never expected that this could happen. It is the first time that workers have been so massively strike in these companies, and of course it will not be the last. The administration advertises that its doors are open to workers (which is not the case of course) but now we will remove the doors completely and make them listen to us.
4. How did the employer attempt to intimidate workers in order to push them not to participate in the race that has erupted?
The employer is trying to intimidate workers by misinforming the legality of SETIP, trying to sow doubt. Nevertheless, we remain united in our purpose and refuse to terrorize and sneeze! We will not prevent these tactics and we will continue to fight for our labor rights!
Employers' efforts to prevent workers in the ongoing race were characterized by misinformation and coercion. Some members of the administration have resorted to the dissemination of unfounded rumors regarding the legality of the strikes and the possible impact on workers involved. However, these tactics have led to the strengthening of the determination and unity of workers in the struggle for justice!
5.What do you have to tell workers who may be afraid to participate in the strikes?
To anyone who is afraid to participate, I want to emphasize this: He is not alone in it. Your participation is necessary to ensure our collective success. Setip has set up a strike fund that can help if the loss of a paycheck is something that holds someone from strike.
Employees who are hesitant to take part in the strikes because of fear, I understand your concerns and recognize the natural fear related to the controversy of the status quo. However, it is important to recognize that collective action is necessary to bring about a substantial change.
6.What is your opinion on Teleperformance against SETP?
Teleperformance's lawsuit against SETEP is a clear attempt to suppress our right to organize and support a fair approach to our workplace. We reject all the attempts to bully from the employer and remain firm in our commitment to fight for salaries and rights! We are not going to retreat!
7.How do you see the evolution of this race perspective and what steps do you consider to be named after being a victorious?
The evolution of our struggle depends on our constant unity, determination and resilience to adversity. We must remain organized and focused on our goals, despite the efforts of the employer to derail our efforts. Going on, we need to escalate our actions, continuing the strikes and with collective bargaining with the employer. Victory requires perseverance and solidarity between workers, as well as a commitment that the employer is accountable for its actions.
As we move on to this struggle, it is necessary to maintain our momentum and solidarity but also to recognize the difficulties in the confrontation with a large company. Overcoming fear and dismissing any misunderstandings about our labor rights are basic steps to achieve our goals. We must remain firm in our demands and recognize that substantial change often requires perseverance and sacrifices. By being united and claiming our collective prosperity we can pave the way for a better and fairer future for all workers.
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The times we live in can be considered the wildest of the last decades. Depth and intensity of the attack of the imperialist system against the peoples of the whole planet is characterized by one tear . In conditions of deep, structural crisis of the capitalist-imperialist system, which, while being broken by imperialist competitions at a very dangerous level of humanity, level, At the same time it is steadily oriented to rapture and crushing conquests and rights by peoples . The hatred of world capitalism for the period of the victorious socialist revolution and the popular struggles it inspired and with its glow guided as a lighthouse, finds ground in the current conditions of retreat and defeat of the communist movement and disintegration. Wins and rights in the field of social benefits and more specifically on the issue of health care They were acquired in post -war Europe in a series of imperialist metropolises. The imperialist bourgeoisie of European states, coming out of the Great War Winners Yes but Having to manage their own physiognomy and reconstruction in the post -war context as well as the awe of the undisputed winner, the USSR, and the social and political pressure exerted by their countries' working classes, they formed quality health care systems for their free health care systems. Their citizens in response to both a class that assumes the responsibility of the management of the bourgeois state and the obligations they arise, as much as (always with the significant assistance of social democracy) and to the east.
Did these things happen in Greece in the 1950s, 60s or '70s? Well, no relationship! ... The bourgeoisie of post -Greek Greece was dealing with the consolidation of the state -state of the doctrines, the consolidation of dependency bonds with the young man and many promising American imperialism in the territory of post -war data, and in particular with the persecution, the exaggeration and the exaggeration of Country from Nazis, Communists and popular militants who frame the ranks of EAM, ELAS, DSE. The times of violence, fraud and terrorism left nothing positive for the popular factor, not even in the direction of building the bourgeoisie.
