English Language Content (Mobile) - 2024-03-10

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Report March 8: Live the International Worker Woman's Day!

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The editorial staff has received a report on actions conducted during March 8, during the International Workers Woman's Day.

Among other things, there has been leaflet award on a March 8 demonstration, the following is the text from the flyer:

Proletarians in all countries unite!

Live the International Worker Woman's Day!

“The women, like men, are reactionaries, centers or revolutionaries. As a consequence of this, they cannot fight the same battle together. In the current human panorama, the class separates the individual to more than gender. "
- José Carlos Mariátegui, founder of Peru's Communist Party

The struggle for women's rights in society has been long. But what women are the struggling women? What does class affiliation play for a role in the women's movement?

Feminism is in its essence a revolutionary idea, but the feminist movement is affected by two world views: a bourgeois and a proletarian. The bourgeois is selfish and struggles to preserve their privileges that only enjoy and can therefore give the appearance of working for more women to become venture capitalists or CEOs for companies, as they know that the majority of the world's women will never approach Such a position in the current system. They want us to believe in a false "female solidarity".

However, the proletarian truly revolutionary because it sees women's true potential as a leader. It is the struggling women out in the community that generate real leadership qualities. When the price of food, electricity and rent is raised at the same time as we are not replaced by the salary our work is worth, we cannot afford to be fooled by people who invest in war and who kill our innocent friends and friends around the world. Civil feminists such as Hillary Clinton and Ebba Busch are racist warriors who try to divide the proletariat from fighting together as they know we are more than them.

Our oppression is of a double nature - we are oppressed both because of our class and our gender which is a motive for patriarchal structures. Women in third world oppression are of a triple nature - they are oppressed due to imperialism, their class affiliation and their gender because countries like the United States but also Sweden not only explore their own country's working class but also other countries' oppressed classes as workers and poverty farmers by buying up their bourgeoisie and invest in their state affairs.

We understand that bourgeois feminists such as Hillary Clinton and Ebba Busch are reactionaries and imperialists, who together with their male colleagues Joe Biden and Ulf Kristersson defend Israel's "right" to "folk" because it benefits their class interests. They spread fake news about beheaded infants on October 7, 2023 and then kill 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza, but they also did not care about the real infants they kill. Nor did George Bush d.y. which motivated its oil war in Iraq with the words "respect for women can now become a reality in the Middle East".

Our proletarian analysis of the women's issue leads us to the conclusion that the patriarchal violence against the world's oppressed women is characterized by the main contradiction in the world, which today is between imperialism and the world's oppressed people. Therefore, we cannot put our fate in the hands of the imperialists. We have to fight together and organized under Maoism's red banner for ours, and our children's future, together!

Proletarian feminism for communism!

For a class line in the women's movement!

Want to study Marxism-Leninism-Maoism? Join a study group!
Contact us: communist@riseup.net www.kommunisten.nu

The front of the flyer:

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

We have also received these pictures from actions that were carried out for March 8:

We greet all these actions and raise the slogan:

Proletarian feminism for communism!

For a class line in the women's movement!

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Leipzig: Demonstration on March 8th

We publish a report sent to us, about a demonstration that took place on the occasion of the International Women's Fighting Day in Leipzig:

Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 6.cleaned

On March 8th, an event took place in Leipzig, from 4:00 p.m. on the occasion of the International Frauenkampftag. Several hundred people took part. The event was opened with speeches that were held from a stage, on Augustusplatz. Among other things, current problems of the women of the oppressed peoples and nations were made aware, in Palestine, in Iran and in different countries in Latin America. The speeches were carefully persecuted by the participants, and slogans called.

Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 13

Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 1.cleaned Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 11.cleaned
Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 2.cleaned Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 4.cleaned

The Red Women's Committee, part of the Red Bund, also gave a powerful speech during the demonstration, which was given a lot of approval. The flags of the red waist and a flag with hammer and sickle blew together with The flag of the Palestinian liberation struggle In the demonstration train and slogans for the heroic struggle of the people of Palestine were voted. So it was made clear that the struggle for the liberation of women did not "intersect" 1 is , but this is to be understood as part of the struggle of the international proletariat against the ruling class and the revolutionary anger of the woman is to be unleashed as a mighty force of proletarian world revolution. A banner with the inscription "Women fights and fends off!" The call of the Red Women's Committee and the revolutionary workers' newspaper "Rote Post" was also distributed, which met with great interest.

Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 9.cleaned Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 12.cleaned
Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 10.cleaned Leipzig Demonstration Internationaler Frauenkampftag 2024 8.cleaned

The demonstration loudly moved around the ring in downtown Leipzig. More speeches were made and music played. There were also cultural contributions: a rehearsed dance was performed and a women's choir appeared at the final rally.

1 : [Anm. d. Stuck .: Intersectionality describes the overlap and simultaneity of different forms of discrimination against one person , ...“ ]

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8 Mars 4

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Afghanistan's Communist Party (Maoist) is a part of the struggle for the liberation of women on the occasion of March 8, the World Women's Day of struggle! March 8- World Women's Day- the day of solidarity and unity of the world's hard-working women is to get rid of the yoke of oppression and slavery. It has been more than a century that the Blessed March 8 flag is in the stall of freedom and the struggle of women. March eight is the messenger of women's emancipation from the decaying class system and the construction of a modern world. March eight is the day of renewal of covenants and the line of struggle for the liberation of women and the whole of humanity. This day, until then, it will be celebrated that no woman in the world is in the world. Capitalism nakedly has brought the majority of the people of the Earth to the oppressive minority. This class system has made the world a paradise for capitalists and Hell for the toilers. If you want to understand the necessity of transformation and change in the current situation, look at the children, women and people of Palestine in the Gaza Strip how they are slaughtered. Look at the Ukrainian women and people how their lives are destroyed by air bombings and blind rockets. Pay attention to millions of hungry men and women who strive in the crowds of cities around the world without the least opportunities to survive. Note to Afghan women that they have been pushed into the homes of all areas of life with mad violence. On March 8 this year, it is running for two years and seven months after the Taliban's anti -female Emirate of Afghanistan. The group has not heard of any transgression of the social, political, economic and private life of women. Two months ago, the group kidnapped a number of young girls and women from the streets and alleys and tortured them, and their numbers are still in the Taliban. The hostility and conflict of the Taliban with women is not ended. This gang of slavery requires complete slavery and subordinates. The Taliban have taken everything from women: the right to work, the right to education, the right to choose, and even the right to go out of the house. In it, however, the result of the madness of Taliban's rule over Afghanistan has been slavery, dignity, elaboration, deprivation and fear for women. Women, however, for their freedom and liberation, freedom that cannot be overthrown by the Taliban. Women want to live and have freedom. They cannot accept the sideline chain and the slaves that the Taliban have thrown at them and compromise with savagery and religious madness. This is where the struggle continues. The struggle of women over the sovereignty of Citz Talib has become the forefront of women in the world for their sake. This is because both the Taliban's terrible and violent women are against naked and extremely violent women and are infected in the world today. Afghan militant women and fearful women who have been eye -catching in the Taliban's eyes; They buy torture, and death to the liberation of women's glory. The more the Afghan women's struggle, and independent aspects of the women's struggle, and independent aspects of the women's struggle will increase. The Afghan women's struggle movement must be independent, democratic, popular, anti -imperialist and anti -references in order to expand and expand. Stop granted to imperialist powers. Now weakens the numerous pests of the force and capability of the Afghan women's struggle movement. These pests lies in the liberal view of the imperialist powers of female activists. The women's movement must

Avoid. The same liberal view of women in the country has led women activists to become synonymous and react instead of trying to build women and girls, instead of trying to build a program. Without the theory of revolution, there is no revolutionary movement. This is also true of the women's movement. The women's movement will not be expanded without a reflection theory. Therefore, women's activists should pay attention to theoretical issues. Work to formulate a democratic program and women's tasks and create independent organizations. Another point is that -if the criterion of the freedom of a society can be measured by the extent of the release of women in that community; The criterion and recognition of the popularity and reflection of a movement and movement must be measured by its class criterion. This means whether this move is at the service of the majority of the tangle or the imperialist powers. The liberation of women is not possible without the liberation of the whole community. This never means postponing women's demands and demands in the future; Rather, it means that this will and the demands of women must be associated with the interests of workers, peasants, intellectuals, and all the toilers of society. The bonding and solidarity between these movements adds to the enrichment and their theme and organizational quality, and clarifies the line between friend and enemy. Now that the Afghan women and people are caught in the clutches of the Taliban Dark Operations, the pure path of this situation is the unity of workers and all the working workers of the country under the leadership of the Vanguard Party. The party's struggle strategy is to overthrow the reactionary and their imperialist supporters of the "People's War" and at least its program is to carry out a new democratic and democratic revolutionary dictatorship, and to transition into the socialist revolution. Party Communist (Maoist) Afghanistan March 8, 2024

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ATHENS The people sent a loud NO to the attack of government in youth

Pan -Hellenic Educational Rally in Athens, March 8:

The people sent a loud NO to the attack of government in youth

With a gathering of tens of thousands of protesters, the ninth in a row, against the Pierrakaki bill, students, students, teachers and labor unions, in the decades, attempt to impose the establishment of private universities and bypassing Article 16, for decades. Right to free studies. In fact, the government chose on March 8 - the day of the women's struggle for equality, life and rights - as a day of voting the bill.

This massive rally came out through the collective processes of student associations, with assemblies, votes, rallies, marches, before the bill was even tabled. This highlights the opposition of the youth - but also the overall, of the people - to the aims of the system for the abolition of free public education.

The course that followed the greetings of associations and associations from all over Greece did not take long to be brutally hit by the police, who made her presence visible throughout the demonstration with the MATs accompanying the protesters, while in the Constitution I had a campaign. And the aura.

The murderous hit by the police on the protesters in the Constitution, in an attempt to dismantle the march, resulted in a serious injury of at least eight people. The concentration was drowned in tear gas, but the student blocks, the common block of the racing movements of students, teachers and student resistance, as well as the classroom, but also of other colleges, were reconstituted and continued to coordinate the course until the Syntagma, the evening. In the afternoon hours on the site, female organizations were gathered on the occasion of March 8, with corresponding parables. Late in the evening, the concentration with slogans for March 8, but also for supporting the Palestinian people's struggle, ended up with a demonstration in the Propylaea, where it was completed.

This loud response to the government's attack must seek its continuation, regardless of the passage of the law, with the aim of completely abolishing it, which we will continue to fight in our mass spaces.

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We honor March 8 - the female movement today

(republishing by Proletarian flag , and reminder of today's Event on the outside the walls )

The female movement today

The female issue is closely linked to the form and the Organization that human society must have in order to replace oppression, deprivation, misery in all forms, with the Human freedom, physical and social health. Is one side of general social problem and will be resolved with him, that is by overthrow of the exploitation system that gives birth to capitalism. Actual equality of the woman and the man can be done reality only when the capitalist exploitation of the women and men, while managing the household, which today is an individual employment, will be converted into a social field production. As is wrong to hope and invest in equality In capitalism, it is wrong to be considered to be by taking her power from the proletariat is solved in an automatic way the female inequality. The historical experience showed that it is not enough only to be defeated by bourgeoisie and in terms of our country and imperialists They "protect" her. It is required to deconstruct all the superstar which has been shaped in the passage of thousands of years of class society, which has takes various forms, but with always steady the inequality of woman as a physical state of human species. The superstructure penetrates on every side of life, in the customs and customs of centuries, into the Language, art. Everything needs to turn around.

Marxism has historically been identified with woman's conquests and has shown the way to its liberation from every social inequality. It was so decisive his role that is not bypassed easily. Despite the systematic attempt of feminism to reset to him, It shows incredible strength. But that's not enough. Historical Materialism does not It carries eternal solutions. Is a tool of analysis of society and revolutionary action. The answers and solutions given to others Conditions a previous historical period, the conclusions of Socialist construction is useful but they are not enough. They have changed many data. Woman is no longer an integral part of the hard work dynamic, while at the beginning of the 20th century he still claimed the right at work. New forms of exploitation of the woman are added to the Classic, new problems emerge through urban 'solutions', New needs are created at the level of human relationships, new Conditions of oppression are shaped within the modern family and by Everywhere the violence of the system that targets it overflows. The process Women's release is inseparable by class struggle and economic, social, political and cultural changes that the Revolutionary struggle brings to society.

Woman and work

The woman always worked, and even hard, at home, in the field, in the craft. Capitalism pulled the woman out of the house to work on the big factories created during its period industrial revolution. It was not the first time he participated in productive work, but it was the first time you received and She managed her own remuneration. Was so massive her entry into the factories, which in 1820 75-80% of adult women in Europe They worked in the fabric industry.

Greece did not experience the industrial revolution as other countries of Europe. Industrial Development progressed with very large delay. Women started working in factories a few decades after the creation of the Greek state. Until 1860 Few women worked in factories. Was so deeply rooted then the view that work reduces the woman's morals and removes from the family, which in 1877 was prosecuting intervention Why the work in factories, due to the synchronization of men and women, offends public ethics and comments on 'Ethics of the working class in Greece' ! Women and Girls Refugees who came from Crete after Cretan Revolution (1866-69) and from Asia Minor in 1922, they found work in factories. The 19th The century women and the girls worked from the age of 5 years, mainly in occupations that They did not require education as maids, land workers, washingers, Modists, weavers, ribbons and hat. By the beginning of the 20th th century opened a window to work the educated women of Meduses, as teachers at the beginning and then in various Private and Public Sector Services. After the decade of 1970, women worked everywhere.

Today, in conditions of de -industrialization, shrinking of the farm production and sovereignty of services, it is reasonable most Women to work in the services. Although they are fired first, not We can talk about a woman's return home, like Some claim. Woman's work cannot be considered Today's complementary man's work. Working women remain an integral part of the workforce. Although it is the most trained part of the population as they make up 60% of recent graduates of both post -graduate vocational training, as well as higher education, 39% of women aged 30-34 years old, they also declare that they are financially supported by the family their. It proves once again that hunting of qualifications is Deadly and lifelong education lifelong bonds. The financial problem that drowns the people for women means trapping in Wedding/Security. Work for many hours, do two and three jobs, are permanently under pressure without free time. The salaries hunger, endless working hours, overall working conditions They influence the relationships and position of the woman within the family. A woman pressed financially will think long before asking divorce.

