We honor March 8 - the female movement today

Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: γυναικα, κινήματα, πολιτικη
Published Time: 2024-03-09T06-21-00-02-00
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(republishing by Proletarian flag , and reminder of today's Event on the outside the walls )

The female movement today

The female issue is closely linked to the form and the Organization that human society must have in order to replace oppression, deprivation, misery in all forms, with the Human freedom, physical and social health. Is one side of general social problem and will be resolved with him, that is by overthrow of the exploitation system that gives birth to capitalism. Actual equality of the woman and the man can be done reality only when the capitalist exploitation of the women and men, while managing the household, which today is an individual employment, will be converted into a social field production. As is wrong to hope and invest in equality In capitalism, it is wrong to be considered to be by taking her power from the proletariat is solved in an automatic way the female inequality. The historical experience showed that it is not enough only to be defeated by bourgeoisie and in terms of our country and imperialists They "protect" her. It is required to deconstruct all the superstar which has been shaped in the passage of thousands of years of class society, which has takes various forms, but with always steady the inequality of woman as a physical state of human species. The superstructure penetrates on every side of life, in the customs and customs of centuries, into the Language, art. Everything needs to turn around.

Marxism has historically been identified with woman's conquests and has shown the way to its liberation from every social inequality. It was so decisive his role that is not bypassed easily. Despite the systematic attempt of feminism to reset to him, It shows incredible strength. But that's not enough. Historical Materialism does not It carries eternal solutions. Is a tool of analysis of society and revolutionary action. The answers and solutions given to others Conditions a previous historical period, the conclusions of Socialist construction is useful but they are not enough. They have changed many data. Woman is no longer an integral part of the hard work dynamic, while at the beginning of the 20th century he still claimed the right at work. New forms of exploitation of the woman are added to the Classic, new problems emerge through urban 'solutions', New needs are created at the level of human relationships, new Conditions of oppression are shaped within the modern family and by Everywhere the violence of the system that targets it overflows. The process Women's release is inseparable by class struggle and economic, social, political and cultural changes that the Revolutionary struggle brings to society.

Woman and work

The woman always worked, and even hard, at home, in the field, in the craft. Capitalism pulled the woman out of the house to work on the big factories created during its period industrial revolution. It was not the first time he participated in productive work, but it was the first time you received and She managed her own remuneration. Was so massive her entry into the factories, which in 1820 75-80% of adult women in Europe They worked in the fabric industry.

Greece did not experience the industrial revolution as other countries of Europe. Industrial Development progressed with very large delay. Women started working in factories a few decades after the creation of the Greek state. Until 1860 Few women worked in factories. Was so deeply rooted then the view that work reduces the woman's morals and removes from the family, which in 1877 was prosecuting intervention Why the work in factories, due to the synchronization of men and women, offends public ethics and comments on 'Ethics of the working class in Greece' ! Women and Girls Refugees who came from Crete after Cretan Revolution (1866-69) and from Asia Minor in 1922, they found work in factories. The 19th The century women and the girls worked from the age of 5 years, mainly in occupations that They did not require education as maids, land workers, washingers, Modists, weavers, ribbons and hat. By the beginning of the 20th th century opened a window to work the educated women of Meduses, as teachers at the beginning and then in various Private and Public Sector Services. After the decade of 1970, women worked everywhere.

Today, in conditions of de -industrialization, shrinking of the farm production and sovereignty of services, it is reasonable most Women to work in the services. Although they are fired first, not We can talk about a woman's return home, like Some claim. Woman's work cannot be considered Today's complementary man's work. Working women remain an integral part of the workforce. Although it is the most trained part of the population as they make up 60% of recent graduates of both post -graduate vocational training, as well as higher education, 39% of women aged 30-34 years old, they also declare that they are financially supported by the family their. It proves once again that hunting of qualifications is Deadly and lifelong education lifelong bonds. The financial problem that drowns the people for women means trapping in Wedding/Security. Work for many hours, do two and three jobs, are permanently under pressure without free time. The salaries hunger, endless working hours, overall working conditions They influence the relationships and position of the woman within the family. A woman pressed financially will think long before asking divorce.

A woman in her work has to deal with capitalist Exploitation as well as her husband's colleague, discrimination against weight of her sex and other forms of exploitation, such as sexual harassment. When the law defines as a "patron" of working women their employer, then urgent reconstruction of the female movement. Powerful lights have fallen into the last issue, sexual harassment, not to illuminate her but to darken the other issues.

There are thorns two issues: different earnings, gap, As they say, between the salaries of men and women, which remains Always for the same job, and motherhood. Pregnancy and the first A child for a woman affect her relationship with her work. Against rule keeps her away from her. exploitation and oppression of women is not just a matter of speech or Just a matter of resistance. Aimed to overturn and change whatever It gives birth to exploitation.

What is the race to grow? Through 'feminist strike on March 8 »redefines the concepts of strike and Work on a disorderly basis from 99%feminism. The 1% that Missing are liberal women. We are all the rest. A clever way to abolish classes is to make a Great, which fits 99%.

What is needed is actually a strike on March 8, dedicated In the liberation of women and all the oppressed people from their need and exploitation.

Crime in crime

Abuses, rape, murders of children and women in the family or in the relative and friendly environment have become everyday news. Mother killed her children, father raped his son or his daughter, woman murdered by her partner, son hit her His mother to death, 15 -year -old raped and tortured their classmate ...

No crime is the same as the other, each one is a tragedy and all together show the moral downfall, relaxation or dissolution of social bonds and the complete disintegration of society. Nevertheless, Even these findings, no matter how correct they are, it matters From which side does one see them. Everything around the crime, the Ethics and consciousness of people are deeply class.