And while the signs of the retreat of the struggle of the classes and the world communist movement in the context of the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and the revisionist turn of the CC China were now visible, the "manna from heaven" came to the country and specifically. On 4/10/1983 the Social Democratic version of the PASOK government (with President of the Republic of Konstantinos Karamanlis) passed Law 1397 of the National Health System. Our assessment was and remains that the NHS was a reflection of the compromise between the portions of the great health established in the field of health that was traditionally active in private care, of the "new fireplaces" that PASOK became their pillar and a society of a disgusting, angry, angry, angry society. Government of the right -wing state, a people who was thirsty for justification and justice. And the social compromise may have favored the first two parts in a way timeless and meaningful, but for the people the bubble of the NHS in the coming decades would be deflated and left empty.
What happened in the 1980s were oriented to compare with the Western European countries and the need to modernize a state, whose role until then served almost exclusively the suppression of the popular movement of the transition and the securing of the Democrats. . The role of the state as an instrument of sovereignty, control and enforcement of bourgeoisie and large capital interests In the relations of slavery with foreign capital, the EEC and the US (and in the context of the "social contract" with the role of the middle of the middle of PASOK's social support web), It demanded the staffing of this employee in the public (state) sector that will shape our day, 40 years later, the reservoir of the chair -bourgeois trade unionists. PASOK's NHS was perhaps the best nursery of these plants. Is it a coincidence that in the chair of POEDIN President, one of the largest public sector federations, is always sitting in PASOK in contradiction with what is happening with PASOK's rates and influence in society?
Based on this historical route, today its forces reformist left In all of them and in loving synonym with the dominant forces of the Antrusism ( PASOK-SYRIZA ) They bring to a panacea the "rescue of the NHS" and the "defense of the exclusively public nature of care". For this political perception, workers must aim to maintain a model and defend the bourgeois state. The second condenses the worldview of ubiquitous reformists: The state is an ataxic institution of course offered as a neutral field of class struggle. It brings about the involvement of the workers within them (see co -habit, elected, etc.). Until the final fall and self -release of the state !!!
As for the NHS, the public NHS , from the beginning it has appeared from the beginning its privileged relationship with the private capital in the field of procurement, equipment and medicine and nowadays it is nowadays struck by private sector labor relations. In the already shaped course by the governance of the previous, no SYRIZA except, the current ND government deepens this relationship with the private capital we are more privileged. Along with the blow to trade union rights, the institution of managers -administrators since 2001, the introduction of increasingly strong private economic criteria in the financial and administrative management of hospitals with recent DRGs, all that has been shaped by the PASOK Governments. , SYRIZA and ND, these are the NHS. These days are added to the official abolition of FREE and the blackmailing remuneration if the patient wants to do well, as well as the uninhabited presence of private doctors in hospitals. And these within the NSS. Does the bourgeoisie and the ND government intend to privatize or even abolish public care? The answer is NO. No bourgeoisie as a collective capitalist has departed from her role. Which is double: both in shaping the "organized" and "modern" capitalism and to enrichment through the public money of the private individuals.
Is it another NHS? Is. More hostile to both the people and the health? Yes. Are we in the era of the rematch of capitalism as we noted in the introduction of the text? Yes we are! How does it manifest? By crushing rights, with the seizure and unraveling of the working class, with the disappearance of the term FREE from the people's consciousness, because FREE means conquests, it means class consciousness, it means right. To defend the public as it is, it is not even a claim. To defend another public is the well -known illusion for the role of the superstructure. To defend the NHS as a model (and which model, what decade) and is opposed and certainly not a kinematic proposal.
Here's what to fight: For the right to FREE, Equal, Full Care for ALL.
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The cover -up operation of the Tempe crime proceeds unstoppable, and let's constantly come out of the new and nigger sides of it.
The House Inquiry Committee did not adhere to the pretexts. The government majority, from the first day, showed that its intention was to direct the decision to the human error or any other convenient justification would extract oil itself and its regional governors.
This has already been apparent by decisions on a one -party bureau by the ND and the list of witnesses, who were finally 35, out of the more than 100 previously agreed by the parties. Among those cut were Hellenic Train workers, who had repeatedly made complaints about the shortcomings of the rail network and had highlighted the risk of accident, as well as firefighters who attempted and could deposit the material that caused the fire that caused the fire . Also, the prosecutors' experts were cut, so the only experts to submit were those of the Committee of Gerapetritis.