A woman in her work has to deal with capitalist Exploitation as well as her husband's colleague, discrimination against weight of her sex and other forms of exploitation, such as sexual harassment. When the law defines as a "patron" of working women their employer, then urgent reconstruction of the female movement. Powerful lights have fallen into the last issue, sexual harassment, not to illuminate her but to darken the other issues.

There are thorns two issues: different earnings, gap, As they say, between the salaries of men and women, which remains Always for the same job, and motherhood. Pregnancy and the first A child for a woman affect her relationship with her work. Against rule keeps her away from her. exploitation and oppression of women is not just a matter of speech or Just a matter of resistance. Aimed to overturn and change whatever It gives birth to exploitation.

What is the race to grow? Through 'feminist strike on March 8 »redefines the concepts of strike and Work on a disorderly basis from 99%feminism. The 1% that Missing are liberal women. We are all the rest. A clever way to abolish classes is to make a Great, which fits 99%.

What is needed is actually a strike on March 8, dedicated In the liberation of women and all the oppressed people from their need and exploitation.

Crime in crime

Abuses, rape, murders of children and women in the family or in the relative and friendly environment have become everyday news. Mother killed her children, father raped his son or his daughter, woman murdered by her partner, son hit her His mother to death, 15 -year -old raped and tortured their classmate ...

No crime is the same as the other, each one is a tragedy and all together show the moral downfall, relaxation or dissolution of social bonds and the complete disintegration of society. Nevertheless, Even these findings, no matter how correct they are, it matters From which side does one see them. Everything around the crime, the Ethics and consciousness of people are deeply class.

Each historical period has its own characteristics, its own crimes, her own code of ethics, her laws, the judges and punishments. In capitalism, as in all class Societies, what is a crime is determined by the ruling class. Crime It is any action challenging its power or violates them Its laws.

Each crime is used by propaganda mechanisms in a way that serves the interests of the ruling class.

Today's man is shaped in conditions of capitalist imperialist barbarism. The financial crisis that was not overwhelmed, the Memorandums that are in full power, the pandemic that does not say to ended, the war in Ukraine raging, the threats of nuclear Deadly hanging over humanity's heads, poverty stretched out, the fascism that brings to the surface the most harsh appearance of power, the Remules and the viciousness circulating in the luxurious bourgeois lounges, revanchism and contempt for the people which is stated in secret and everyday by all the factors of System make the present very difficult and the future of disgust. Will not Survival if you are not subordinate, they cynically tell the people those who have secure in all possible ways to live many and well years. Demonstrate their wealth, stressing that this society It was made for the few.

The man who cannot explain what is happening to him, who is loaded with anxieties and immersed in poverty, he can't see Nothing nice around him as he only thinks of his survival. When not sees her through collective claim, thinks of individual solutions to make money, since in capitalism everything is a commodity and Money is the measure of the value of things and people. THE How to deal with and sell things become a way of contact with another man.

In order to eliminate crimes must eliminate the causes that They give birth, that is, the system of capitalist power. Those who They fight for this purpose cannot treat abstract inside. Of course, they cannot prevent society from defending it with of her way against criminals, but therefore struggle more persistently for the transformation of society from the foundations.

Today's era is characterized by a dying of alienation, rushing of fascist, racist and medieval ideas. The crime is Characteristic of the system, its derivative, an example of its impasses. When after each crime, except for the criminal, they attribute Responsibilities in the family and school, they do it not because they challenge these institutions, but to convey the responsibility to people who should, always according to the bourgeois, to reproduce more Faithful the ideal patterns they themselves define. Parents and teachers must prove that they respond to their role, based on Ideal model for family and school.

The same causes that give birth to all crimes and the crimes against women. They have, of course, their particular characteristics.

Two people who are strangers among each other are in love with each other and there who lived until yesterday's different life, now inquisitively dives into one in another's life. The perception of the right to ownership is generalized. THE A man considers his wife's estate. Also the perception of inequality of the sexes plays a decisive role in human relationships in general, Especially in gender relationships and especially in marriage. To some societies the man has legally guaranteed his property on the his wife. Until the 1980s, the man was recorded as the leader of the family.

Enriched the old ethics with its modern humiliation Woman-Clastra, Beauty Beauty, Sexual object in every advertisement, presents the woman as property of every male. Thus the man will assassinate his wife or his companion because he considers him his estate and why his selfishness does not lets accept the rejection. An unknown will rape a girl and The investigator will turn his offensive questions to her, to find out if her appearance was the proper or if she caused the rape Her behavior!

The man bourgeois may officially have the right of the first night that the feudal lord had but has the ability to buy or to blackmail as many nights as the working class women want.

The signs of the system are very easily distinguished on every victim of rape, beating or murder.

Woman and war

The imperialists threaten peoples with general war. They are trying to make alliances. The flames of war are already burning a Series of countries and peoples. War in Ukraine exacerbates all contradictions while the Palestinian genocide continues from their Zionist fascists of Israel, who turn Palestinian land into Skull place so that there are no signs of houses, as if not stayed Never there. There is no return for those who save the slaughter! In the disaster and death they try to survive women of Palestine. Give birth to their children where they find place to stand, no hospitals and doctors, without knowing if they will live the next dot. When they themselves hungry and thirst, how can they breastfeed to keep them in life? And when their children fall dead from Zionist killers hold them in their arms and continue to They fight for life and freedom. Resist the genocide they have It launches the Zionist fascists with incredible power and endurance.

In times of war, the woman is ranked in the civilian population. The bourgeois classes want her to support the male soldier, to She is patient, not to count death, but the profits of her homeland In the battlefields, to rejoice with the extinction of the enemy. The woman The people have no enemies of peoples. If difficulties in peace of peace, the her life becomes unbearable in time of war, that every moment is caressed by death

Before a war begins, governments attack rights of their people. They are fond of him to fund their warfare designs. Have to subdue him before they start war to subdue Other peoples. Poverty, injustice and system violence are increased. THE Woman understands, as she sees bread diminishing on the table, feels the injustice and the violence break up on her, she sees what the people are going through of Palestine, it feels the war of the war to approach and the Thought still terrifies her.

Woman cannot raise time to pass and the facts to roll in another direction. If the period of the her torture associated with rotten imperialist capitalist system that gives birth to wars and its own inequality and oppression, must resist the anti -populist policies of locals bourgeoisie and imperialists. Struggle against war means Violation of social peace.

Lenin, addressing the international socialist conference Women, with World War I raging, she argued that the Movement of Women's Workers '' can be the precursor of the general uprising of the masses " "The March of the Women of the People to Versailles" on October 5 1789, which began in protest for the high price and lack of Bread, forced the king to give up his powers. It was The first step of the French Revolution. The women's demonstration against In the war and hunger, which took place on March 8, 1917, (23 February with the old calendar) in Petersburg, led to the overthrow of Tsar. This is how the February revolution began, which triggered the October revolution.

Today, we are not in a pre -revolutionary period. But the dynamics of women when they go down the streets and especially when connected to The labor movement should not be underestimated. The slogan 'peace and Bread »will always express the female masses. Women of all peoples of the world will unite in their struggle for a better life. Direct anti -war duty to continue demonstrations to stop the Genocide of the Palestinians.

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No to close the Lorenz-Böhler Hospital!

In a night-and-fog campaign, the AUVA announced that the Lorenz-Böhler accident hospital in Vienna. A concentrated attack on Viennese accident care is hidden behind obvious lies. The employees are on strike - especially the city government tries to exploit this for their purposes.

After the spokesman for the general accident insurance institution had made nebulous allusions for four days, they let the bomb go up on Monday, March 4: the Lorenz-Böhler accident hospital had to be closed immediately due to construction damage. On the same day, all planned operations were suspended and the operating rooms began to remove the operating rooms. The damage - it was said - is too heavy to repair them while operating. Certainly there are construction defects in the hospital. But is the closure justified? The accident spokesman for the medical association Heinz Brenner finds clear words: " This is cleverly communicated by those responsible, to pretend that everything should go quickly, quickly. In reality, the need to do something structurally has been known for ten years. It is precisely these directors who have decided that for ten years that something has to be done. You didn't do it for ten years. … Since July 2023, the construction police's request has been presented to present a renovation plan. There was no renovation plan until 28.2.2024. I conclude from this: You don't want to renovate the Lorenz Böhler. The construction police wrote to the AUVA that the Lorenz-Böhler can be renovated while operating. ... that means nothing has to be locked, we do not have to close, but can work because according to the construction police can be renovated in parallel. The Auva doesn't want it " It is therefore not legally necessary to lock the hospital at all. It is obviously a shame, a flimsy lie with which the closure of the Lorenz Böhler is to be presented as a "construction measure", and not as what it is: an attack on the accident supply for the population!

The AUVA's night-and-fog campaign created a large chaos. It is clear, however, that the closure will have serious consequences for accident care across Vienna. The Lorenz-Böhler carries out 5,000 operations annually and supplies 65,000 patients outpatient. The AUVA said that these patients should now be cared for in other hospitals. It is clear that this cannot work, just when it comes to accident recordings. All other departments, whether in the AKH, in the UKH Meidling, in the Danube Hospital, in the Floridsdorf Clinic or in Ottakring, are already overloaded, in Ottakring the conditions are similar to the emergency department, which has only strike in summer. On the part of the Medical University and the AKH, where some of the teams will probably walk from the Böhler, one hears that the additional rescue races cannot be bumped into.

It would be naive to think that the decision -makers in the AUVA do not know the situation. Finally, in 2021, when they already indicated the closure of the accident hospital, they justified that it justified "There is only a little seriously injured" , and "There is no need." An absurd argument! An accident is just making it out to be predicted! What about a major damage event? In such a case, a big city with around two million inhabitants would be the accident supply on the ground. But with this argument, 400 acute beds were painted at the time, the shock room in the Böhler was closed. Today it will be seen that it was a closure on the rates. The AUVA is now charging the last rate, in full knowledge of the consequences for the population.

Several additional billions are currently being invested in the healthcare system. At the same time, the accident supply is reduced by all of this, which continues as a "quick repair" of the goods. The supply centers are being closed, which is the biggest cost points for the AUVA, which is financed from employer contributions. So this expensive conversion is completely against the workers and the people, you can now see that at the Lorenz Böhler!

Social democracy uses the favor of the hour to make mood against the Auva, which, as everyone knows, is dominated by ÖVP. SP chairman Babler speaks of "Politics for ÖVP-Großpender" and calls for the "Ensure supply in the event of illness" . But what about the lack of staff in the North Hospital, because of which the employees have already filed a complaint twice? What about the strike in Ottakring? Already in the Vienna election campaign 2020, the SPÖ tried to score mobilization for the Lorenz Böhler. As then, after long negotiations, the beds and stations were deleted by the SP district leader of a " Clear decision to continue the Lorenz Böhler Hospital ”- And that was the "resistance" of the Vienna government again! The "protest parties" also coordinated this choir. We see the consequences of all of this today.

The employees in Lorenz Böhler are now striking. It is the right answer to fight back and fight. It would be completely wrong to hope that "will be locked up again", which is obviously not the plan. But the fighting of the employees must be managed independently, especially by the Vienna city government. It must not be sacrificed again for campaign mobilization or negotiations, in which the closure is delayed at best. The struggle must be kept for a healthcare system in the service of the people and not for the interests of one or the other faction of the rulers!

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PC March 9 - Images and voices from the MFPR

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PC March 9 - The international campaign for Palestine continues

I in solidarity with Palestinian Resistance against Israel/imperialism plan of genocide, for national liberation

against imperialist intervention in red sea/ and attacks to Syria and Iran

against the march towards imperialist war

in support to anti imperialist people’s struggles and people’s wars.

in all countries we  proposed

Let's organise Palestinian Solidarity Committee including Palestinian associations - trade unions /antimperialists and progressive forces /youth and students movements/ intellectuals lawyers/artists etc.

Strikes, demonstrations in popular areas, meetings and national demonstrations in central places and all others national actions

info csgpindia@gmail.com

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Lula keep Brazil in a military coalition in the Red Sea, where the Houthi operates, is a direct attack on the Palestinians - the new democracy

Since 2009, Brazil has been part of a military coalition led by the United States (USA), which focuses on the Red Sea region, the Bab-El-Mandeb Strait and adjacent regions, such as the Gulf of Aden. Earlier this year, a counter-mirror of the Brazilian Navy, Antonio Braz de Souza, began to command one of the coalition's task forces, Combined Task Force (CTF) 151, intended to combat “piracy” on the coast of Somalia. The region is located near the so -called “horn of Africa” and is the central gateway to the Red Sea. Exactly there, the Ansarallah Movement, also called Houthi, has been active, which since the end of last year has attacked Israeli vessels or to Israel in both the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea as a way to undermine Israel's economic supply and support the Palestinian people in fight in the Gaza Strip. The maintenance of Brazil in the coalition, and particularly in the command post, is a solid support for imperialist intervention in the Red Sea and a direct attack on Arabic anti-imperialist resistance.

Who are the Houthi?

The Ansarallah movement has been existed since the 1990s in Yemen. During the 30 years of armed struggle in the country, the movement's guerrillas raised popular massive support by challenging corrupt governments aligned with US imperialism and, in 2014, gained power in the country through a siege in the capital, where he ruled The then President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. Since then, Ansarallah has continued to defend Yemen from the imperialist intervention promoted by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia, in which he integrates and commands in fact American imperialism.

Ship confiscated by Ansarallah prints Iemenites and Palestinian flags. Photo: AFP

With strong anti-imperialist character, Ansarallah is one of the movements of Arab resistance that, together with organizations such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Palestine, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Democratic Front for Liberation From Palestine, they offer an armed opposition consequently to Zionism and the Yankee Imperialist Domain.

Last year, the movement again gained a significant prominence for confiscations and bombings against Israeli vessels or other countries that were destined for the ports of Israel. The justification for all operations was “support for the Palestinian people in Gaza”, systematically repeated in the speeches of Ansarallah commanders and spokesmen, such as Marshal Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi. Initially focused on commercial vessels, the Yemeni today also aims to military vessels of the imperialist powers. Until February of this year, at least 40 attacks were attacked by Houthi, according to data from Ambrey Analytics .

As a way of trying to counter resistance, USA launched, last year, the guardian operation of prosperity. With eleven countries among the belligerents, the function of the imperialist military coalition is to undermine the performance of the houthi in the region.

Where does Brazil come in?

