Since 2009, Brazil has been part of a military coalition led by the United States (USA), which focuses on the Red Sea region, the Bab-El-Mandeb Strait and adjacent regions, such as the Gulf of Aden. Earlier this year, a counter-mirror of the Brazilian Navy, Antonio Braz de Souza, began to command one of the coalition's task forces, Combined Task Force (CTF) 151, intended to combat “piracy” on the coast of Somalia. The region is located near the so -called “horn of Africa” and is the central gateway to the Red Sea. Exactly there, the Ansarallah Movement, also called Houthi, has been active, which since the end of last year has attacked Israeli vessels or to Israel in both the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea as a way to undermine Israel's economic supply and support the Palestinian people in fight in the Gaza Strip. The maintenance of Brazil in the coalition, and particularly in the command post, is a solid support for imperialist intervention in the Red Sea and a direct attack on Arabic anti-imperialist resistance.
Who are the Houthi?
The Ansarallah movement has been existed since the 1990s in Yemen. During the 30 years of armed struggle in the country, the movement's guerrillas raised popular massive support by challenging corrupt governments aligned with US imperialism and, in 2014, gained power in the country through a siege in the capital, where he ruled The then President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. Since then, Ansarallah has continued to defend Yemen from the imperialist intervention promoted by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia, in which he integrates and commands in fact American imperialism.
With strong anti-imperialist character, Ansarallah is one of the movements of Arab resistance that, together with organizations such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Palestine, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for Liberation From Palestine, they offer an armed opposition consequently to Zionism and the Yankee Imperialist Domain.
Last year, the movement again gained a significant prominence for confiscations and bombings against Israeli vessels or other countries that were destined for the ports of Israel. The justification for all operations was “support for the Palestinian people in Gaza”, systematically repeated in the speeches of Ansarallah commanders and spokesmen, such as Marshal Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi. Initially focused on commercial vessels, the Yemeni today also aims to military vessels of the imperialist powers. Until February of this year, at least 40 attacks were attacked by Houthi, according to data from Ambrey Analytics .
As a way of trying to counter resistance, USA launched, last year, the guardian operation of prosperity. With eleven countries among the belligerents, the function of the imperialist military coalition is to undermine the performance of the houthi in the region.
Where does Brazil come in?
Brazil, in turn, is part of CTF 151, one of the five coalition task force Combined Maritime Forces (Combined maritime forces). The other four are the CTF 150, which operates in the Oman Gulf, CTF 152, intended to control the Arabic Gulf, CTF 153, intervener of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden and CTF 154, responsible for training. Another function of CTF 153 is to command the Operation Guardian of Prosperity, so that the Anti-Ansarallah Military Operation falls under the umbrella of the combined maritime forces.
Already the task force commanded by Brazil also acts directly against the attacks of the resistant anti-imperialists of Yemen. A map released by Al Jazeera In December points that 12 attacks made by the HOUTHHI occurred in the Gulf region of the aden. In November last year, before the Brazilian counterfeit to take over, the CTF was used to “rescue” an imperialist vessel of the aden gulf that requested a siege of armed men aid. The initial indications pointed out that the attackers were Somalian, but hours after the robbery, ballistic missiles were fired from Yemen against the vessel. The ship, appointed from Central Park It was a tanker with ties to Israel.
Brazil in the service of the ianks
Truth be told, Brazil's participation in the military coalition to “combat Somalian pirates” was reprehensible even before recent events. The combined maritime forces are part of the Yankee plans for the globe's military control through, among other efforts, the “stability missions” in semicolonial and colonial countries, such as the well -known “peace missions” of the UN that carry or have taken so much horror to countries like Congo, Haiti and Somalia itself. Without solving any problem of the assaulted countries, missions serve only to deepen imperialist domination in the oppressed nations. What good is the government to deny the sending of new troops to Haiti to combat the gangs that operate in the Caribbean country, but to allow the Brazilian command on a military mission designed to attack the pirates of the African horn? Haitian paramilitary groups are the result of the misery caused by imperialist domination as much as the Somalian sea looters.
Currently, there is nothing that points to the reversal of current conflicts in the Middle East. On March 7, statements by the Arab National Resistance proved that the Yemeni guerrillas have operated in conjunction with Hamas since the launch of the Diluvius of Al-AQSA. The next day, USA confirmed three deaths on an Ansarallah vessel, the first deaths on commercial vessels in the Red Sea conflicts until then.
And it seems that Brazil will follow the Yankee Military Coalition. Currently, Yemen is the only country that, through weapons, makes the economic supply of Israel difficult. Faced with the lack of sanctions against the Netanyahu regime, the Yemeni attacks stand out as a way of supporting the Palestinian people in Gaza. Any initiative that seeks to undermine this combat is solid support for Zionism, and a direct attack on Palestinians.