NRW: Demonstrations and action on March 8th

Author: nero
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-03-11T00-00-32-00-00
Tags: Proletarischer Feminismus, 8. März, Köln, Essen, NRW, Roter Bund NRW
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In the following we would like to publish a report that we will receive from the Red Bund NRW to the campaigns on March 8th.

On March 8th of the International Women's Campaign Day, we took part in two demonstrators as a red bundle in North Rhine-Westphalia.

In Cologne, we took part in the central demonstration on March 8 with a relatively large, young and combative quota, in which over 1,000 demonstrators took part. The demonstration was used by the participants to turn different actions out of the demonstration and to ignite pyrotechnics. As part of the demonstration, we distributed the leaflets of the Red Women's Committee on March 8th and, together with a megaphone together with the surrounding demonstration participants, consistently tangled combative-feminist parolen against the double oppression of women through imperialism and patriarchy. Many of the participants expressed their approval that the support for the fight of the people of Palestine as a fight against imperialism together with the fight against the patriarchy must be led and were happy about the demonstration invitations to the Palestine demonstration in Bochum on March 22nd 6 p.m. at the Schauspielhaus in Bochum.

Köln 1 Köln 3
Köln 2 Köln 4

In Essen we took part at 5:00 p.m. at Friedensplatz in the city center at a rally and short demonstration of an internationalist demonstration on March 8th, in which we fight this year's banner of the Red Federal North Rhine -Westphalia with the slogan “Women is fighting and fitting! The out of March 8th! ”Together with a woman with Kuffiayh who holds a flag of the Red Covenant. We also distributed the leaflets of the Red Women's Committee on March 8th and the revolutionary newspaper "Rede Post" among the participants and drew attention to the upcoming demonstration of the open Palestine meeting in Bochum, which was euphoric by many participants.

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After the demonstration, we carried out a mobilization campaign on a pedestrian bridge in Essen-Altendorf in which we once again drawn attention to the international women's fight day and the demonstration of the open Palestine meeting in Bochum.

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