Brazil, in turn, is part of CTF 151, one of the five coalition task force Combined Maritime Forces (Combined maritime forces). The other four are the CTF 150, which operates in the Oman Gulf, CTF 152, intended to control the Arabic Gulf, CTF 153, intervener of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden and CTF 154, responsible for training. Another function of CTF 153 is to command the Operation Guardian of Prosperity, so that the Anti-Ansarallah Military Operation falls under the umbrella of the combined maritime forces.

Already the task force commanded by Brazil also acts directly against the attacks of the resistant anti-imperialists of Yemen. A map released by Al Jazeera In December points that 12 attacks made by the HOUTHHI occurred in the Gulf region of the aden. In November last year, before the Brazilian counterfeit to take over, the CTF was used to “rescue” an imperialist vessel of the aden gulf that requested a siege of armed men aid. The initial indications pointed out that the attackers were Somalian, but hours after the robbery, ballistic missiles were fired from Yemen against the vessel. The ship, appointed from Central Park It was a tanker with ties to Israel.

Map DO al Jazeera reveals yemenitas attacks no golf do aden. Photo: Al Jazeera

Brazil in the service of the ianks

Truth be told, Brazil's participation in the military coalition to “combat Somalian pirates” was reprehensible even before recent events. The combined maritime forces are part of the Yankee plans for the globe's military control through, among other efforts, the “stability missions” in semicolonial and colonial countries, such as the well -known “peace missions” of the UN that carry or have taken so much horror to countries like Congo, Haiti and Somalia itself. Without solving any problem of the assaulted countries, missions serve only to deepen imperialist domination in the oppressed nations. What good is the government to deny the sending of new troops to Haiti to combat the gangs that operate in the Caribbean country, but to allow the Brazilian command on a military mission designed to attack the pirates of the African horn? Haitian paramilitary groups are the result of the misery caused by imperialist domination as much as the Somalian sea looters.

Currently, there is nothing that points to the reversal of current conflicts in the Middle East. On March 7, statements by the Arab National Resistance proved that the Yemeni guerrillas have operated in conjunction with Hamas since the launch of the Diluvius of Al-AQSA. The next day, USA confirmed three deaths on an Ansarallah vessel, the first deaths on commercial vessels in the Red Sea conflicts until then.

And it seems that Brazil will follow the Yankee Military Coalition. Currently, Yemen is the only country that, through weapons, makes the economic supply of Israel difficult. Faced with the lack of sanctions against the Netanyahu regime, the Yemeni attacks stand out as a way of supporting the Palestinian people in Gaza. Any initiative that seeks to undermine this combat is solid support for Zionism, and a direct attack on Palestinians.

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Serve the people

With some delay we received a report on a solidarity campaign in Paris on January 29, 2024:

A solidarity campaign with the imprisoned revolutionaries of the LLL demonstration in Germany was successfully carried out in front of the German embassy in the city. With speech choirs and slogans, the revolutionaries for the comrades, and against the repression of the police of the imperialist FRG. The class solidarity between the peoples has once again proven to be stronger than the intrigues of the reactionary.





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Serve the people

Red Herald reports The fact that the former professor of the University of Delhi, G. N. Saibaba, who was sentenced to life in prison for his alleged connections to the Maoists, was released on Thursday morning from the central prison of Nagpur, two days after his acquittal by the Nagpur department of the Supreme Court From Bombay.

Saibaba told the media that it was a miracle and "coincidence" that he came out of prison alive. He denounced the "inhuman and brutal" detention and pointed out that his "state of health was very bad" and that it urgently needed to be treated medically.

He also thanked those who supported him during his ten -year detention: "It is thanks to the wishes of the people in India and all over the world and their struggle that we are in spite of so much suffering and pain and the kind of atmosphere I was brought, could survive. "

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Thessaloniki March 8, day of fight for a life with rights

An afternoon demonstration took place on Friday, March 8th in Thessaloniki for Women's Day. There were two rallies in the city, one in Kamara and one in St. Venizelos.

The mass gathering in St. Venizelou was limited, due to the participation of the student associations in the Pan-Hellenic-Panepistian rally in Athens. The KKE (M-L) participated with its own block in the demonstration. Through his slogan, he highlighted the connection of the female issue with all the open fronts facing the whole people from the attack of the system. From the needs of wages to increase to Greece's involvement through NATO on war fronts.

Extremely provocative and the move of Defense Minister N. Dendia to announce the voluntary recruitment of women in the army. In one more way they found the opportunity to tell the woman that it is consumable for the plans of the imperialists. And what war means very well by Palestinian women and women in Ukraine.

This day the government also chose to vote on Pierakkaki's law. Proving how much the system is interested in the rights of the student, the student, the employee.

Because the demonstration on March 8, a day of remembrance in the struggle of workers for rights is not enough, the struggle for the woman's emancipation goes through daily struggles for free studies, freedoms, rights work, peace and independence struggles.

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Vienna: Company meeting at the UKH Lorenz Böhler

On Wednesday, the UKH Lorenz Böhler employees carried out a works meeting with a kind of "warning strike". The hospital employees are defending themselves against the plan to close the hospital. The AUVA's approach to leave the employees completely in the dark are referred to as "affront".

Before the Lorenz Böhler entrance, around 50 employees, but also many residents of the district, mostly gathered, mostly older people. She all had brought the anger and resistance against the plans to close the hospital "overnight".

Fire protection is a dangerous thing " , the hospital's works council admitted. However, it is not important that the hospital is practically “overnight” due to an expert opinion, which is not even available to the employee. Labor law, they would have every right to be determined.

We don't know anything yet. Not where we get there, not even a guarantee that we can keep our work. ” reported an employee of the hospital. The attitude was referred to by a speaker as a provocation to the employees who were put into putting to "timely solutions". "Already in 2018 we stood here against the closure" , reported a speaker. He continued to argue that the hospital was needed and gave as an example that over 400 acute patients had been provided there in one day in February 2021.

It would be naive to blame the Auva gaps in knowledge or without having to plan. The years in particular show the hospital that the "chaos" goes according to plan: according to the plan that it should not be locked up again after the renovation. In this sense, further rallies are needed, the employees have to defend themselves and fight-to maintain the Lorenz-Böhler accident hospital!

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Bremerhaven: powerful demonstration on March 8th

On March 8, the Red Women's Committee Bremen, for the first time as part of the Red Federation, carried out a demonstration in Bremerhaven. The previously published and distributed call, including the poster, hit the nerve of people from the Goethe district - one of the poorest areas of all over Germany - where the demonstration took place. The struggle of the Palestine people is still on the agenda and is also of great weight in this country in the class struggle - including in Bremerhaven.

8 März 2024 Bremerhaven Demonstration 3 8 März 2024 Bremerhaven Demonstration 2

The demonstration came among other families, mothers with their children, young people and some children. Almost all of them were migrants. A large part were women. With the slogans "Rebellion in word and act - against imperialism and patriarchy!" And "Viva, Viva Palestine!", The struggle of the woman against her double oppression and the concrete anti -imperialist struggle was loudly connected. The flags of the Red Confederation side side by side with the flag of the national resistance front of the people of Palestine. And all on the demonstration carried these two flags with pride and enthusiasm, from the youngest to the elders.

8 März 2024 Bremerhaven Demonstration 4 8 März 2024 Bremerhaven Demonstration 5

Some of the youngest on the demonstration spontaneously began to beautify their neighborhood along the route with stickers of the Red Covenant. Many liked to give their contact details and one said: "I come to you every time ... Thank you for what you're doing here!" . Some asked when the Red Bund will do something in Bremerhaven again and initial ideas for the coming May 1 were already collected in the talks. In the end, some representatives of the Palestinian community of Bremerhaven, which participated, also thanked the demonstration.

8 März 2024 Bremerhaven Demonstration 6 8 März 2024 Bremerhaven Demonstration 7

The Red Women's Committees - FRG have proven this March 8 that the fight against imperialism and patriarchy, cannot be fought together, but must - the demonstration in Bremerhaven is proof of this. There are no reservations about it among those who actually have nothing to lose in this system. On March 8 in Bremerhaven, the winged word by Karl Marx can be used: "Braved, old mole!"

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Serve the people: Albacete: painted by the Palestinian fighter woman

Albacete: painted by the Palestinian fighter woman

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Brazilian folk movement: Luiz Inacio under women's situation has not changed at all

This bulletin was originally published by the Brazilian People's Movement - MFP

During the last elections, women's position was one of the most discussed topics, but despite all the promises that were made at the time, there was no change in the life of the people. Not in the form, not in the content. Particularly in the poorest parts, such as the residents of Faves in cities and landless peasants, and only the peasants who own little land.

This season, Luiz Inacio's Opportunctic government sets its "administrative" agenda (read: allies with the same reactionary coalition that is in the government, whatever the government, from Sarney to Bolsonar) and try to calm the coup scenes and extreme right, contrary to people. There were no shocking measures that were considered in the elections, such as taxation of large companies or recognizing the rights of care workers. For the poor, on the contrary, the only practice has been to increase violence in rural and cities.

Another fact about crisis and increasing political violence will be proven by recent murders, such as quilombo leaders Mtle Bernadete and Pajé Negat in Pataxó, both in the state of Bahia, dominated by PT ("Workers") Jerônimo Rodrigues, who has not done nothing to reduce Latifundia and attacks on common countries and indigenous areas. Even more, he encouraged it with a recent criminal temporal framework (Marco tempor), relationships with large landowners, rohmua and thieves, such as a group of "invasion zero", is armed and trained in the right of the staircase, to drive unlawful land ownership, to murder leaders. Most of these gentlemen form a social foundation for Bolsarism and the extreme right, and openly defend their leader to the government and the outcome of the fascist coup. To this, Luiz Inacio and his minister gave the budget to his "allies", Artur Lira and other white collar bands in Konress, as if such a lounging policy could curb a coup, which comes mainly from the armed forces and major landowners.

Repeated Cases of Police Blood Pads -such as one led by "Operation of the Summer" in Santos, which has already led to 54 deaths, in addition to the permanent siege of Cariocas (Rio de Janeiro), show clearly dominant classes, large bourgeoisie and major owners, the recent civilian Imperialism, mainly the Yankee -In imperialism against the people. As we have seen, there are no expenditure contingency plans or financial restrictions on the assembly of the police and equipping repression at all levels. For health care and education, financial cuts and reduction of the value of professionals and the structural discount space are routine, such as revealing the state's inability to prevent and provide assistance to workers during the current Dengue epidemic. In short, for the rich, nothing for the people!

Public measures promised to women who were raised during the election farce have already been forgotten. They were just makeup, as was the case with regard to the distribution of menstrual supplies in the "People's Pharmacy program", where endless bureaucratine marsh calls for women who seeking poverty, exhibition and humiliation for help. Things such as minimum wage assessment and law to balance men's and women's salary in the same profession became a dead letter. Most women are still without official employment and survive how they can feed their children. Among workers, black women have the worst work situation, fee and work imply an unprotected employment relationship without a signed employment contract and without rights.

Economic crisis and unemployment and inflation are increasingly weighing on women, as evidenced by a national study by the IBGE (Institute of Geography and Space) from 2023. Inequalities between men and women increased by 25%. They earn 25% less. Workers, especially black workers, suffer more from hunger and unemployment - women are 55% higher than men and 47% of women live in non -food insurance.

The lack of financial protection makes us exposed to different kinds of violence. In this way, in the first four months in 2023, 17,500 sexual offenses were registered for children and teenagers and, despite this cruel reality, access to abortion under current law (incest when the mother's life is in danger, and fetal brain) has been constantly more difficult for public health care through what forces women to endanger their lives for abortion.

Give the new democratic revolution and the People's Protest!

The serious economic, political and military crisis, which the country is immersed, is not a tied or temporary fact: its roots are in the Latifundia domestic domination, first in the colonial, then imperialist. Economy, subordinated to Latuufund and imperialism, always in stagnation and without space for national development. The dominant classes, the lawyers of imperialism, the small partners who are happy to crumble. Permanent political crisis, general revolutionary situations and recurring military interventions.

In addition, the unbearable IES, which weighs on us, the people, the women who carry the fourth mountain of exploitation: the oppression of women. This becomes expressed as free household work; lower and prejudiced form by which women are seen in patriarchal ideology; In the lowest wages and most declining working conditions that affect us, in addition to many spiritual consequences, such as self -assessment of ourselves, which commits us to unhappy situations and suffering.

On March 8, we, the people's business, the workers' women from the countryside to the cities to give a impetus to the agrarian revolution and the People's Protest, to join the new democratic revolution in our country. We have to, in every corner of the earth, take what is rightly us - countries, bread, work until we control everything, it is to take power. For this day, which is set on the list of the dates of international proletariat, once again, it would mean the need to link all the new resistance battles to the battle for a new Brazil and a new world where the red flag flies as a sovereign.

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Mobilizations and actions for the 8th of March – The Red Herald

Featured image: Demonstration on the 8 th of March in Bremerhaven, Germany. Source: serve the people

There are reports of mobilizations and actions in the whole world for the International Working Women’s Day.

In LATIN AMERICA many combative marches took place and also statements from several organizations have been published.

In Brazil several demonstrations were reported. Among them São Paulo , Brasilia , Macapá, Mocajuba, Belém, Altamira and Baião. In many places the support for the Palestinian cause was very present.

In Mexico , the People’s Women’s Movement has made a statement that we have translated, and shared the mobilization of section XXII of the SNTE-CNTE. There has also been a great march in the capital, Mexico City.

Mass march in Mexico City. Source: Infobae Mexico

Combative marches have also been developed in numerous cities such as Monterrey, Puebla, Jalisco, Colima, Zacatecas, etc. These fights in the streets have led to a strong police repression , which has attacked demonstrations using water cannons and tear gas.

Combats in Zacatecas:

Demonstrators burn police barricades around the Government’s Palace in Monterrey:

In Chile , the People’s Revolutionary Front (FRP) has made a graffiti in the Mataquito Valley, Maule Region , where the concentration of temporary working women is very high:

Graffiti for the 8 th of March in the Mataquito Valley. Source: Chiripilko

Additionally, Prensa Chiripilko has published an article explaining the origin and context in which the 8 th March was set as the International Day of the Working Woman.

In Bogotá, Colombia , a rally was carried out at the Plaza Bolívar. The old Colombian state police attacked, charging with batons and using tear gas, stun grenades and all kinds of repressive means against protesters.

In Ecuador there have been mass-demonstrations in several cities, the one in Quito standing out as the largest one.