Then, the "glorious moments" of the committee were Hatzidakis' lies that there was a teleikos system in Larissa, the open insult of the dead driver, with the violation of his medical privacy, to prove that he should not be in that position for reasons. Health, the marathon deposition of the Italian Captain, Managing Director of Hellenictrain, who argued that everything was working well and was unanimously referred to falsehood!
The issue of the cargo cargo was not given, as in the famous incomplete contract 717, for which Karamanlis said in his deposition that he would not save nothing, since the Rules of Procedure was violated that night! And the Buyer, refused to testify, exercising his right to stumble, since he was now accused of the case.
In the end, the committee was submitted to the case, but a few days later, PASOK MPs who participated in it pointed out that only sections of the case file were given and requested that the whole were lodged.
Summary procedures, the liability of political persons, an attempt to find scapegoats to calm down victims' relatives and all angry society. These were the government's goals in the committee. Even SYRIZA's responsibilities have been put aside (eg about how much its 717 works, which had been signed since 2014), not only because when the accident happened, the ND had been ruled for four years, but because if it enters And SYRIZA in the frame, then the responsibilities begin and become timeless and do not concern governments, but the system they serve. Obviously we did not expect a House committee to even let this be implied.
However, the waters shook the European Parliament's resolution on the delay of awarding justice in Greece, which explicitly refers to the Tempe case. The reasons that led to this should be sought in the more general pressures of Europeans over the Greek government, which has tightened the US, rather than the ... sense of justice of Europeans, who know very well the Italians who bought and operate the Greek railways …
In this resolution, but also in the pressure exerted on the government, the families of the victims, but also the whole people behind them, should also seek the causes of the "awakening" of the Supreme Court, who in late February asked them Prosecutors should take all the necessary steps to clarify the case. In order not to be doubtful about the intentions of the Supreme Court, let us remind you that the Supreme Court prosecutor Georgia Picilin had given… monumental answers to protesting relatives, only weeks earlier: “How do you do? It's a small moral issue "," they happen "," visit a church to help you "!
The hook was also expressed ... materials, with the accident of the accident area, just a day after the accident, on March 1, 2023. The otherwise cumbersome public moved, found contractors, signed contracts, spoiled about 650,000 euros and completed. The project in less than a week! The Journal of Editors revealed that one of the companies involved was set up a month later, in early April!
However, is it still unclear who ordered the mandate, the Region of Thessaly, the Fire Brigade, the Police, the Government? Everyone deny it! But the joke was done. And the official excuse (who was not even convinced of a high school student ...) was that the muddy space had to be cleaned and covered so that the cranes could be stable and the dead would be restored, while also protected the underground conductor of physicist. Gas! What had to be covered was the valuable elements that might be hiding at the scene of the crime and what had to be protected was all kinds of responsible, especially on the ... tall floors! Even if this meant to cover the biological material of the victims ...
The cover -up business is overall, coordinated and inhumane. Those who designed and implemented her are determined to continue to the end. An end to which some guilty and many innocent are intended to find. Above all, to acquit the system that kills, in Mandra, in Mati, in Tempi, but also in Gaza and the camps of the destitute throughout the Earth.
This system was targeted, even without realizing it, by the thousands that were demonstrating last year, the thousands that demonstrated this year on 28 February and many of those who signed the Karystianos resolution. This rage, expressed so massively, must become more overall, turning to the main culprit, the system of exploitation and not be the subject of small -party exploitation of some who, in fact, are complicit.
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Five months have been closed by the invasion and barbaric bombings of the Zionist state of Israel in the Gaza Strip against the proud and unmistakable Palestinian people. The dead have now exceeded 30,000 while the injured are 72,000. Women, children, men, the elderly are targeted by the murder of the fascist state of Israel. The cowardly killers of the occupation army continue to find them dark from the armed Palestinian resistance, and therefore, along with the threat of an invasion of Rafa, which has become a place of gathering millions of displaced, they are now using hunger as a genocide. Deaths of baby and young children are already being recorded by malnutrition and the risk of extensive famine and geometric increase in fatal diseases is growing day a day.
