An afternoon demonstration took place on Friday, March 8th in Thessaloniki for Women's Day. There were two rallies in the city, one in Kamara and one in St. Venizelos.

The mass gathering in St. Venizelou was limited, due to the participation of the student associations in the Pan-Hellenic-Panepistian rally in Athens. The KKE (M-L) participated with its own block in the demonstration. Through his slogan, he highlighted the connection of the female issue with all the open fronts facing the whole people from the attack of the system. From the needs of wages to increase to Greece's involvement through NATO on war fronts.
Extremely provocative and the move of Defense Minister N. Dendia to announce the voluntary recruitment of women in the army. In one more way they found the opportunity to tell the woman that it is consumable for the plans of the imperialists. And what war means very well by Palestinian women and women in Ukraine.

This day the government also chose to vote on Pierakkaki's law. Proving how much the system is interested in the rights of the student, the student, the employee.
Because the demonstration on March 8, a day of remembrance in the struggle of workers for rights is not enough, the struggle for the woman's emancipation goes through daily struggles for free studies, freedoms, rights work, peace and independence struggles.