Thousands of people demonstrate in the capital of Ecuador, Quito. Source: El Universo

The People’s Women’s Movement from Ecuador has made a statement on the occasion of 8 th of March:


In Buenos Aires, Argentina , there has been a massive march which surrounded the Congress.

Massive March in Buenos Aires. Source: Gaston Taylor

In ASIA , as well, the International Working Women’s Day was celebrated in combative ways.

In Turkey , Partisan Prisoners, being held captive in Silivri prison, have saluted the 8th of March and have emphasized that the 8 th of March is the day of the struggle of all exploited women, especially workers, emphasizing its origin in history of resistance of the oppressed.

Combative marches are reported in Istanbul, which faced police siege and harassment and marched through the streets of the city to Taksim square. They also showed solidarity and support to the Palestinian people.

Marches through the streets of Istanbul, showing solidarity with Palestine. Source: Bianet English

Saturday Mothers came together for the 989th time in Galatasaray Square for the fate of their female relatives who disappeared and were murdered in custody and to demand that the perpetrators be tried. Carrying carnations and photographs of the disappeared, Saturday Mothers carried out this weeks action on March 8.

New Democracy Reported On Demonstrations and Actions in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya., Eskişehir, Diyarbakır, Hakkari, Mersin and Hatay.

In India , on the border between Punjab and Haryana , within the framework of the peasant protests, thousands of women took the forefront of the mobilizations in Shambu and Khanauri, one of the hot points of the protests. Additionally, women confirmed that they would be present in the upcoming protest of the 10 th of March.

Women at the forefront of the peasant mobilizations in the border between Punjab and Haryana. Source: PTI photo

A document was published by the Adivasi Women Organization (Bastar), which denounced the situation of the oppression of the women by the old Indian State, which in India transforms women into “object of pleasure and exploitation”. Also they call to break the chains of patriarchy and to put the last “nail in the coffin of Hindutva Fascism”.

In Islamabad, Pakistan , women who where protesting on the 8 th of March, were surrounded by police, which tried to prevent the mobilization.

Demonstrators harassed in Islamabad. Source: Anjum Naveed/AP

In Dhaka, Bangladesh , thousands of women have marched in the occasion of the 8 th of March.

March in Dhaka. Source: Monirul Alam / A.

In Seoul, South Korea , mobilizations have been carried out in which the demonstrators have marched with placards which said “Solidarity with Palestinians” and denounced Israels terror.

South-Korean activists expressing their support to the Palestinian women in Seoul. Source: Jung Yeon-je / AFP via Getty Image

Also in many different countries in EUROPE demonstrations and other actions have been carried out for the 8th of March.

In Limoges, France , Young Revolutionaries (JR), Union Federation Student (FSE) and cause of the people walked under the portrait of Clara Zetkin and the slogan to destroy capitalism, imperialism and patriarchy.

Ahead of the 8 th of March JR carried out several actions in Limoges:

In Toulouse, France, Revolutionary Youth League (LJR) has Carried Out Actions Ahead of the 8 th of March:

In Rennes, France, JR, FSE and Cause du Peuple participated in the 8 th of March demonstration, showing their support of the Palestinian people and the armed struggle of oppressed women around the world. Before the demonstration they participated in a snack and banner workshop.

Cause du Peuple has also published a statement for the 8 th of March.

In Bremerhaven , Germany , the Red Women’s Committee Bremen, as part of the Red League, held an 8 th of March demonstration in the Goetheviertel, one of the poorest areas in all of Germany. Under the slogan “Women combat and resist!” among others families, mothers with their children and also kids participated in the march. Slogans like “Rebellion in word and deed – against imperialism and patriarchy!” or “Viva Palestina!” were shouted. The masses expressed their appreciation for the Red League’s actions in Bremerhaven in different ways, one said: “Thank you for what you are doing here.”

Demonstration on the 8 th of March in Bremerhaven, Germany. Source: serve the people

I n Leipzig hundreds of people took part in a demonstration on the 8 th of March. The Red Women’s Committee took part in the demonstration with a banner with the slogan “Women – Combat and Unite!”.

In Norway some people tried to use events for the 8 th of March in order to promote the ongoing genocide by the State of Israel in Gaza, and were confronted. In Oslo a pro-Israeli group is reported to have been prohibited from participating in the Woman’s Day march by participants of the march. Many participants shouted slogans in support of Palestine against them. Also the organizers of the march said they were not permitted.

Confrontation between pro-Israeli group and participants of the 8 th of March march in Oslo, Norway. Source: VG

In Sandefjord, Norway, it has been reported that a couple brought an Israeli flag to the Woman’s Day event, provoking a confrontation with some of the participants.

Kampkomiteen has published a statement and carried out actions in several places around the country to mobilize for 8 th of March marches in the cities of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Kristiansand.

In Aalborg, Denmark , the Anti-Imperialist Collective participated in the 8 th of March demonstration with a slogans against militarization, and distributed leaflets in solidarity with the fighting women in Palestine and in the People’s Wars of Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines.

The Anti-Imperialist Collective in the 8 th of March Demonstration in Aalborg, Denmark. Source: Socialist Revolution

In Copenhagen , Denmark, hundreds marched with torches symbolizing the women’s struggle and demands. Some participants had a banner with the slogans “Women, combat and resist!” and “Against imperialism and patriarchy!”.

8 th of March demonstration in Copenhagen, Denmark. Source: Socialistisk Revolution

Several masses waved Palestinian flags from their windows and applauded the 8 th of March demonstration in Copenhagen, Denmark. Source: Socialistisk Revolution

In Tampere, Finland , graffiti was made ahead of the 8 th of March.

Graffiti “8.3. Long Live Proletarian Feminism! ”, Tampere, Finland. Source: red flag

In Austria , a leaflet has been published for the 8 th of March by the Action for the Democratic Rights of the People (ADRV).

In Ireland , Anti Imperialist Action (AIA) had an event celebrating International Working Women’s Day.

A special edition of An Phoblacht Abú was also published and sold at the event and on the streets.

Red Herald expects to receive even more good news in the upcoming days.

PDF Content:

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Let us strive hard to bury the Patriarchy for women emancipation. We are going to celebrate 114th International Working Women's Day at a time when on one hand Brahmanical Hindutva Fascism has spread its tentacles in every sphere of life, and on the other hand, Imperialism has intensified its exploitative measures on oppressed people and nations. Now we are under the yoke of two monstrous terrors . Brahmanical patriarchy is an Indian peculiar chamber of horrors. In a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, where women are forced to live in this chamber of horrors then what is the value of constitution and fundamental rights. Women face multitudes of economic and extra economic exploitations which goes unpunished and male domination barricades it from the general sight of society. Whether it is the war-torn regions of West Asia, Palestine or in Ukraine or, whether it is in the garment factories of Dhaka, the valley of Manipur or the forest belts of central India, women everywhere is facing the burn of imperialist crises. In India, the condition of women i s not sublime as propagated by the BJP fascist Narendra Modi. Brahmanical Hindutva Fascism with the support of Imperialism provides impetus strength to one of the most inhuman form of social hierarchical system that transforms women into an object of 'pleasure' and exploitation. Finance capital for its valorization requires a unified market, cheap source of labor power and abundant natural resources. Women oppression in the age of moribund Capitalism is interrelated with finance capital autocracy. Unable to see this attached strings, will be like punching in the dark. There is no doubt that Capitalism in its free-trade; manufacturing period brought significant number of women from the dark dungeons of household to factories. Due to this unprecedented expansion of social production, working class women movements came on the scene that gave birth to subjectivity of women's rights movements. Capitalism wherever it got upper did away with some feudal patriarchal values but Capitalism gave birth to new form of patriarchal values that devalue the labour of women. Bourgeois democracy that is based on glaring social and economic inequalities have failed to give complete equality to women (the half of the human race) and to men. Bourgeois republic only in words it promises equality to women but it in reality sustains the oppressive patriarchy system that looks down on women. Capitalist society turns every object into commodity and women are not an exception and actually she faces it many forms. Bourgeois deceitful phrases consoles women only in her imagination but in reality those phrases denies the existence of Individuality to women which leads absence of democratic rights. In Manuvadi system woman is considered not as a free being. Right from birth to death she must be under the domination of male. Right to own productive forces especially land and right over reproduction sphere has been denied by the ruling classes in India. Pro-Imperialist and Feudal Comprador Bureaucratic Bourgeois policies of the BJP government have broken the back of women dignity and her democratic rights. Displacement due to corporate-driven development model has taken away all necessities of life from the marginalized classes. Women and children particularly from the tribal communities who come under the PVTG are the worst sufferer of the problem of displacement in India. Casualization and contarctualization of the labor force in Indi a proves to be an efficient means for the extraction of profits by Imperialist and CBB led development model of the Indian state. This led to the in-formalization of the workforce in the unorganized sector that is significantly composed by cheap women workforce. Concentration and centralization of capital in the era of Imperialism has crossed the red marks. This again has brought havoc on the normal life of the

oppressed people especially of women. Lakhs of small scale industries were force to shut down during the 10 years of Modi-kaal. Consequence of it was the significant rise in the army of reserve labour. It was woman who has to carry the burden of unemployment under her head as majority of workforce in small scale industries are composed of women sex. As the source of income became miniscule due to apathetic economic condition, percentage of women trafficking and prostitution has raised its ugly head after the horrific lock down. All these factors are leading towards feminization of rural work force that reinforces Brahmanical patriarchy with more intensity. Sexual exploitation and economic exploitation of women goes hand in hand, due to social ills they are inseparable. At present most of the cheap agricultural labor is carried by women and at the same time they face sexual exploitation by landlords and moneylenders.According to the World Bank Labor Force participation Report (2022), only 24 percent of women in India are gainfully employed. Retrenchments of workforce from IT companies have become the norm in the time when capitalism is going through general crisis. Most of the retrenched employees in IT sectors are women employees. Even the wisdom of the IT giants that is based on finance capital is not free from patriarchy. This rightly proves that hegemony of capital in social production and the presence private ownership of production forces will continue the patriarchal domination in society. As per as Global Gender Gap parity report 2023, Indi a stands at 127th position out of 146 countries in gender parity index. There is no question of women empowerment until the country remains in the shackles of Imperialism. Economic crises intensify the patriarchal violence in society and it is established by the fact that more than 4 lakh cases relating domestic violence is hanging in the courts. Today, illiteracy is highest among the women in India. Out of every 100 women, we can find more than 30 illiterate women. Due to commodification of education that serves the education corporate giants, schooling right from elementary to higher studies are becoming out of reach for the downdrotten classes.The drop out rate from schools and colleges is also highest among the women. All these are the effects of Pro-Imperialist and CBB policies of the BJP regime. As the General election of 2024 is itching closer, the ruling classes political parties has not left any stone unturned to cajole the masses for its electoral benefits that remains in the service of CBB and Imperialism. At this time it is the RSS- BJP which has taken the central stage for advertising its facade pro-women stand. RSS-BJP is extremely busy in propagating the so- called women empowerment policies (Nari Shakti Vandana) of Narendra Modi's government. Nothing can be more hilarious than to hear from the mouth of fascist about gender justice and women empowerment. Echoes of applause and reverence are being showered by liberal feminists on Narendra Modi for his outstanding effort to pass the women reservation bill from the house that was stuck-up for more than 27 years and for blocking the bill for long 27 years BJP-RSS had played prominent role. Lot of dust has already gathered over the women's reservation bill as it has taken long 27 years to arrive at the present point. Still taking such a long protracted journey, it has finally turned into ineffective and contemptuous towards women gender. To include delimitation and census clause in the bill itself proclaims that BJP has no real interest in the bill. The act will come into effect "after an exercise of delimitation is undertaken for this purpose after the relevant figures for the first census taken after commencement of the Constitution (128 amendment) act have been published..." The BJP government has not conducted 2021 census on many pretexts. The government is running without the knowledge of the facts about the socio-economic condition of

people. All its programs are nothing but talk in air; hence it carries not a single grain of truth but fallacious propaganda. It is been projected by the liberal feminists and RSS- BJP clans that this bill aspi res to bring more women in the upper echelons of power that will promulgate pro-women policies and a gender just society. This is the ruling classes and fascist's treacherous design to cook consent for continuation of its hegemonic and coercive dominance over the masses. In socially and economically backward country like India, working class women, peasantry women and women from oppressed castes and communities are the most exploited being in society. Both economic and social exploitation remains an integral part of women in India. Such exploitation of women is carried out under the guise of democracy and women empowerment. Imperialist- finance capitalism has kept our country in shackles that has denied all forms of development. The Indian ruling classes in alliance with Imperialism has negated the democratic revolution that remains a necessary precondition to break the glass ceilings of patriarchy. As the entire Godi Media was masquerading about women's reservation act in its prime time show, a Dalit woman was stripped in public and then urinated by the upper caste just because she was unable to pay 1200 rupees of loan. Neither President of India who happens to be woman nor any other political parties has been condemned the incident. But, India was celebrating pompously the women reservation act. Women are visible in every struggle, whether in the Aganwadi, whether in Kashmir, Manipur against terrorist Hindutva forces violence supported by Indian state, whether tribal women who are fighting against the corporatization and militarization in the central Indian forests areas, against CAA-NRC, in farmers protests, in struggle against Hindutva fascism, in struggle against Imperialism, women are inner shell of all these democratic movements. All these movements are by women from various spheres of life are part and parcel of women empowerment. These are all class-struggles and without class- struggles against feudalism, Comprador Bureaucratic Bourgeois and Imperialism there can be no question of women empowerment. Real democratization of Indian society is only possible when the base for semi-feudal and semi-colonial exploitation is rooted out forever. To accomplish this task "Every cook must become politician. Only then can social revolution be victorious." Dear sisters and Comrades, Since last four decades, Dandakryan women are fighting against loot and plunder of natural resources by the corporate classes. They have resisted white terror fascist Salwa Judum Campaign, Operation Green- Hunt, Operation Samadhan and now they are bravely putting up a fight against newly launched Operation Kagaar (Final War). The Indian ruling classes with the support of imperialist masters have deployed thousands military forces in the Jungles, along with war tanks, military drones, choppers and other war mechanisms. All these are because the grass- root tribal politically consolidated women is striving for their rights over their forests. They are fighting against the fascist Indian Brahmanical State for a just and equal society. They are in all productive works and are the blood- line of revolutionary alternative people's political power organs. They are breaking the chains of patriarchy with new democratic cultural practices. Women's movement of Dandakaryana is creating a new chapter in the

revolutionary history of human species. It is a source of inspiration for the downtrodden class and oppressed masses. For that reason, the Indian ruling classes are desperate to crush the revolutionary women's movement in Dandakaryana with iron heels. It is imperative to protect and strengthen the Dandakaryana women's movement in order to nail the coffin of Hindutva Fascism. Rela Madkam, Adivasi Women's Organization (Bastar).

