ATHENS The people sent a loud NO to the attack of government in youth

Labels: αγωνιστικες κινησεις αει-τει, νεολαια, φοιτητες
Published Time: 2024-03-09T05-23-00-02-00
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Pan -Hellenic Educational Rally in Athens, March 8:

The people sent a loud NO to the attack of government in youth

With a gathering of tens of thousands of protesters, the ninth in a row, against the Pierrakaki bill, students, students, teachers and labor unions, in the decades, attempt to impose the establishment of private universities and bypassing Article 16, for decades. Right to free studies. In fact, the government chose on March 8 - the day of the women's struggle for equality, life and rights - as a day of voting the bill.

This massive rally came out through the collective processes of student associations, with assemblies, votes, rallies, marches, before the bill was even tabled. This highlights the opposition of the youth - but also the overall, of the people - to the aims of the system for the abolition of free public education.

The course that followed the greetings of associations and associations from all over Greece did not take long to be brutally hit by the police, who made her presence visible throughout the demonstration with the MATs accompanying the protesters, while in the Constitution I had a campaign. And the aura.

The murderous hit by the police on the protesters in the Constitution, in an attempt to dismantle the march, resulted in a serious injury of at least eight people. The concentration was drowned in tear gas, but the student blocks, the common block of the racing movements of students, teachers and student resistance, as well as the classroom, but also of other colleges, were reconstituted and continued to coordinate the course until the Syntagma, the evening. In the afternoon hours on the site, female organizations were gathered on the occasion of March 8, with corresponding parables. Late in the evening, the concentration with slogans for March 8, but also for supporting the Palestinian people's struggle, ended up with a demonstration in the Propylaea, where it was completed.

This loud response to the government's attack must seek its continuation, regardless of the passage of the law, with the aim of completely abolishing it, which we will continue to fight in our mass spaces.
