Featured image: Demonstration on the 8 th of March in Bremerhaven, Germany. Source: Dem Volke Dienen
There are reports of mobilizations and actions in the whole world for the International Working Women’s Day.
In LATIN AMERICA many combative marches took place and also statements from several organizations have been published.
In Brazil several demonstrations were reported. Among them Sao Paulo , Brasilia , Macapá, Mocajuba, Belém, Altamira and Baião. In many places the support for the Palestinian cause was very present.
In Mexico , the People’s Women’s Movement has made a statement that we have translated, and shared the mobilization of section XXII of the SNTE-CNTE. There has also been a great march in the capital, Mexico City.
Combative marches have also been developed in numerous cities such as Monterrey, Puebla, Jalisco, Colima, Zacatecas, etc. These fights in the streets have led to a strong police repression , which has attacked demonstrations using water cannons and tear gas.
Combats in Zacatecas:
Demonstrators burn police barricades around the Government’s Palace in Monterrey:
In Chile , the People’s Revolutionary Front (FRP) has made a graffiti in the Mataquito Valley, Maule Region , where the concentration of temporary working women is very high:
Additionally, Prensa Chiripilko has published an article explaining the origin and context in which the 8 th March was set as the International Day of the Working Woman.
In Bogotá, Colombia , a rally was carried out at the Plaza Bolívar. The old Colombian state police attacked, charging with batons and using tear gas, stun grenades and all kinds of repressive means against protesters.
In Ecuador there have been mass-demonstrations in several cities, the one in Quito standing out as the largest one.
The People’s Women’s Movement from Ecuador has made a statement on the occasion of 8
of March:
In Buenos Aires, Argentina , there has been a massive march which surrounded the Congress.
In ASIA , as well, the International Working Women’s Day was celebrated in combative ways.
In Turkey , Partisan Prisoners, being held captive in Silivri prison, have saluted the 8th of March and have emphasized that the 8 th of March is the day of the struggle of all exploited women, especially workers, emphasizing its origin in history of resistance of the oppressed.
Combative marches are reported in Istanbul, which faced police siege and harassment and marched through the streets of the city to Taksim square. They also showed solidarity and support to the Palestinian people.
Saturday Mothers came together for the 989th time in Galatasaray Square for the fate of their female relatives who disappeared and were murdered in custody and to demand that the perpetrators be tried. Carrying carnations and photographs of the disappeared, Saturday Mothers carried out this weeks action on March 8.
Yeni Demokrasi reported on demonstrations and actions in Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya., Eskişehir, Diyarbakır, Hakkari, Mersin and Hatay.
In India , on the border between Punjab and Haryana , within the framework of the peasant protests, thousands of women took the forefront of the mobilizations in Shambu and Khanauri, one of the hot points of the protests. Additionally, women confirmed that they would be present in the upcoming protest of the 10 th of March.
A document was published by the Adivasi Women Organization (Bastar), which denounced the situation of the oppression of the women by the old Indian State, which in India transforms women into “object of pleasure and exploitation”. Also they call to break the chains of patriarchy and to put the last “nail in the coffin of Hindutva Fascism”.
In Islamabad, Pakistan , women who where protesting on the 8 th of March, were surrounded by police, which tried to prevent the mobilization.
In Dhaka, Bangladesh , thousands of women have marched in the occasion of the 8 th of March.
In Seoul, South Korea , mobilizations have been carried out in which the demonstrators have marched with placards which said “Solidarity with Palestinians” and denounced Israels terror.
Also in many different countries in EUROPE demonstrations and other actions have been carried out for the 8th of March.
In Limoges, France , Jeunes Révolutionnaires(JR), Fédération Syndical Etudiante(FSE) and Cause du Peuple marched under the portrait of Clara Zetkin and the slogan to destroy capitalism, imperialism and patriarchy.
Ahead of the 8 th of March JR carried out several actions in Limoges:
In Toulouse, France, Ligue de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire(LJR) has carried out actions ahead of the 8 th of March:
In Rennes, France, JR, FSE and Cause du Peuple participated in the 8 th of March demonstration, showing their support of the Palestinian people and the armed struggle of oppressed women around the world. Before the demonstration they participated in a snack and banner workshop.
Cause du Peuple has also published a statement for the 8 th of March.
In Bremerhaven , Germany , the Red Women’s Committee Bremen, as part of the Red League, held an 8 th of March demonstration in the Goetheviertel, one of the poorest areas in all of Germany. Under the slogan “Women combat and resist!” among others families, mothers with their children and also kids participated in the march. Slogans like “Rebellion in word and deed – against imperialism and patriarchy!” or “Viva Palestina!” were shouted. The masses expressed their appreciation for the Red League’s actions in Bremerhaven in different ways, one said: “Thank you for what you are doing here.”
I n Leipzig hundreds of people took part in a demonstration on the 8 th of March. The Red Women’s Committee took part in the demonstration with a banner with the slogan “Women – Combat and Unite!”.
In Norway some people tried to use events for the 8 th of March in order to promote the ongoing genocide by the State of Israel in Gaza, and were confronted. In Oslo a pro-Israeli group is reported to have been prohibited from participating in the Woman’s Day march by participants of the march. Many participants shouted slogans in support of Palestine against them. Also the organizers of the march said they were not permitted.
In Sandefjord, Norway, it has been reported that a couple brought an Israeli flag to the Woman’s Day event, provoking a confrontation with some of the participants.
Kampkomiteen has published a statement and carried out actions in several places around the country to mobilize for 8 th of March marches in the cities of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Kristiansand.
In Aalborg, Denmark , the Anti-Imperialist Collective participated in the 8 th of March demonstration with a slogans against militarization, and distributed leaflets in solidarity with the fighting women in Palestine and in the People’s Wars of Peru, India, Turkey and the Philippines.
In Copenhagen , Denmark, hundreds marched with torches symbolizing the women’s struggle and demands. Some participants had a banner with the slogans “Women, combat and resist!” and “Against imperialism and patriarchy!”.
In Tampere, Finland , graffiti was made ahead of the 8 th of March.
In Austria , a leaflet has been published for the 8 th of March by the Action for the Democratic Rights of the People (ADRV).
In Ireland , Anti Imperialist Action (AIA) had an event celebrating International Working Women’s Day.
A special edition of An Phoblacht Abú was also published and sold at the event and on the streets.
Red Herald expects to receive even more good news in the upcoming days.