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Hki: International Women's Day

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Friday 8.3. A demonstration was held in Helsinki with its "anti -female government!", "Against" export -driven labor market model and cuts ". In addition to domestic politics, solidarity in the national resistance of the Palestinian people was strongly present. More than 100 people participated in the demonstration.

We are publishing pictures of the demonstration.

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Elche: Actions for proletarian feminism

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València: Painted by the acquittal of the 6 anti -fascists of Zaragoza

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Madrid: painted by proletarian feminism

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Albacete: Mobilization of March 8

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PC 8 March - Without respite against the genocide

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Mass strike mobilizations on 28 February highlight capabilities and duties - KKE (M -L)

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Particularly massive rallies and demonstrations across the country on February 28 were massive rallies. Many thousands of workers, both from the public and private sector, despite the absence of a strike from the sold out of the GSEE, fought the strike at work and rushed to the streets, expressing their moods against the suffocation Everyday life they face, the result of the barbaric anti-labor-anti-government policy of the government and capital. The mass expression of the wrath and discontent of the world of work on the day of the strike has certainly been boosting from the mass and dynamic mobilizations that were underway all the time by students and farmers. At the same time, as it turned out in the last days before the strike, the one -year anniversary of the crime in Tempi and the climate of rage caused by the provocative operation of the responsibilities of the system and its managers played an important role in the massive strike. mobilization.


It was filled with strikers and youth the center of Athens. The class course, the racing movements of teachers and students and the student resistance participated in the rally in Havtia, along with the collectives of the extra -parliamentary left and unions. Their blocks were particularly massively and pulsed to the Constitution, highlighting the need to defend labor and trade union rights and denouncing the crime in Tempi. The presence of the repressive forces, especially around the blocks of the hawks, was particularly challenging. The class march, before the strike, sought to highlight the need for it to be massed, with workplaces, discussions with workers, and with the central event he held in "outside the walls".


Thousands of strikers in Thessaloniki, despite the crashing attitude of the EKT, which declared a 4 -hour work stoppage at the last minute. Against the trade union leadership, as well as employer terrorism, many workers have been covered by their sectoral associations. The class march and the racing moves participated in the rally in Kamara with massive and composed bloc. The attitude of the police here too. The class march participated in the morning in strike rallies, such as TELEPERFORMANCE, and in previous days intervened in workplaces.


Workers, students and farmers massed the strikes at the Center, despite the efforts of the trade union leadership to keep the workers' processes detached from the struggle of the city's student and agricultural movement. They were the blocks of class march and racing movements.


One of the most strike rallies in recent years. The class march and the racing moves with distinct blocks started from the branch, along with unions, student clubs and labor collectives, and headed to the crowded Olga Square.


Framed with a significant multitude of competitors was the block of resistance initiative that attempted to highlight the need to dynamize the resistance of workers, youth and the whole, of the people. There had been preceding interventions in the hospital and in workplaces, with a call to the strike.


Despite the strike attitude of the Heraklion Labor Center, the massive presence of workers in the strike was important, highlighting their racing moods. Massive and militant the block of class march in the demonstration. The previous day there was a wide intervention in Lionia Square, with banners and dudukas for propaganda strike.


There was a great deal of participation, especially by public sector workers, but also by students and students. The massive presence of youth is of particular importance, let alone in the current phase of turmoil and intense processes inside. The class course here too had a very massive presence.

Corresponding images of mass strike mobilizations were recorded throughout the country. In Larissa, Trikala, Samos, Corinth, Volos, Alexandroupolis and elsewhere, the workers widely fought the strike.

Mass participation is constantly looking for

The strike of 28 February, therefore, is an important legacy and is added to the popular mobilizations of recent months. He captured the anger and indignation, but also the willingness to resist and claim in terms of mass movement, wide masses to the system's politics. Completing one year from Tempi, coupled with the relevant challenges and mockery of government staff and state mechanisms, reminded the complete depreciation of the people's lives and the murderous characteristics of the policy pursued by the system. People's discontent, however, is not limited to this mass crime. It is ruled in the overall barbaric policy that chases, flattens conquests and condemns the world of work in poverty and poverty daily. The "connection" of the issues was made by the tens of thousands of workers who participated in the strike, despite the - to a large extent - one -way and anniversary character that the dominant forces attempted to give it. And in any case the struggles of youth and farmers fueled the mass strike.

But there remains the need for workers to come to the fore, by highlighting the labor claims. The boiling rage remains to seek a racing way out, both because it did not find it on the common front that was (and continues to be) necessary with youth and farmers, and because the problems continue to swell.

Accuracy has dissolved labor income. General inflation is maintained at 3.2%, in itself significant. For the popular strata, however, the situation is even worse, with food prices growing almost twice as high as the cost of housing has been launched. Real estate prices, which rose about 40% in 4 years, coupled with high mortgage interest rates, make a summer night dream market. At the same time, rents have increased even further in many areas, creating an unsolved problem for the majority of workers. To these comes to add the reduction to literally every aspect of social so -called benefits. The people are called upon to put their hand deeper into their pocket for care, for education of their children, for everything they need, and they are getting less, both at the level of benefits and financial support and in the level of access and quality of services.

Government policy causes and multiplies the problems, despite its provocative effort to present the opposite. They were sold through bids and possibly their actual values to have increased), they do not face the problem. After all, they recall that the political staff of the country, with the contribution of the media of the ruling class, has no contraction to fool the people overtly. Similar mockery is any moves on the issue of home. Subsidies concerning few and minimal or with conditions that ultimately exclude those in need, and "tools for protecting the first residence" that either do not apply in practice or end up in "re -leasing", ie the payment of rent for their own homes than those who are housed by those who do so. They lost them. And all of this is vigorously and "solemnly" advertised, "forgetting" that on the one hand they highlight the dire position in which the people are and on the other are only to be copied copies of benefits that have existed for years but were abolished (as they were for For example the programs of the old labor residence organization).

In the same spirit of presentation as a "solution" to a situation that simply baptizes the problem differently, government statements about acceleration by one month of raising the minimum wage are moving. Even if "it will be ahead of 8" (as Hatzidakis and Spanakis said), the essence remains that this minimum is very low, as is all the salaries that are not affected by its change. Three years on the bottom, for which the government has lifted a lot of dust in the past, they still "extinguish" the 12 -year service, but their "ceiling" ends at a very three -year period by 2027, as the general rule For freezing as long as unemployment is more than 10%, it remains in force from 1/1/2027 and the revision of the unemployment rates initially announced by ELSTAT also led the official index to a double -digit rate. And the "promises" of doubling the average salary are completely in the air.

The only honest position on the part of the system is the one that says that "whoever does not go out, to get (and another) work". And they are common to private employees, civil servants, farmers, pensioners, students, students. The system does not recognize any people's right to a decent life. He is not even committed to ensuring his life. In fact, the people and the workers are struggling to survive in an ever -increasing regime, which government policy makes even worse. , while the future is much more gloomy as the confrontation not only continues but rises levels. In such a context, even this government's "encouragement" is in the air, as the possibility of finding any jobs to be looking for is increasingly likely. And it is certain that government policy will continue to dismantle any protection grid.

Against undermining the labor matches must be formed

The only real way out for workers is the collective struggle for resistance to anti -labor policy and claiming their rights. With the preceding struggle for real salaries to cover the cost of life. For collective agreements that will guarantee increases for all workers and improve the terms of work. For a real increase in unemployment benefit and for the entire unemployment period. For work and life with rights. A struggle that first requires the emergence of labor claims and escalating mobilizations. Against the moods of trade unions, which prove that they are moving in the opposite direction.

On the one hand, GSEE did not even get a strike. He also complements a year that he has not made the slightest decision on strike: neither the law of Georgiades, nor against the anti -populist budget, nor for wages and precision, nor for care and social security, nor for education, nor… He has opened openly, on the side of the system, the role of burning any racing mood, cultivation of frustration and defeat, preventing any efforts to set up labor struggles. And it perceives very well the criticality of this role as indignation accumulates, deadlocks grow, government propaganda is revealed, the illusions of "different" management of the exploitation system collapses. Her decision - at the end of January - for a strike on April 17, is part of the demands of the role, which is not simple, as her "detour" cases certainly concern her effectiveness to keep workers on the sidelines. In the hope, possibly in consultation with the government, that the increase in the minimum earlier will work undermined, it is certain that it will do everything it can so that even this strike that has called on it to be limited and controlled.

On the other hand, PAME and the rest of the forces that - also in the late January - put the direction for a strike on February 28, did what they were going through to keep employees from meeting with student and agricultural mobilizations. In the phase of their development. And, even more so, the labor claims are not highlighted and not to join a common racing front against anti -populist politics. The call for 28/2, without any other, objectively put labor issues in a second plan, a direction that was reinforced by the absence of substantive processes in the unions.

Despite the moods of the sovereign forces, the problems faced by workers are here, they are daily and leading to even worse direction as government policy progresses and employer arbitrariness does not encounter mass resistance. And neither the government fairy tales nor the next ballot boxes can "wait". They require work to highlight the needs and rights of workers, against the "boundaries" of the system. They require the formation of resistance and mass struggles, against the obstacles that the system puts. This necessity was attempted to serve the proposal of the class march, January, for labor mobilization from the beginning of February, but met by forces referring to the labor movement a combination of defeat, weakness and illusion about the role of trade unions. And especially PAME. The necessity remains, the strike on 28 February confirmed that the world of work is looking for it. A key task is to strengthen, at all levels, of labor resistance that regularly erupts and emphasizes the need and ability to activate the endless popular forces.

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Something like a conference with intense systemic - right footprint - KKE (M -L)

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The political debate is used to political parties. On this basis, everyone (self) is determined. It is the only thing that was not done at the recent 4th SYRIZA-PS Congress! The reason is now outrageous: the "new party" that will emerge from the announced constituent conference (also called "re -establishment") in the coming autumn will not have (with the same or other name) not even a relation to what already exists. What is increasingly being excluded is openly promoting its bourgeois character and is focusing on the positions and practices that are cynical defamation and provocations towards the world of the left.

So he fell in a conference with an indefinite number of delegates (!), With Kasselakis' personal Clacadors having understood the largest space (as reported by intra -party opponents), with no political debate, with 'decisions' New elections for the emergence of the president, but also with a hovering threat of new or new breakdown.

But the political staff residing in the party of today's opposition, a political force of starvation, opportunism and anti -communism, has "succeeded". It reappears as a "united" and claims its election rise to the forthcoming European elections, with its chairman's bar being at least 17%, bringing back to our memory the well -known election target of the 10 -year reformist KKE in the 1980s, which had even been linked to the infamous "real change". Signs of the Times…

The question is, of course, what all of them disagree with. In the big issues concerning our people and our country, they were united in the period of SYRIZA's rule, but also a "responsible opposition" in the first four years of Mitsotakis and continue to practice. What, for what is the interconnection? It is obvious that the second urban pillar and the political system has a serious problem due to the non -functioning of a classic bipartisanship in our country. We are therefore here, with the efforts to create and promote a systemic alternative management solution to lead the moves within SYRIZA. Something that "caught" the capitalist-imperialist system and, in the first post-transfer poll, shows him "catching up" or even surpassing PASOK! The agony of the centers inside and mainly outside the country is revealing.

The handling of the foreground and the background at the aforementioned Congress-Parody were truly incredible. The "players" were changing a line at a dizzying speed, taking back even what they had just expanded. It is, after all, known to be the "flexibility" of this political space, which has been "a dissertation", since the time of the old KKE, adapting to the demands and winds that blow in the social system of dependence and exploitation. As for "direct democracy" Kasselakis, this is a great fraud, since all the data testifies to a highly leading party where social media is played by the key role, not some political-party processes. Some are talking about a party model of "Apollonian policy", as the current leader, from where elsewhere, from the US. You can discuss for hours and for days without saying anything!

Tsipras's intervention shortly before the commencement of the conference, which monopolized its evolution, though it is evident from its outcome that it was a serious strangulation of his prestige, moves in the same direction as the current existential anxiety of this party. Tested in the difficult class for the ruling class by the pressure of the imperialist -lists and the massive kinetic presence -adhesion of the popular strata, he deposited his availability to "contribute" - even with him, in time, the way - to "overcoming" The problem of alternative urban management of the system and perhaps its party. The non -adoption of his proposal, however, shows that Kasselakis (despite his own ass) controls things. One, however, must be clear: there is no left -wing (FRO) fabric in the tricks and quotes. The increasingly right -wing political scene that has been shaping in recent years and in our country requires new right shifts than everyone. The era of "I take a flash left and turn right" can no longer be tolerated by the real holders of political power inside and outside the country. Only the path of adaptation remains to bourgeois politicians who hope to remain as a choice at least in reserve.

The "clarifications" that the former prime minister has deliberately made to give at the "Kathimerini" conference leave no room for misinterpretation: If they and SYRIZA have a future, they should renounce the "sinful" past, to deposit the same as the "sinful" Where it must but also publicly and assure them in practice that there is no case of repetition. This did the conference itself and makes all today's political opposition political union.

The proposal of a temporary way out of Famellou's re -exerted introversion, Pappas and G. Tsipras weighted a single factor, which is none other than the upcoming European elections. Whether or not the "knives" come back to or after them is open. Undoubtedly, however, the Polakis attack on A. Tsipras on "Meacoulpa" is based on the assessment that Tsipras "chapter" will currently remain in the back of the Astling and that the Kasselakis team will continue to control things. The Arivists, like his speech, always "bet" on the horse they thought would come first.

And the members? These are "properly" for leadership when "pots" remain. To monitor those on the upper floors of their party and express themselves by giving (!) Subscribe to the leader. We give it a voice to the members and "Take SYRIZA in your hands" by the president sounds like a bad farce. Their loud detour even within the conference gives yet another awareness of what party they are.

Following the collapse of electoral -parliamentary delusions into a wide world of the left, this world is needed, with whatever left is left - because it has been a great deal of damage for decades now - to reinstall its presence in the movement that is necessary and may to exist. A movement of resistance and claim, in the prospect of a confrontation with the forces of the system. A movement that, in the furnace of the class struggle, will give all those materials that are essential to political subjects who want and can re -raise the issue of revolutionary perspective!

