Leipzig: Demonstration on March 8th

Author: axun
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-09T00-09-05-00-00
Tags: 8. März, Demonstration, Leipzig, Internationaler Frauenkampftag
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We publish a report sent to us, about a demonstration that took place on the occasion of the International Women's Fighting Day in Leipzig:

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On March 8th, an event took place in Leipzig, from 4:00 p.m. on the occasion of the International Frauenkampftag. Several hundred people took part. The event was opened with speeches that were held from a stage, on Augustusplatz. Among other things, current problems of the women of the oppressed peoples and nations were made aware, in Palestine, in Iran and in different countries in Latin America. The speeches were carefully persecuted by the participants, and slogans called.

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The Red Women's Committee, part of the Red Bund, also gave a powerful speech during the demonstration, which was given a lot of approval. The flags of the red waist and a flag with hammer and sickle blew together with The flag of the Palestinian liberation struggle In the demonstration train and slogans for the heroic struggle of the people of Palestine were voted. So it was made clear that the struggle for the liberation of women did not "intersect" 1 is , but this is to be understood as part of the struggle of the international proletariat against the ruling class and the revolutionary anger of the woman is to be unleashed as a mighty force of proletarian world revolution. A banner with the inscription "Women fights and fends off!" The call of the Red Women's Committee and the revolutionary workers' newspaper "Rote Post" was also distributed, which met with great interest.

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The demonstration loudly moved around the ring in downtown Leipzig. More speeches were made and music played. There were also cultural contributions: a rehearsed dance was performed and a women's choir appeared at the final rally.

1 : [Anm. d. Stuck .: Intersectionality describes the overlap and simultaneity of different forms of discrimination against one person , ...“ ]

Source: https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-proletarischer-feminismus/8365-leipzig-demonstration-zum-8-maerz