The screening of the documentary "Gaza Fights for Freedom" (Abby Martin, 2019) was crowned with great success organized by Thessaloniki organizations and collectives, with the participation of members of the Palestinian community on Saturday, March 9, at the city's Labor Center.
The screening of the documentary coincided with the launch of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, which provocatively ruled out the program of 250 (!) Views any material related to Palestine, as the Thessaloniki International Film Festival did in November.

The obstacles that the organizations and colleges of Thessaloniki themselves have encountered when they first attempted to display the documentary "Gaza Fights for Freedom" a month earlier, on 2/2 at the Fargani Cinema, where they came to the Freedom. The unexpected change of cinema program, resulting in cancellation of the screening shortly before it began.
So, in spite of the times, despite the coordinated "omerta" prevailing by the city's official bodies, as imposed by supporters of the Zionist Foniades, the US and the EU, the Abraham Benarogia Hall of the EKTH was filled with people on Saturday afternoon.
The Thessalonians attended the first Greek translation by the documentary of American journalist Abby Martin, which highlights the fair struggle of the heroic people of Palestine for a lighter and independent homeland. Through shocking footage and testimonies narrating the great path to return in March 2018, with displaced and refugees Palestinians demanding their return to their land and through a brief retrospective of Gaza history, the Israeli war crimes were reported. They take place with the US-EU backs and a 'vibrant' picture of the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people has been given.
The world was welcomed by a spokesman for organizations and colleges and the Palestinian militant Yehya Asker on behalf of the members of the Palestinian community. A call after the end of the film was addressed to the audience by the Filmmakers for Palestine - Greece Cinema Workers' Group of Fire and Breaking Silence attempted to impose on the art world.
Organizations and members of the Palestinian Community of Thessaloniki are calling for a new solidarity demonstration of the Palestinian people on Thursday, March 21st ("Day of Honor" for the Palestinians) at 7:00 pm in the Venizelos Statue.