Negotiations in the shadow of horror
The Israeli side has been negotiating for a few weeks in Cairo and in Paris on the back and foremost, constantly promoting other demands, while continuing the bombings in Gaza. In the meantime, statements such as Netanyahu's that, even if a ceasefire agreement is reached, immediately after the invasion of Rafa will be further undermined.
However, the Zionist government of Israel, once again trying to shake the talks and to react to the pressures it receives from its bosses, even surpassed its Nazi standards this time. Caused a blood bath of the hungry residents of Gaza. Israeli killers hungry killed 112 and injured over 760 civilians asking for some flour from the trucks passing through Nablus's roundabout in northern Gaza.
The result of this Zionist barbarism, in addition to the unveiling of the fascist nature of the Israeli regime to all peoples, were to grow the discontent of the Western and especially of its American protectors, who see their mantle -dog shakes one by one the bridges trying to try to shake off the bridges one by one. build with the aim of restoring control in the Middle East area.
For the US, of course, the strategic significance of this advanced prison has once again led them to the shameful veto against a resolution condemning the massacre and a stop for a ceasefire, which supported all other members of the Security Council.
However, this constant efforts of the Zionist leadership of Israel and those who may be promoted by the US to strengthen the plans of the Biden administration reaches the limits of the big boss's tolerance. The visit of Netanyahu's War Council of War Council and political opponent Benny Gantz to Washington and US Vice President Kamala Harris, that "given that conditions are inhumane in Gaza, need to be declared a immediately cease". " , are typical examples of these boundaries touched by the Israeli leadership. In addition, the US leadership is likely to be afraid that with political moves such as the Netanyahu plan (see) the US will face situations that will not be able to control but even manage.
Occupation hardening plans and "final solution" plans
The Cabinet of the Zionist State voted in favor, as we wrote in the previous leaflet, the "declaration of a statement" filed by Netanyahu and opposed to the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. This statement, as it became known in the following days, was just one point in the plan submitted by Netanyahu and voted in favor of his ministers. The rest of the guise of the "Israeli Security" are in the direction of the vertical hardening of the occupation in Gaza and the West Bank, with the ultimate goal of persecuting the people of Palestine by its land. Some points of the plan, except of course the ever -repeated "complete elimination of any threat to Israel's security", is worth mentioning as monuments of Nazi - fascist practice and perception:
Russia's appearance and China's "present"
Within this bloody setting, the fourth meeting of some Palestinian organizations in Moscow and Lavrov's arrows against the US did not go unnoticed to undermine the efforts of the so -called "Quartet for Peace in Palestine" (US, Russia, EU, EU , UN) that has long become inactive. The Israeli confrontation has begun to emerge and grow, with the latter using harsh language for Israel's policy against Palestine.
Russia is not only that it finds a vehicle for intervention in developments in the Middle East, nor is it only its obvious annoyance from the continued Israeli aviation blows to Syria's protected. Israel's expressed intentions have probably played a catalyst to support the Kiev regime. Thus, the largest, after the BIP, war in Europe, with its worldwide stakes, creates other complications in the bloody Middle East.
But China also finds the opportunity, on the occasion of the hearings in the International Court of Justice in The Hague in terms of Israel's genocidal policy, to state that "armed resistance is the right of all peoples under occupation". A clear statement of differentiation from the "anti-hamm" climate that the Westerners are trying to impose with the US first. A statement trying to register mortgages in Beijing's relationship with Palestinian organizations and mainly with a series of Arab regimes.
Palestine is entangled in the bloody ropes of the slaughter and famine. As the facts show so far, the next time will evolve a tug -of -war between the - no easy - perspective of an invasion of Rafa that will cause unthinkable hundreds of dead and large waves of destabilization in the area and the possibility of a longer or shorter ceasefire. .
Fortunately, in the tragic events and the untold horror caused by the Zionists with the support of their bosses in Washington, the disobedient people of Palestine with their heroic fighters in the front line continues to feed us with hope and optimism!