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The "New Left" Conference and the Return of "Ancient Rust" - KKE (M -L)

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The Conference of the "New Left", the formation formed by MPs and executives who left SYRIZA after the election of St. Kasselakis in his leadership. With the central slogan of the Conference "Politics", the new party executives in their positions, and the decisions voted on, attempted to give the key features of the body, with many references to "Left 21 th century ”who want to represent.

Of the placements of almost all executives who were ministers of the SYRIZA-ANEL government (not few), there was no critical reference to the government's "First Left" government. In the (Automatic) scams he cultivated, in the memorandum he voted for, in the anti-populist-assurance policy he implemented, to commit and submission to the US-NATO-EU. It is obvious that for the leadership and executives of this party, the history of the "political confrontation" within SYRIZA for its orientation begins in… 2019, when it loses the election and passes through the opposition. But even then, and despite his increasingly right shift to the "center -left" of government management, in the context of the system of exploitation, oppression and imperialist dependency, there was no substantial questioning, but only scattered criticisms. The dual elections of the summer of 2023 had to come and the SYRIZA electoral crash, which also brought the resignation of Tsipras to find out that they had to discuss its orientation. And they were these executives who are otherwise against the "leadership parties" who have nothing to do with the Left, who promoted the first election of a new leader in SYRIZA and after a conference of positions and self -criticism. It was only that they came to them ... Kasselakis and that their "leftism" could not stand it. A lot of hypocrisy.

Thus, they decided to "return to the roots" of SYN, which is also said by N. Filis, who also identified the ideological -political character, the vision of the new formation, saying: "It takes a spirit of democratic function and vision -and vision -and vision -and vision -and vision - This is socialism with freedom, democracy and respect for the environment. " To take the baton D. Vitsas and to raise the "bar" higher by saying: "Our ultimate goal is communism, it is not socialism with democracy and freedom. This is the intermediate goal. "

In addition to the "socialist" and "communist" declarations of key executives of the "New Left", let's see the immediate action plan presented at the Conference by the President of the Parliamentary Group Al. Haritsis. With the common title "We are worth" the axes were mentioned for: "1. Life without precision, 2. state state ally of the citizen, 3. Economy for the benefit of many, 4. Substantial climate transition, 5. a society with a home for all, 6. a Greece of stability and peace, 7. A country with rights and rights democracy".

The Conference also discussed the issues of "Foreign Policy", where the text in which the respective committee concluded: "In foreign policy, the defense of national sovereignty and sovereign rights of our country, respect for international law, Peace, stability and cooperation in our neighborhood are fundamental principles in the history of the Greek Left that inspire our present and future. From the recent past we keep the valuable legacy of the Prespa Agreement, which was a breakthrough in Greek foreign policy and one of the most emblematic acts of the SYRIZA governments. The "Spirit of Prespa" permeates all of our positions on foreign policy and we are self -criticizing the fact that we have not always adequately oppressed nationalist divergences. The "New Left" will go ahead with the principle that left and nationalism are not compromised. " And he goes on to say: "... it is steadily in favor of European integration and the active participation of Greece in it ... The" New Left "belongs to the forces of left -wing Europeanism. We are fighting for a radical shift in European integration ... We are opposed to steps that promote the EU's further submission to the US or even convert the Union into a NATO branch. "

The "self-criticism" of the "New Left" leadership for the SYRIZA-ANEL governance has nothing to do with the fact that the US-NATO bases were developed across the country, it did not concern the formation of reactionary axes with Israel-Egypt, it had nothing to do with With the strengthening of NATO-EUs in the Western Balkans, the "Prespa Agreement was emblematic", but it had to do with the fact that they were not "adequately opposed nationalist divergences"!

While the submission and reinforcement of the bonds of imperialist dependency is? Is it internationalism ...?

And of course, no mention of exit from NATO and removing American bases from the country.

We could say that based on all of the above we are facing a political formation that is not only "young". He carries all the "ancient rust" of a reformist current that constantly recycles and in "new" versions of his petty illusions. He wants "socialism" and "communism" without affecting any podium of capitalist-imperialist domination, without conflicts and reversals, a peaceful course of transforming the system through continuous transformations.

We must admit that they are the most consistent devotees of the theory of "developing productive forces" that will "peel" the system to pop out socialism-communism in relation to its other "left" variants, which thrive in the KKE and the KKE. to organizations of the extra -parliamentary left.

The main issue with this space is that it does not have the slightest reservation, when the system needs it, to become an organic part of the attack on the working people, it has proven it. At the same time, and in relation to the previous one, the services it offers to the system are multiple, provoking every concept of the Left, sowing confusion and trapping people into logic of subordination and defeat. And in this respect, such a political formation is quite useful for the local capitalist system, but also for the dominant imperialists, who not only contradicts but submits to them. Especially today that the rift that divides the system with the working people and the youth is constantly growing and expressing massively on the streets, as in the strike of 28 o February, in student and agricultural mobilizations, such "embankments" of popular rage are multiple useful.

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March 8 was celebrated with various activities in Duisburg

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Duisburg | 09.03.2024 | This year's March 8, International Working Women's Day event was held in Duisburg. Towards 17.00, the action began by establishing new women, Courage, SKB and Zor organizations pennants, foreign currencies and information tent.

The event, which was attended by about 100 people, started with Çav Bella song, which was sung in a mouth. Then, by emphasizing the meaning and importance of March 8, all institutions were emphasized that more developing racism, immigration policy problem and the current wars, the destruction of wars, and the heavy bill of all these workers and especially women were emphasized.

After the speeches, a concert was presented with Turkish and Kurdish melodies. Then a young woman added a different color to the event with the ballet show representing the awakening and struggle of women. The action then ended with a music concert after a half -hour walk.

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PASOK and SYRIZA support the creation of private universities and represent the "opposition" - KKE (M -L)

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Who does not remember Alexis Tsipras to declare pre -election that "If you were able to have a Harvard universities in Greece, I am ready to discuss it" ; How to forget about Stefanos Kasselakis' pre -election interviews, where he spoke in the best words in favor of scholarships to study at private universities or the northern North Sector of SYRIZA Ms. Linu, who in the question of whether private schools should be established, replied "depends"? And of course, the case of SYRIZA MP P. Pappas, who publicly supported the plans for the establishment of private universities in Greece, said in an interview that "we are perhaps the only one of the western countries that do not have private universities. » and that "The re -formation of Article 16 is a debate that needs to be done."

So they discussed these days, in the midst of the biggest student movement of the last 15 years, SYRIZA's… think tank ruled that the Pierrakakis bill is… problematic. And the main problems they have identified are its unconstitutionality and that it allows for the establishment of private universities that "in essence will not do research" (!).

And of course, there were no problem with Article 58 of the Bill, which first introduces tuition fees to the undergraduate programs of public universities for foreign students. After all, SYRIZA Heraklion MP H. Mamoulakis will also be unforgettable, who recently dared to unravel in the midst of mass demonstrations that: "If necessary ... tuition in public universities as a last resort." This is no impression, as SYRIZA faithfully served the policy of class barriers in studies and, of course, by the law Gavroglou was the one who introduced the tuition fees to the postgraduate degree, taking the big step to dissolve the free character of higher education.

SYRIZA's political positions are in the same rotation as those of the government and US-EU imperialist and the statements of its executives are constantly testified.

In summary, SYRIZA supports the "(good) private universities", but now is the time to represent the opposition under the pressure of the student movement. In the same vein, his political offspring, the day25, is moving, as in the May election debate in May Varoufakis stated that "good private universities exist only in the US", contributing to the debate on "good" and "bad" private universities.

More interest is the position of PASOK, which as an older and more "experienced" party of the local megalistic class and imperialist dependency, does not attempt to camouflage its intention to support the establishment of private universities in Greece and is trying to justify its attitude. Pierrakakis Bill. Nikos Androulakis stated last June that "If we are discussing a private university like the big universities in Europe and the US here, we are positive, we will not get in the way, as long as it meets high academic standards." . Or else, as it clarifies in all tones: "Our party's programmatic position is the establishment of non -profit universities with a revision of Article 16". So here's the opposition that PASOK carries out:

Invokes' unconstitutionality » of the Pierrakakis bill, from its point of view that Article 16 should be revised first and then establish private universities. In short, PASOK wants an immediate review, not bypassing Article 16. At the same time, it calls for stricter quality criteria, "non-profit" and another "evaluation", considering that the ETHAE is inadequate, because it has ... a large burden of work. He calls for more funding in public universities, winking at his timeless allies on the high floors of the academic elite (rectors, great captains) as usual. Disagrees with changing the introduction system to the Pan -Hellenic exams. It proposes better dispersion of private universities, to share the pie in the province, where it has local supports. Wants to be a '' Severe commitment of long -term stay of foreign branches in the country ', so as not to stay admissible students '' Unnamed ', If the university suddenly decides to leave (!).

In short, PASOK's objection is concentrated in Androulakis' statement that "it has a comprehensive proposal for the proper functioning of private universities" and is not compatible with a "frightening bypass" of Article 16. So it is openly in favor of the most historical strike in public Free education in Greece and its problem is that the government "is not doing well".

PASOK, which began with the fact that it "does not stand in the way of private universities" to reach the bill in Parliament, had to travel a distance that costs inside.

Thus, the incidents in the parliamentary group give and take, in cases such as Giannakopoulou and Konstantinopoulos, who accuse the leadership of violating basic principles of the party to fish. That's exactly what things are.

Given that in the past four years, SYRIZA and PASOK voted in voted in 70-80% of the bills brought by the New Democracy to the House and this image remains unchanged after the June elections, which ratified both in "third place", It is a political survival bet to search for points of differentiation from the government. The Pierrakakis bill is offered as an opportunity, having found the widespread contrast of youth and the poorest popular strata. The essence of the political impasse in which both SYRIZA and PASOK are located is that in today's conditions of intensity of dependence and attacking and exacerbating all contradictions, no other management has a ground to stand. Only through their struggle can the students and the people fly out of their backs this "spit" that is open and blurred in consciousness. PASOK and SYRIZA are bourgeois parties who faithfully served the policy of dependence, Barbarism and class barriers in education from government positions and their current opposition acrobatics are at least feud.

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Women in Cologne were in their fields

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Cologne | 09.03.2024 | The Cologne Women's Platform was in the fields on March 8, with the motto ”women are struggling against racism, exploitation, war and capital.

A large mass of women who enthusiastically welcomed World Working Women's Day on March 8th met in Cologne Mülheim. In this action organized by 11 women and LGBTI + institutions, many women's institutions made speeches.

It was emphasized that the struggle of the working class and the struggle of women's freedom could not be independent, while the attention of the struggle of the working class and the struggle for women's freedom could not be independent. In the wars from all over the world, children and women were exposed to death, rape, harassment, torture, and falling into the hands of the gangs of human trade, the war owners stated that the imperialists were responsible. It was emphasized that there was a massacre of humanity in the Middle East, Kurdistan, Ukraine, Palestine and Yemen.
In his speech, the new woman said: “The role of women has continued to date throughout history. Gender discrimination, pressure, and most importantly, we are experiencing double exploitation. In all previous societies, women lived as slaves. In today's world, women live as a slave in various ways, no matter where they live. In economic developed countries, they are in modern slaves. ”
In the following: “Being a woman in the imperialist-capitalist system means being exposed to class, national and sexual exploitation and oppression, living in an inhuman way every day. While most women submit to this pressure unconsciously, there were also women who resisted this pressure. In our history, women's rebellion was tried to be prevented in the most ruthless ways, but in places where resistance was strong, women were able to achieve partial improvements about them. However, this is not the final salvation. " He said and said, “Socialist worldview and our leaders, Clara Zetkin and his comrades, women have shown that unless they are included in this struggle, the exploitation and oppression will not end and the system responsible for it will not change.” “We know how important the organized struggle is as immigrant and indigenous women in Germany. Because the imperialist capitalist system, which seems to be giant, covers paper in the face of our common struggle. We must be organized and act in an organized way. We must take a revolutionary stance together against all injustices and understand that there is no salvation alone. We must organize ourselves, because we can only destroy those who impose this life together. … We must organize, because we can only take care of our labor… We must organize, because we can only save other women… If we want to leave a free future for our children, we must organize… ”Speech” Long live International Solidarity! Long live March 8! " ended with the slogan.
During the walk, he shouted slogans enthusiastically. Residents greeted the activists with slogans. At the end of the march, participating women from open microphone made speeches, poems read and singing folk songs and the action ended successfully.

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Victory in the fair fight of the call centers workers! - KKE (M-L)

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For a month ,teleperformance workers, and particularly members of the Tunisian community, have begun a major struggle to seek wage increases, abolition of VISA special purpose and collective agreements. Despite the pressures, threats and blackmail that employers have launched all this time, workers do not retreat until their fair demands are satisfied, and have also supported workers from other call centers such as Webhelp, TTEC, Foundever, where the same working conditions prevail.

Within a month, employees founded two business unions in Teleperformance and Webhelp and carried out two strikes with the unprecedented participation of thousands of employees (4,000 in total). Teleperformance, after these developments, counterattacked the SETIP, the sectoral association, utilizing Hatzidakis Law on GEFISOE and now openly questioning its ability to negotiate a collective agreement. In addition, he announced that the ridiculous amount of 50 euros will be increased as an asterisks, causing even more anger for workers. Following these nasty actions of the employer, workers respond with a new 24 -hour strike on 13/3, and the strike goes beyond Greece's borders as they will also participate in France!

Developments in call centers racing affect the whole industry and all employees in the country, as these companies are tens of thousands of workers nationwide. The victory of their struggle is sure to bring many rearrangements to the existing correlation and will be a trigger for the outbreak of new games.

Below are tracks from the interview given to the class march of three members of the Tunisian community and offer a picture of the first steps of their struggle, their demands and directions. The whole interview is available here .

1.What were the first steps of this race and what were the factors that made you gather signatures by claiming wage increases?


The first step was to analyze our present position in terms of our salaries and labor rights in the company. The signatures collection started from Facebook and a colleague, T. and then collected over 760 signatures. This struggle brought together workers who shared the same concerns and the same frustration. Later, T. suggested that we address SETIP that helped us and guided us about the course we would take to demand justice from the company.