Each historical period has its own characteristics, its own crimes, her own code of ethics, her laws, the judges and punishments. In capitalism, as in all class Societies, what is a crime is determined by the ruling class. Crime It is any action challenging its power or violates them Its laws.

Each crime is used by propaganda mechanisms in a way that serves the interests of the ruling class.

Today's man is shaped in conditions of capitalist imperialist barbarism. The financial crisis that was not overwhelmed, the Memorandums that are in full power, the pandemic that does not say to ended, the war in Ukraine raging, the threats of nuclear Deadly hanging over humanity's heads, poverty stretched out, the fascism that brings to the surface the most harsh appearance of power, the Remules and the viciousness circulating in the luxurious bourgeois lounges, revanchism and contempt for the people which is stated in secret and everyday by all the factors of System make the present very difficult and the future of disgust. Will not Survival if you are not subordinate, they cynically tell the people those who have secure in all possible ways to live many and well years. Demonstrate their wealth, stressing that this society It was made for the few.

The man who cannot explain what is happening to him, who is loaded with anxieties and immersed in poverty, he can't see Nothing nice around him as he only thinks of his survival. When not sees her through collective claim, thinks of individual solutions to make money, since in capitalism everything is a commodity and Money is the measure of the value of things and people. THE How to deal with and sell things become a way of contact with another man.

In order to eliminate crimes must eliminate the causes that They give birth, that is, the system of capitalist power. Those who They fight for this purpose cannot treat abstract inside. Of course, they cannot prevent society from defending it with of her way against criminals, but therefore struggle more persistently for the transformation of society from the foundations.

Today's era is characterized by a dying of alienation, rushing of fascist, racist and medieval ideas. The crime is Characteristic of the system, its derivative, an example of its impasses. When after each crime, except for the criminal, they attribute Responsibilities in the family and school, they do it not because they challenge these institutions, but to convey the responsibility to people who should, always according to the bourgeois, to reproduce more Faithful the ideal patterns they themselves define. Parents and teachers must prove that they respond to their role, based on Ideal model for family and school.

The same causes that give birth to all crimes and the crimes against women. They have, of course, their particular characteristics.

Two people who are strangers among each other are in love with each other and there who lived until yesterday's different life, now inquisitively dives into one in another's life. The perception of the right to ownership is generalized. THE A man considers his wife's estate. Also the perception of inequality of the sexes plays a decisive role in human relationships in general, Especially in gender relationships and especially in marriage. To some societies the man has legally guaranteed his property on the his wife. Until the 1980s, the man was recorded as the leader of the family.

Enriched the old ethics with its modern humiliation Woman-Clastra, Beauty Beauty, Sexual object in every advertisement, presents the woman as property of every male. Thus the man will assassinate his wife or his companion because he considers him his estate and why his selfishness does not lets accept the rejection. An unknown will rape a girl and The investigator will turn his offensive questions to her, to find out if her appearance was the proper or if she caused the rape Her behavior!

The man bourgeois may officially have the right of the first night that the feudal lord had but has the ability to buy or to blackmail as many nights as the working class women want.

The signs of the system are very easily distinguished on every victim of rape, beating or murder.

Woman and war

The imperialists threaten peoples with general war. They are trying to make alliances. The flames of war are already burning a Series of countries and peoples. War in Ukraine exacerbates all contradictions while the Palestinian genocide continues from their Zionist fascists of Israel, who turn Palestinian land into Skull place so that there are no signs of houses, as if not stayed Never there. There is no return for those who save the slaughter! In the disaster and death they try to survive women of Palestine. Give birth to their children where they find place to stand, no hospitals and doctors, without knowing if they will live the next dot. When they themselves hungry and thirst, how can they breastfeed to keep them in life? And when their children fall dead from Zionist killers hold them in their arms and continue to They fight for life and freedom. Resist the genocide they have It launches the Zionist fascists with incredible power and endurance.

In times of war, the woman is ranked in the civilian population. The bourgeois classes want her to support the male soldier, to She is patient, not to count death, but the profits of her homeland In the battlefields, to rejoice with the extinction of the enemy. The woman The people have no enemies of peoples. If difficulties in peace of peace, the her life becomes unbearable in time of war, that every moment is caressed by death

Before a war begins, governments attack rights of their people. They are fond of him to fund their warfare designs. Have to subdue him before they start war to subdue Other peoples. Poverty, injustice and system violence are increased. THE Woman understands, as she sees bread diminishing on the table, feels the injustice and the violence break up on her, she sees what the people are going through of Palestine, it feels the war of the war to approach and the Thought still terrifies her.

Woman cannot raise time to pass and the facts to roll in another direction. If the period of the her torture associated with rotten imperialist capitalist system that gives birth to wars and its own inequality and oppression, must resist the anti -populist policies of locals bourgeoisie and imperialists. Struggle against war means Violation of social peace.

Lenin, addressing the international socialist conference Women, with World War I raging, she argued that the Movement of Women's Workers '' can be the precursor of the general uprising of the masses " "The March of the Women of the People to Versailles" on October 5 1789, which began in protest for the high price and lack of Bread, forced the king to give up his powers. It was The first step of the French Revolution. The women's demonstration against In the war and hunger, which took place on March 8, 1917, (23 February with the old calendar) in Petersburg, led to the overthrow of Tsar. This is how the February revolution began, which triggered the October revolution.

Today, we are not in a pre -revolutionary period. But the dynamics of women when they go down the streets and especially when connected to The labor movement should not be underestimated. The slogan 'peace and Bread »will always express the female masses. Women of all peoples of the world will unite in their struggle for a better life. Direct anti -war duty to continue demonstrations to stop the Genocide of the Palestinians.

Source: https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/03/8_9.html