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The power of the struggle of the masses of farmers and student youth has undoubtedly put its stamp on the political and social developments of the last two months. And the meeting of this power - and even incomplete and incomplete - with the struggle of workers and social anger on the road, on the big and important strike on February 28, gave only a small sample of the possibilities produced by the co -struggling tracks. , from the direction of the resistance and claim!
It has been clear that the massive popular anger from the miserable social status, accuracy, expanding poverty and unemployment, the endless waves of the anti -populist and their consequences on the terms of work, studies, care and the life of the masses, will generate themselves. Constantly moods for struggle and struggle. That was what proved to be last year's magnificent mobilizations after the crime of the Tempe system, which was the fuse to break out the indignation that has accumulated "underground" for years. And as it turned out deafening from the recent events, the people and youth are anything but willing to forget and forgive about the real culprits of the crime. This is the case, even if their rage is diverted to the millions of online signatures for "lifting immunity" and "Constitutional Review", which, regardless of the intentions of the participants, only manage to disorient and obscure the way. of the struggle against countless crimes at the expense of the life system of exploitation and its policies. At the same time, the parliamentary process of the Inquiry Committee seems to be moving in the direction of full concealment, which recently appeared as a great success by the KKE, which had given the current struggle to adopt as a proposal by the bourgeois parties. , having previously taken care of the Sporting meeting to declare the end of mobilizations on the issue, in view of the "mother of battles", the parliamentary elections that were approaching.
So, as real steps are not recorded, integration, upgrading of the struggle, the system forces will utilize the negative class-political correlation to promote their attack. It is this truth that is reflected in the ND government's determination to proceed with the Pierrakakis bill on private universities, not to retreat from the "sanctuaries and sacred" of "fiscal stability" in front of agricultural claims, while the fields were flooded again. And the compensation and projects that have been announced for months are referred to the calendars, to continue opening a number of fronts, such as the recent joint ministerial decision on the operation of afternoon surgery in hospitals and further commercialization of social good.
The capacity of the government, of course, to implement its anti -populist agenda in all areas, as well as the support she still enjoys from the main centers of power inside and outside the country, is all but signaling some of her ability to convince her mattresses in order to accept its policy. That is why the government, as well as the "whole system", are constantly reminding that the attack will pass "by fire and iron", with an increasingly intensity of the fascism of public and political life, with persecution of fighters, with a drag. Courts' associations, with class union in illegality by the Hatzidakis-Georgiadis laws, with terrorism and targeting of the youth fighting, with Mitsotakis even making statements on the need to make changes to disciplinary rules of disciplines. The road to deleting students involved in the occupations is paved.
Crisis phenomena in the urban political scene
With the headaches given to the government and the bourgeois political system, therefore, the popular mobilization and generalized rage, things are not easy for the regime forces, in conditions that have not yet been able to form an alternative, Urban governance and absorption of social vibrations. In view of the European elections, they are seriously calculating the distinction trends that are developing within the masses, with the possibility of the massive depreciation of the official political system and its parties.
The recruitment of the threat of rising all right -wing forms, with messages from other EU countries ringing bells, in a framework of movement and capabilities, but very different for most of the bourgeoisie involved in relation to 'ourselves' ", As it is for example for the preference showing parts of French imperialist capital in Lepen, there is multiple readings: on the one hand, it reflects the existing concern of domestic bourgeois parties, and in particular of the ND, for a possible shift to far -right policies. at the expense of their own percentages and the extension of political instability. On the other hand, it expresses the conscious intention of the use of far-fascist forces as paths to react to social indignation, far from dangerous outlets for the system. What is certain, however, is that the "worries" do everything to continue to fuel the darker and darker structures with their politics, which is constantly shifting to the right. In this context, the newly emerged "Tona" center-back of Loverdos, which hastens to be useful in the reactionary processes of remodeling the political scene is also included.
