After the great mobility of November 25 in Rome,
This year, March 8 was a great day of struggle, action, a new strong and combative response of the movement of women who confirmed the will/need not to stop and continue to fight, to unite and rebel
to a condition of exploitation and oppression that invests every area of the living condition of the majority of women in this country.
All this has materialized first of all with the strike,
a strike not only union
but which again had the value of a strong challenge, of rupture,
A weapon of struggle to be challenged, a strike that from the jobs touches all aspects of the life of the workers, women, young people
... more and more under attack in a specific phase such as the current one in which with the government headed by the fascist Meloni advances in this country ideologically, politically, practically the
modern fascism
And from which also gives off a modern patriarchism that influences and affects the mass level up to severe emergence that today more and more men kill women, who must not afford to freely choose their lives, as if it were a normality.
A strike "
from productive and reproductive work
"As the Nudm movement also wrote,
which must be included in a perspective that sets the need for the struggle of 360 degree women against the capitalist and imperialist, violent, source and cause and oppression of women, a women's social system,
which cannot be improved but only reversed ...
A strike that has been visible concretely and actively already in the morning
In some factories with leaflets, assemblies, stops, with blocks in logistics warehouses, through garrisons or clips in the processions of the workers/precarious social sector of the social and social coops, so in the events in particular of the school workers, students/students , with blocking actions and occupations in universities, with protests of the unemployed such as in Naples against the closure of the consultors and the attack on the right to health that mainly affects proletarian women ..
Some pictures

on precarious workers strike of hospitals and integrated welfare services

On strike the precarious social coops Slai Cobas SC 8 March Palermo

strike March 8 workers in kindergarten and school Slai Cobas and students
The great afternoon demonstration promoted by Nudm, again of thousands of women, young people, demonstrators,
In particular in Rome, Milan, Turin, but which have been in many cities ...,
On the one hand they represent the beautiful continuity/confirmation of the mobilization of November 25 against violence, feminicides, but on the other they also brought more clear elements, clearer in the watchwords, in the complaints, in the actions
... for example against "
The familist and racist policies of the Meloni government who endanger the right to abortion, health and self -determination and attack migrant and racial people ...
"Or on the condition of attack on women on a working level
"We protested against low wages, the revocation of the few measures to contrast poverty, such as citizenship income, rampant precariousness, unemployment, hunger pensions and all other forms of economic violence ...
"(From the final press release of Nudm on March 8 and the strike)


But this March 8/strike was also crossed by a great and strong denunciation and solidarity action with Palestine, towards the Palestinian women, towards the resistance of the Palestinian people
which has expressed itself in varied forms
From jobs to events, to actions
With the multiple flags, the banners, the signs, the writings, boycott initiatives to places or commercial establishments that represent the state of Israel criminal and genocida ... a great active solidarity that said shouted strong and clearly aimed at the genocide, for liberation Of Palestine, against the Meloni della war government ...
First images

In Milan the procession invades Piazza del Duomo with bright writings on the free Palestine buildings and a large Palestinian flag



Zara store boycott