Berlin: Demonstration in solidarity with the resistance struggle of the people of Palestine

Author: aidr
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-10T20-30-17-00-00
Tags: Palästina, Demonstration, Berlin
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Under the motto "Solidarity with Palestine - Stop Genocide Now", a demonstration in Berlin -Charlottenburg started on Saturday, March 9th, at 3 p.m.

Several thousand people moved from Wilmersdorfer Straße via Ku'damm towards Wittenbergplatz.

Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024.cleaned

Mostly women and children and older people took part in the demonstration. In the back of the demonstration, several banners were worn by women and girls, on which slogans such as "Ceasefire Now for Palestine" or "Freedom for Palestine" were located.

Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024 2.cleaned Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024 3.cleaned
Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024 8.cleaned Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024 5.cleaned

In the middle of the demonstration train, a car drove with an art installation that represented the struggle of the people of Palestine against the Israeli butcher. In addition, several huge flags were worn.

Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024 4.cleaned Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024 7.cleaned

A contingent of the Red Bund also took part in the demonstration. The revolutionary workers' newspaper "Rote Post" was sold.

Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024 6.cleaned Palästina Demonstration Berlin 09März2024 1.cleaned