In this reactionary course, of course, SYRIZA takes a position, with the dissolution that was reflected in his recent conference to seal it. There, until the once "big political capital" Tsipras has come to be discredited, in the direction of a deeper systemic adjustment of the party undertaken by Kasselakis. The baton, of course, rushed to take Tsipras himself, with his posting at the Kathimerini Congress and "Mea Culpa" for the Novartis case and television licenses. Overall, the tendencies of renunciation in SYRIZA of any "spelling" of his rule are being strengthened, in coordinating with the rest of the bourgeois parties, with Tsipras and Pavlopoulos agreeing to the same conference that there was never a question of questioning the country's position in the country. Eurozone and the EU. Only some of the illusions of the extra-parliamentary left were finally left to glorify the tail policy in the "first time left" and the referendum, which is revealed again that it had another negotiating paper for the objective.
The Kathimerini Conference "The Transition: 50 Years Later" was a first -class opportunity to proclaim their urban executives to commit to the '74 contract and the division of the dependency between the western patrons, which was the foundation of the bourgeoisie. A regime that has been built since then at the expense of the people and for the benefit of foreign patrons and local bastards. It was, at the same time, an attempt to set up a Siloam swimming pool for this local addicted bourgeois system and to repeat the well -known narratives of guilty of social conquests of the course that led to the crisis and subordinate to the memorandums. A doxology, also of "social peace" and a reminder, as characteristically expressed in Pavlopoulos's assumption of discussions within the Karamanlis government in December 2008 to lower the street and use "quasi -dictatorial media", about how hostile it is hostile. Over time, this system against the working class, the people and the youth.
A system in a productive country, following a course of de -industrialization and annexification to imperialist monopolies all the last decades, with Mitsotakis challenging in Aspropyrgos for logistics centers in place of dissolved factories. In today's phase, in a country double -dependent, with US and EU imperialist bosses being "alleged" on the international vigorous competition and uncertainty as the US is moving towards their presidential elections in terms of intense infertility Until the fires on the fire raging in our neighborhood, focusing on the Zionist genocide that is taking place at the expense of the heroic Palestinian people with the backs of the local ruling class and its complicity, the geopolitical horizon and the darkness of the darkness. . Moreover, when it comes to upgrading its involvement in the unjust war in Ukraine every so often, with the surprise visit of Mitsotakis and the meeting with Zelenski, as well as with leaks immediately denied by a concession of Russian S-300s to the Ukrainian S-300. A move for which Russia has stated in advance that it will be considered "aggressive action". In a juncture, even after the successes of Russian imperialism on the field, discussions about all kinds of adventurous actions within the West, with Macron, are claiming a more expanded role in French imperialism in the gaps that are shaped by US policy. , to throw on the table until the immediate involvement with the troops and Putin to once again point the threat of nuclear devastation.
It is not to be surprised that in this troubled and dangerous setting, with the local ruling class moving more and more "American -speaking", European imperialists feel the need to constantly remind that the country belongs to them as well. Thus, after the European Parliament's conviction, revelations about Anna-Michel Asimakopoulou's mass emails came to expatriates, while also demonstrating what the letter voting brings about even the perforated of their own processes.
The races can win!
In the face of the sepsis and the stench that the urban political scene, the student movement and the struggle of the peasantry have been a ray of light, giving courage to the whole people. The strike on February 28 was an important moment, but it should not be treated as the "end" of mobilizations, as the forces of subordination and compromise would want to.
Continuing and political upgrading of the race is the main issue. Nothing has to wait for the poor peasantry from the meetings of the farmers with Mitsotakis. It must remain in the direction of the stupid struggle in the blocks. The students have nothing to wait for from returning their heads to the amphitheater, supposedly to fight "polymorphs", as the KKE is used to baptizing the closures of the struggles. They must insist on assemblies, occupations and demonstrations. Both sides have to seek steps and further steps, find their real allies in the working class and the working people.
In the face of the adoption of the Pierrakakis bill, the political-historical experience of the movements that overturned voted laws must be exploited and transformed into a struggle force for today's conditions. In contrast to the revanchism of the regime forces, who are already trying to punish the youth for the struggle it gives with terrorism and intensification unprecedented. Against the deception of retreat of the dominant student left, who is preparing to recruit with the well -known loser slogan "to keep the law on paper". The student youth has proven in practice that it has a will for struggle and huge forces to implement it, even in the most negative conditions. This will must serve anyone who wishes to refer to the popular case. These forces must manifest itself on the road all the time, even more massively and decisively, until the victory and overthrow of the law!
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