23/24 february workers in struggle for Palestine Genoa, Naples, Turin, Palermo, Milan – info slai Cobas /PCm Italy

Author: icspwi
Categories: Uncategorized
Description: Palermo: we are all Palestinians, alongside the Palestinian women in front of Leonardo, armored by police and Digos, several interventions and slogans have followed Palestina Libera, p ...
Modified Time: 2024-03-10T10:28:06+00:00
Published Time: 2024-03-10T10-28-06-00-00
Type: article
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We are all Palestinians, alongside the Palestinian women

In front of the Leonardo, armored by the police and Digos, several interventions and slogans Palestine Libera, assassins, Israel Terrorist followed one another.

MFPR companion intervention https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qutu7Dp8cLYGfIvbATw4kHsNY5cxCt1Q/preview

Source: https://icspwindia.wordpress.com/2024/03/10/23-24-february-workers-in-struggle-for-palestine-genoa-naples-turin-palermo-milan-info-slai-cobas-pcm-italy/