Initially I actively sought to negotiate for fair compensation and indefinite contract, especially after being faced with increasing responsibilities but stagnant salary. Despite all our efforts to open a dialogue with the employer, we have faced a steady resistance with rejection answers that showed complete indifference to our concerns. These systemic issues prompted us to act and motivated the movement of a memorandum that resonated with a wide range of colleagues, reflecting a common sense of frustration and frustration.

2.What are your requests and why?


Our main demand from the management of Teleperformance is fair salaries that reflect the value of our work as well as the cost of living. I have been a company employee for 6.5 years without any increase, despite the inflation we have been experiencing in recent years in Greece that has influenced rents, food and other basic daily expenses. It is also important to emphasize that the majority of us have fixed -term contracts. This intensifies uncertainty and volatility in our working status. In our first meeting with SETEP, other collective demands emerged.

3. Do you think the two strikes on February 8 and 19 were successful?

Sami :

The two strikes on February 8 and 19 marked significantly milestones in our collective struggle, and served as an exemplary shift to the strengthening of workers and solidarity. The strikes have managed to break up chronic fears of retaliation and encouraged a large number of workers to openly express their dissatisfaction.


The strikes were a huge success, especially with the knowledge that the employer never expected that this could happen. It is the first time that workers have been so massively strike in these companies, and of course it will not be the last. The administration advertises that its doors are open to workers (which is not the case of course) but now we will remove the doors completely and make them listen to us.

4. How did the employer attempt to intimidate workers in order to push them not to participate in the race that has erupted?


The employer is trying to intimidate workers by misinforming the legality of SETIP, trying to sow doubt. Nevertheless, we remain united in our purpose and refuse to terrorize and sneeze! We will not prevent these tactics and we will continue to fight for our labor rights!


Employers' efforts to prevent workers in the ongoing race were characterized by misinformation and coercion. Some members of the administration have resorted to the dissemination of unfounded rumors regarding the legality of the strikes and the possible impact on workers involved. However, these tactics have led to the strengthening of the determination and unity of workers in the struggle for justice!

5.What do you have to tell workers who may be afraid to participate in the strikes?


To anyone who is afraid to participate, I want to emphasize this: He is not alone in it. Your participation is necessary to ensure our collective success. Setip has set up a strike fund that can help if the loss of a paycheck is something that holds someone from strike.


Employees who are hesitant to take part in the strikes because of fear, I understand your concerns and recognize the natural fear related to the controversy of the status quo. However, it is important to recognize that collective action is necessary to bring about a substantial change.

6.What is your opinion on Teleperformance against SETP?


Teleperformance's lawsuit against SETEP is a clear attempt to suppress our right to organize and support a fair approach to our workplace. We reject all the attempts to bully from the employer and remain firm in our commitment to fight for salaries and rights! We are not going to retreat!

7.How do you see the evolution of this race perspective and what steps do you consider to be named after being a victorious?


The evolution of our struggle depends on our constant unity, determination and resilience to adversity. We must remain organized and focused on our goals, despite the efforts of the employer to derail our efforts. Going on, we need to escalate our actions, continuing the strikes and with collective bargaining with the employer. Victory requires perseverance and solidarity between workers, as well as a commitment that the employer is accountable for its actions.


As we move on to this struggle, it is necessary to maintain our momentum and solidarity but also to recognize the difficulties in the confrontation with a large company. Overcoming fear and dismissing any misunderstandings about our labor rights are basic steps to achieve our goals. We must remain firm in our demands and recognize that substantial change often requires perseverance and sacrifices. By being united and claiming our collective prosperity we can pave the way for a better and fairer future for all workers.

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March 8 Event in Nuremberg

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Nuremberg | 09.03.2024 | In Nuremberg, as in every year, March 8 Working Women's Day was celebrated enthusiastically.

With the organization of the March 8 platform, where the new woman took part, hundreds of men and women and men working in the Plärrer celebrated the Day of Working Women's Day.
Plärrer and other areas were spent on behalf of institutions during the walk.
He made many speakers against the male -dominated system, wars, rising racism in Europe and the cost of living.
The walk, which lasted for about two hours, ended again in Plärrer square.

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The health and all the people must fight for our rights, not for reformist illusions! - KKE (M-L)

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The times we live in can be considered the wildest of the last decades. Depth and intensity of the attack of the imperialist system against the peoples of the whole planet is characterized by one tear . In a deep, structural crisis of the capitalist-imperialist system, which, while being broken by imperialist competitions at a very dangerous level of humanity, level, At the same time it is steadily oriented to rapture and crushing conquests and rights by peoples . The hatred of world capitalism for the period of the victorious socialist revolution and the popular struggles it inspired and with its glow guided as a lighthouse, finds ground in the current conditions of retreat and defeat of the communist movement and disintegration. Wins and rights in the field of social benefits and more specifically on the issue of health care They were acquired in post -war Europe in a series of imperialist metropolises. The imperialist bourgeoisie of European states, coming out of the Great War Winners Yes but Having to manage their own physiognomy and reconstruction in the post -war context as well as the awe of the undisputed winner, the USSR, and the social and political pressure exerted by their countries' working classes, they formed quality health care systems for their free health care systems. Their citizens in response to both a class that assumes the responsibility of the management of the bourgeois state and the obligations they arise, as much as (always with the significant assistance of social democracy) and to the east.

Did these things happen in Greece in the 1950s, 60s or '70s? Well, no relationship! ... The bourgeoisie of post -Greek Greece was dealing with the consolidation of the state -state of the doctrines, the consolidation of dependency bonds with the young man and many promising American imperialism in the territory of post -war data, and in particular with the persecution, the exaggeration and the exaggeration of Country from Nazis, Communists and popular militants who frame the ranks of EAM, ELAS, DSE. The times of violence, fraud and terrorism left nothing positive for the popular factor, not even in the direction of building the bourgeoisie.

And while the signs of the retreat of the struggle of the classes and the world communist movement in the context of the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and the revisionist turn of the CC China were now visible, the "manna from heaven" came to the country and specifically. On 4/10/1983 the Social Democratic version of the PASOK government (with President of the Republic of Konstantinos Karamanlis) passed Law 1397 of the National Health System. Our assessment was and remains that the NHS was a reflection of the compromise between the portions of the great health established in the field of health that was traditionally active in private care, of the "new fireplaces" that PASOK became their pillar and a society of a disgusting, angry, angry, angry society. Government of the right -wing state, a people who was thirsty for justification and justice. And the social compromise may have favored the first two parts in a way timeless and meaningful, but for the people the bubble of the NHS in the coming decades would be deflated and left empty.

What happened in the 1980s were oriented to compare with the Western European countries and the need to modernize a state, whose role until then served almost exclusively the suppression of the popular movement of the transition and the securing of the Democrats. . The role of the state as an instrument of sovereignty, control and enforcement of bourgeoisie and large capital interests In the relations of slavery with foreign capital, the EEC and the US (and in the context of the "social contract" with the role of the middle of the middle of PASOK's social support web), It demanded the staffing of this employee in the public (state) sector that will shape our day, 40 years later, the reservoir of the chair -bourgeois trade unionists. PASOK's NHS was perhaps the best nursery of these plants. Is it a coincidence that in the chair of POEDIN President, one of the largest public sector federations, is always sitting in PASOK in contradiction with what is happening with PASOK's rates and influence in society?

Based on this historical route, today its forces reformist left In all of them and in loving synonym with the dominant forces of the Antrusism ( PASOK-SYRIZA ) They bring to a panacea the "rescue of the NHS" and the "defense of the exclusively public nature of care". For this political perception, workers must aim to maintain a model and defend the bourgeois state. The second condenses the worldview of ubiquitous reformists: The state is an ataxic institution of course offered as a neutral field of class struggle. It brings about the involvement of the workers within them (see co -habit, elected, etc.). Until the final fall and self -release of the state !!!

As for the NHS, the public NHS , from the beginning it has appeared from the beginning its privileged relationship with the private capital in the field of procurement, equipment and medicine and nowadays it is nowadays struck by private sector labor relations. In the already shaped course by the governance of the previous, no SYRIZA except, the current ND government deepens this relationship with the private capital we are more privileged. Along with the blow to trade union rights, the institution of managers -administrators since 2001, the introduction of increasingly strong private economic criteria in the financial and administrative management of hospitals with recent DRGs, all that has been shaped by the PASOK Governments. , SYRIZA and ND, these are the NHS. These days are added to the official abolition of FREE and the blackmailing remuneration if the patient wants to do well, as well as the uninhabited presence of private doctors in hospitals. And these within the NSS. Does the bourgeoisie and the ND government intend to privatize or even abolish public care? The answer is NO. No bourgeoisie as a collective capitalist has departed from her role. Which is double: both in shaping the "organized" and "modern" capitalism and to enrichment through the public money of the private individuals.

Is it another NHS? Is. More hostile to both the people and the health? Yes. Are we in the era of the rematch of capitalism as we noted in the introduction of the text? Yes we are! How does it manifest? By crushing rights, with the seizure and unraveling of the working class, with the disappearance of the term FREE from the people's consciousness, because FREE means conquests, it means class consciousness, it means right. To defend the public as it is, it is not even a claim. To defend another public is the well -known illusion for the role of the superstructure. To defend the NHS as a model (and which model, what decade) and is opposed and certainly not a kinematic proposal.

Here's what to fight for: For the right to FREE, Equal, full care for everyone.

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March 8 was celebrated with various activities in Duisburg

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Duisburg | 09.03.2024 | This year's March 8, International Working Women's Day event was held in Duisburg. Towards 17.00, the action began by establishing new women, Courage, SKB and Zor organizations pennants, foreign currencies and information tent.

The event, which was attended by about 100 people, started with Çav Bella song, which was sung in a mouth. Then, by emphasizing the meaning and importance of March 8, all institutions were emphasized that more developing racism, immigration policy problem and the current wars, the destruction of wars, and the heavy bill of all these workers and especially women were emphasized.

After the speeches, a concert was presented with Turkish and Kurdish melodies. Then a young woman added a different color to the event with the ballet show representing the awakening and struggle of women. The action then ended with a music concert after a half -hour walk.

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The culprits are hunting the crime in Tempi - KKE (M -L)

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The cover -up operation of the Tempi crime proceeds unstoppable, even if it is constantly on the forefront.

The House Inquiry Committee did not adhere to the pretexts. The majority, from day one, showed that its intention was to direct the decision to the human error or any other convenient justification would extract oil itself and its regional governors.

This has already been apparent by decisions on a one -party bureau by the ND and the list of witnesses, who were finally 35, out of the more than 100 previously agreed by the parties. Among those cut were Hellenic Train workers, who had repeatedly made complaints about the shortcomings of the rail network and had highlighted the risk of accident, as well as firefighters who attempted and could deposit the material that caused the fire that caused the fire . Also, the prosecutors' experts were cut, so the only experts to submit were those of the Committee of Gerapetritis.

Then, the "glorious moments" of the committee were Hatzidakis' lies that there was a teleikos system in Larissa, the open insult of the dead driver, with the violation of his medical privacy, to prove that he should not be in that position for reasons. Health, the marathon deposition of the Italian Captain, Managing Director of Hellenictrain, who argued that everything was working well and was unanimously referred to falsehood!

The issue of the cargo cargo was not given, as in the famous incomplete contract 717, for which Karamanlis said in his deposition that he would not save nothing, since the Rules of Procedure was violated that night! And the Buyer, refused to testify, exercising his right to stumble, since he was now accused of the case.

In the end, the committee was submitted to the case, but a few days later, PASOK MPs who participated in it pointed out that only sections of the case file were given and requested that the whole were lodged.

Summary procedures, the liability of political persons, an attempt to find scapegoats to calm down victims' relatives and all angry society. These were the government's goals in the committee. Even SYRIZA's responsibilities have been put aside (eg about how much its 717 works, which had been signed since 2014), not only because when the accident happened, the ND had been ruled for four years, but because if it enters And SYRIZA in the frame, then the responsibilities begin and become timeless and do not concern governments, but the system they serve. Obviously we did not expect a House committee to even let this be implied.

However, the waters shook the European Parliament's resolution on the delay of awarding justice in Greece, which explicitly refers to the Tempe case. The reasons that led to this should be sought in the more general pressures of Europeans over the Greek government, which has tightened the US, rather than the ... sense of justice of Europeans, who know very well the Italians who bought and operate the Greek railways …

In this resolution, but also in the pressure exerted on the government, the families of the victims, but also the whole people behind them, should also seek the causes of the "awakening" of the Supreme Court, who in late February asked them Prosecutors should take all the necessary steps to clarify the case. In order not to be doubtful about the intentions of the Supreme Court, let us remind you that the Supreme Court prosecutor Georgia Picilin had given… monumental answers to protesting relatives, only weeks earlier: “How do you do? It's a small moral issue "," they happen "," visit a church to help you "!

The hook was also expressed ... materials, with the accident of the accident area, just a day after the accident, on March 1, 2023. The otherwise cumbersome public moved, found contractors, signed contracts, spoiled about 650,000 euros and completed. The project in less than a week! The Journal of Editors revealed that one of the companies involved was set up a month later, in early April!

However, is it still unclear who ordered the mandate, the Region of Thessaly, the Fire Brigade, the Police, the Government? Everyone deny it! But the joke was done. And the official excuse (who was not even convinced of a high school student ...) was that the muddy space had to be cleaned and covered so that the cranes could be stable and the dead would be restored, while also protected the underground conductor of physicist. Gas! What had to be covered was the valuable elements that might be hiding at the scene of the crime and what had to be protected was all kinds of responsible, especially on the ... tall floors! Even if this meant to cover the biological material of the victims ...

The cover -up business is overall, coordinated and inhumane. Those who designed and implemented her are determined to continue to the end. An end to which some guilty and many innocent are intended to find. Above all, to acquit the system that kills, in Mandra, in Mati, in Tempi, but also in Gaza and the camps of the destitute throughout the Earth.

This system was targeted, even without realizing it, by the thousands that were demonstrating last year, the thousands that demonstrated this year on 28 February and many of those who signed the Karystianos resolution. This rage, expressed so massively, must become more overall, turning to the main culprit, the system of exploitation and not be the subject of small -party exploitation of some who, in fact, are complicit.

