Brazilian folk movement: Luiz Inacio under women's situation has not changed at all

Author: uusibrasilia
Categories: Uncategorized
Description: This bulletin was originally published by the Brazilian People's Movement - MFP During the last elections, women's position was one of the most discussed topics, but despite all the promises…
Modified Time: 2024-03-09T17:12:42+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-09T17-12-42-00-00
Type: article
Images: 000000.png?w=321

This bulletin was originally published by the Brazilian People's Movement - MFP

During the last elections, women's position was one of the most discussed topics, but despite all the promises that were made at the time, there was no change in the life of the people. Not in the form, not in the content. Particularly in the poorest parts, such as the residents of Faves in cities and landless peasants, and only the peasants who own little land.

This season, Luiz Inacio's Opportunctic government sets its "administrative" agenda (read: allies with the same reactionary coalition that is in the government, whatever the government, from Sarney to Bolsonar) and try to calm the coup scenes and extreme right, contrary to people. There were no shocking measures that were considered in the elections, such as taxation of large companies or recognizing the rights of care workers. For the poor, on the contrary, the only practice has been to increase violence in rural and cities.

Another fact about crisis and increasing political violence will be proven by recent murders, such as quilombo leaders Mtle Bernadete and Pajé Negat in Pataxó, both in the state of Bahia, dominated by PT ("Workers") Jerônimo Rodrigues, who has not done nothing to reduce Latifundia and attacks on common countries and indigenous areas. Even more, he encouraged it with a recent criminal temporal framework (Marco tempor), relationships with large landowners, rohmua and thieves, such as a group of "invasion zero", is armed and trained in the right of the staircase, to drive unlawful land ownership, to murder leaders. Most of these gentlemen form a social foundation for Bolsarism and the extreme right, and openly defend their leader to the government and the outcome of the fascist coup. To this, Luiz Inacio and his minister gave the budget to his "allies", Artur Lira and other white collar bands in Konress, as if such a lounging policy could curb a coup, which comes mainly from the armed forces and major landowners.

Repeated Cases of Police Blood Pads -such as one led by "Operation of the Summer" in Santos, which has already led to 54 deaths, in addition to the permanent siege of Cariocas (Rio de Janeiro), show clearly dominant classes, large bourgeoisie and major owners, the recent civilian Imperialism, mainly the Yankee -In imperialism against the people. As we have seen, there are no expenditure contingency plans or financial restrictions on the assembly of the police and equipping repression at all levels. For health care and education, financial cuts and reduction of the value of professionals and the structural discount space are routine, such as revealing the state's inability to prevent and provide assistance to workers during the current Dengue epidemic. In short, for the rich, nothing for the people!

Public measures promised to women who were raised during the election farce have already been forgotten. They were just makeup, as was the case with regard to the distribution of menstrual supplies in the "People's Pharmacy program", where endless bureaucratine marsh calls for women who seeking poverty, exhibition and humiliation for help. Things such as minimum wage assessment and law to balance men's and women's salary in the same profession became a dead letter. Most women are still without official employment and survive how they can feed their children. Among workers, black women have the worst work situation, fee and work imply an unprotected employment relationship without a signed employment contract and without rights.

Economic crisis and unemployment and inflation are increasingly weighing on women, as evidenced by a national study by the IBGE (Institute of Geography and Space) from 2023. Inequalities between men and women increased by 25%. They earn 25% less. Workers, especially black workers, suffer more from hunger and unemployment - women are 55% higher than men and 47% of women live in non -food insurance.

The lack of financial protection makes us exposed to different kinds of violence. In this way, in the first four months in 2023, 17,500 sexual offenses were registered for children and teenagers and, despite this cruel reality, access to abortion under current law (incest when the mother's life is in danger, and fetal brain) has been constantly more difficult for public health care through what forces women to endanger their lives for abortion.

Give the new democratic revolution and the People's Protest!

The serious economic, political and military crisis, which the country is immersed, is not a tied or temporary fact: its roots are in the Latifundia domestic domination, first in the colonial, then imperialist. Economy, subordinated to Latuufund and imperialism, always in stagnation and without space for national development. The dominant classes, the lawyers of imperialism, the small partners who are happy to crumble. Permanent political crisis, general revolutionary situations and recurring military interventions.

In addition, the unbearable IES, which weighs on us, the people, the women who carry the fourth mountain of exploitation: the oppression of women. This becomes expressed as free household work; lower and prejudiced form by which women are seen in patriarchal ideology; In the lowest wages and most declining working conditions that affect us, in addition to many spiritual consequences, such as self -assessment of ourselves, which commits us to unhappy situations and suffering.

On March 8, we, the people's business, the workers' women from the countryside to the cities to give a impetus to the agrarian revolution and the People's Protest, to join the new democratic revolution in our country. We have to, in every corner of the earth, take what is rightly us - countries, bread, work until we control everything, it is to take power. For this day, which is set on the list of the dates of international proletariat, once again, it would mean the need to link all the new resistance battles to the battle for a new Brazil and a new world where the red flag flies as a sovereign.