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Different actions were realized on March 8 in Vienna

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Vienna | 08.03.2024 | On March 8 in Vienna, two different actions were realized by women's institutions. A rally at 14.00, then at 17.00 in the evening rally and march was held. In the statements made by women's institutions in both actions,
Violence against one of us is directed towards all of us by drawing attention to the increasing murders. The women are struggling against the budget, economic crisis, poverty, wage inequality, racism and patriarchal! ’

For our labor and equality struggle, we went to the streets aloud again. Almost every day in Vienna, almost every day, women's murders, harassment and rape news are published. The barbarism created by the Patriarchal capitalist system with the policies of the barbarism, the massacres, women will stop the organized power, saying that the Austrian government remains silent against the increasing violence and massacres against women, protesting,
The walk was ended enthusiastically.

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Below are the Zionists and their barbaric state, US prison! - KKE (M-L)

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Five months have been closed by the invasion and barbaric bombings of the Zionist state of Israel in the Gaza Strip against the proud and unmistakable Palestinian people. The dead have now exceeded 30,000 while the injured are 72,000. Women, children, men, the elderly are targeted by the murder of the fascist state of Israel. The cowardly killers of the occupation army continue to find them dark from the armed Palestinian resistance, and therefore, along with the threat of an invasion of Rafa, which has become a place of gathering millions of displaced, they are now using hunger as a genocide. Deaths of baby and young children are already being recorded by malnutrition and the risk of extensive famine and geometric increase in fatal diseases is growing day a day.

Negotiations in the shadow of horror

The Israeli side has been negotiating for a few weeks in Cairo and in Paris in the back and forth, constantly promoting other demands, while continuing the bombings in Gaza. In the meantime, statements such as those of Netanyahu that, even if a ceasefire agreement is reached, immediately after the invasion of Rafa, the conversations were further undermined.

However, the Zionist government of Israel, once again trying to shake the talks and to react to the pressures it receives from its bosses, even surpassed its Nazi standards this time. Caused a blood bath of the hungry residents of Gaza. Israel's hungry blood killers killed 112 and injured more than 760 civilians asking for some flour from the trucks passing through Nablus's roundabout in northern Gaza.

The result of this Zionist barbarism, in addition to the unveiling of the fascist nature of the Israeli regime to all peoples, were to grow the discontent of the Western and especially of its American protectors, who see their mantle -dog shakes one by one the bridges trying to try to shake off the bridges one by one. build with the aim of restoring control in the Middle East area.

For the US, of course, the strategic significance of this advanced prison has once again led them to the shameful veto against a resolution condemning the massacre and a stop for a ceasefire, which supported all other members of the Security Council.

However, this constant efforts of the Zionist leadership of Israel and those who may be promoted by the US to strengthen the plans of the Biden administration reaches the limits of the big boss's tolerance. The visit of Netanyahu's War Council of War Council and political opponent Benny Gantz to Washington and US Vice President Kamala Harris, that "given that conditions are inhumane in Gaza, need to be declared a immediately cease". " , are typical examples of these boundaries touched by the Israeli leadership. In addition, the US leadership is likely to be afraid that with political moves such as the Netanyahu plan (see) the US will face situations that will not be able to control but even manage.

Occupation hardening plans and "final solution" plans

The Cabinet of the Zionist State voted in favor, as we wrote in the previous leaflet, the "declaration of a statement" filed by Netanyahu and opposed to the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. This statement, as it became known in the following days, was just one point in the plan submitted by Netanyahu and voted in favor of his ministers. The rest of the guise of the "Israeli Security" are in the direction of the vertical hardening of the occupation in Gaza and the West Bank, with the ultimate goal of persecuting the people of Palestine by its land. Some points of the plan, except of course the ever -repeated "complete elimination of any threat to Israel's security", is worth mentioning as monuments of Nazi - fascist practice and perception:

  • The Occupation Army maintains freedom of action throughout the Gaza Strip.
  • Creating a "security belt" inside the Gaza Strip for as long as needed.
  • Exclusion of the southern border of Gaza with Egypt.
  • Israel will have the security control of the entire area west of Jordan, that is, all of Palestine on land, air and sea.
  • Even the abolition of UN, the UN service for Palestinian refugees.
  • Appointment of local officials in the occupied areas.

Russia's appearance and China's "present"

Within this bloody setting, the fourth meeting of some Palestinian organizations in Moscow and Lavrov's arrows against the US did not go unnoticed to undermine the efforts of the so -called "Quartet for Peace in Palestine" (US, Russia, EU, EU , UN) that has long become inactive. The Israeli confrontation has begun to emerge and grow, with the latter using harsh language for Israel's policy against Palestine.

Russia is not only that it finds a vehicle for intervention in developments in the Middle East, nor is it only its obvious annoyance from the continued Israeli aviation blows to Syria's protected. Israel's expressed intentions have probably played a catalyst to support the Kiev regime. Thus, the largest, after the BIP, war in Europe, with its worldwide stakes, creates other complications in the bloody Middle East.

But China also finds the opportunity, on the occasion of the hearings in the International Court of Justice in The Hague in terms of Israel's genocidal policy, to state that "armed resistance is the right of all peoples under occupation". A clear statement of differentiation from the "anti-hamm" climate that the Westerners are trying to impose with the US first. A statement trying to register mortgages in Beijing's relationship with Palestinian organizations and mainly with a series of Arab regimes.


Palestine is entangled in the bloody ropes of the slaughter and famine. As the facts show so far, the next time will evolve a tug -of -war between the - no easy - perspective of an invasion of Rafa that will cause unthinkable hundreds of dead and large waves of destabilization in the area and the possibility of a longer or shorter ceasefire. .

Fortunately, amidst the tragic events and the untold horror caused by the Zionists with the support of their bosses in Washington, the disobedient people of Palestine with their heroic fighters continues to feed us with hope and optimism!

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Enthusiastic Action on World Working Women's Day in Frankfurt

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Frankfurt | 8.03.2024 | In Frankfurt, World Working Women's Day was an enthusiastic action. The action, which was organized by the Jin Jiyan Azadî platform, including the new woman, started with the speeches of various institutions in the city center. Women carried out an impressive walk starting from the city center with slogans emphasizing gender freedom against Partarkaya. The action, the women who played Erbane and a rhythm group added energy. In the speeches, women's inequality, pressure, violence and murders were attracted attention. The march towards Sachsenhausen was subjected to the Nazi attack. Women who resist decisively continued their marches. A successful action was carried out with the spirit of struggle, emphasizing that the women's struggle was strengthened and grew around the world.

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Workers - Farmers - Students to continue their struggle! - KKE (M-L)

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The power of the struggle of the masses of farmers and student youth has undoubtedly put its stamp on the political and social developments of the last two months. And the meeting of this power - and even incomplete and incomplete - with the struggle of workers and social anger on the road, on the big and important strike on February 28, gave only a small sample of the possibilities produced by the co -struggling tracks. , from the direction of the resistance and claim front!

It has been clear that the massive popular anger from the miserable social status, accuracy, expanding poverty and unemployment, the endless waves of the anti -populist and their consequences on the terms of work, studies, care and the life of the masses, will generate themselves. Constantly moods for struggle and struggle. That was what proved to be last year's magnificent mobilizations after the crime of the Tempe system, which was the fuse to break out the indignation that has accumulated "underground" for years. And as it turned out deafening from the recent events, the people and youth are anything but willing to forget and forgive about the real culprits of the crime. This is the case, even if their rage is diverted to the millions of online signatures for "lifting immunity" and "Constitutional Review", which, regardless of the intentions of the participants, only manage to disorient and obscure the way. of the struggle against countless crimes at the expense of the life system of exploitation and its policies. At the same time, the parliamentary process of the Inquiry Committee seems to be moving in the direction of full concealment, which recently appeared as a great success by the KKE, which had given the current struggle to adopt as a proposal by the bourgeois parties. , having previously taken care of the Sporting meeting to declare the end of mobilizations on the issue, in view of the "mother of battles", the parliamentary elections that were approaching.

So, as real steps are not recorded, integration, upgrading of the struggle, the system forces will utilize the negative class-political correlation to promote their attack. It is this truth that is reflected in the ND government's determination to proceed with the Pierrakakis bill on private universities, not to retreat from the "sanctuaries and sacred" of "fiscal stability" in front of agricultural claims, while the fields were flooded again. And the compensation and projects that have been announced for months are referred to the calendars, to continue opening a number of fronts, such as the recent joint ministerial decision on the operation of afternoon surgery in hospitals and further commercialization of social good.

The capacity of the government, of course, to implement its anti -populist agenda in all areas, as well as the support she still enjoys from the main centers of power inside and outside the country, is all but signaling some of her ability to convince her mattresses in order to accept its policy. That is why the government, as well as the "whole system", are constantly reminding that the attack will pass "by fire and iron", with an increasingly intensity of the fascism of public and political life, with persecution of fighters, with a drag. Courts' associations, with class union in illegality by the Hatzidakis-Georgiadis laws, with terrorism and targeting of the youth fighting, with Mitsotakis even making statements on the need to make changes to disciplinary rules of disciplines. The road to deleting students involved in the occupations is paved.

Crisis phenomena in the urban political scene

With the headaches given to the government and the bourgeois political system, therefore, the popular mobilization and generalized rage, things are not easy for the regime forces, in conditions that have not yet been able to form an alternative, Urban governance and absorption of social vibrations. In view of the European elections, they are seriously calculating the distinction trends that are developing within the masses, with the possibility of the massive depreciation of the official political system and its parties.

The recruitment of the threat of rising all right -wing forms, with messages from other EU countries ringing bells, in a framework of movement and capabilities, but very different for most of the bourgeoisie involved in relation to 'ourselves' ", As it is for example for the preference showing parts of French imperialist capital in Lepen, there is multiple readings: on the one hand, it reflects the existing concern of domestic bourgeois parties, and in particular of the ND, for a possible shift to far -right policies. at the expense of their own percentages and the extension of political instability. On the other hand, it expresses the conscious intention of the use of far-fascist forces as paths to react to social indignation, far from dangerous outlets for the system. What is certain, however, is that the "worries" do everything to continue to fuel the darker and darker structures with their politics, which is constantly shifting to the right. In this context, the newly emerged "Tona" center-back of Loverdos, which hastens to be useful in the reactionary processes of remodeling the political scene is also included.

In this reactionary course, of course, SYRIZA takes a position, with the dissolution that was reflected in his recent conference to seal it. There, until the once "big political capital" Tsipras has come to be discredited, in the direction of a deeper systemic adjustment of the party undertaken by Kasselakis. The baton, of course, rushed to take Tsipras himself, with his posting at the Kathimerini Congress and "Mea Culpa" for the Novartis case and television licenses. Overall, the tendencies of renunciation in SYRIZA of any "spelling" of his rule are being strengthened, in coordinating with the rest of the bourgeois parties, with Tsipras and Pavlopoulos agreeing to the same conference that there was never a question of questioning the country's position in the country. Eurozone and the EU. Only some of the illusions of the extra-parliamentary left were finally left to glorify the tail policy in the "first time left" and the referendum, which is revealed again that it had another negotiating paper for the objective.

The Kathimerini Conference "The Transition: 50 Years Later" was a first -class opportunity to proclaim their urban executives to commit to the '74 contract and the division of the dependency between the western patrons, which was the foundation of the bourgeoisie. A regime that has been built since then at the expense of the people and for the benefit of foreign patrons and local bastards. It was, at the same time, an attempt to set up a Siloam swimming pool for this local addicted bourgeois system and to repeat the well -known narratives of guilty of social conquests of the course that led to the crisis and subordinate to the memorandums. A doxology, also of "social peace" and a reminder, as characteristically expressed in Pavlopoulos's assumption of discussions within the Karamanlis government in December 2008 to lower the street and use "quasi -dictatorial media", about how hostile it is hostile. Over time, this system against the working class, the people and the youth.

A system in a productive country, following a course of de -industrialization and annexification to imperialist monopolies all the last decades, with Mitsotakis challenging in Aspropyrgos for logistics centers in place of dissolved factories. In today's phase, in a country double -dependent, with US and EU imperialist bosses being "alleged" on the international vigorous competition and uncertainty as the US is moving towards their presidential elections in terms of intense infertility Until the fires on the fire raging in our neighborhood, focusing on the Zionist genocide that is taking place at the expense of the heroic Palestinian people with the backs of the local ruling class and its complicity, the geopolitical horizon and the darkness of the darkness. . Moreover, when it comes to upgrading its involvement in the unjust war in Ukraine every so often, with the surprise visit of Mitsotakis and the meeting with Zelenski, as well as with leaks immediately denied by a concession of Russian S-300s to the Ukrainian S-300. A move for which Russia has stated in advance that it will be considered "aggressive action". In a juncture, even after the successes of Russian imperialism on the field, discussions about all kinds of adventurous actions within the West, with Macron, are claiming a more expanded role in French imperialism in the gaps that are shaped by US policy. , to throw on the table until the immediate involvement with the troops and Putin to once again point the threat of nuclear devastation.

It is not to be surprised that in this troubled and dangerous setting, with the local ruling class moving more and more "American -speaking", European imperialists feel the need to constantly remind that the country belongs to them as well. Thus, after the European Parliament's conviction, revelations about Anna-Michel Asimakopoulou's mass emails came to expatriates, while also demonstrating what the letter voting brings about even the perforated of their own processes.

The races can win!

In the face of the sepsis and the stench that the urban political scene, the student movement and the struggle of the peasantry have been a ray of light, giving courage to the whole people. The strike on February 28 was an important moment, but it should not be treated as the "end" of mobilizations, as the forces of subordination and compromise would want to.

Continuing and political upgrading of the race is the main issue. Nothing has to wait for the poor peasantry from the meetings of the farmers with Mitsotakis. It must remain in the direction of the stupid struggle in the blocks. The students have nothing to wait for from returning their heads to the amphitheater, supposedly to fight "polymorphs", as the KKE is used to baptizing the closures of the struggles. They must insist on assemblies, occupations and demonstrations. Both sides have to seek steps and further steps, find their real allies in the working class and the working people.

In the face of the adoption of the Pierrakakis bill, the political-historical experience of the movements that overturned voted laws must be exploited and transformed into a struggle force for today's conditions. In contrast to the revanchism of the regime forces, who are already trying to punish the youth for the struggle it gives with terrorism and intensification unprecedented. Against the deception of retreat of the dominant student left, who is preparing to recruit with the well -known loser slogan "to keep the law on paper". The student youth has proven in practice that it has a will for struggle and huge forces to implement it, even in the most negative conditions. This will must serve anyone who wishes to refer to the popular case. These forces must manifest itself on the road all the time, even more massively and decisively, until the victory and overthrow of the law!

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