For an event in Store Vega for March 8, working women's international match day, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, along with a lot of other bourgeois politicians and ministers, had been invited to speak. However, the prime minister only managed to give her speech for a few seconds before she was greeted with pro-Palestinian calls like "Mette Frederiksen, stop your hypocrisy!".
The evening of March 8, the Kvinfo organization had organized a "Knowledge Center for Gender and Equality" filled with speeches and other shows to mark the day of match. Here the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was to Keep speech and participate with many other bourgeois ministers and politicians. The bourgeois politicians had hoped to be able to spread their hypocritical speeches and try to abuse on March 8 to reconcile through their imperialist feminism. However, these dreams were crushed as soon as Mette Frederiksen was to go up the stage and give his speech.
When Mette Frederiksen went on stage, she started out by praising the prior talk of "a more peaceful world", but was directly after greeting with judgmental battle cry. Activists from Palestine Solidarity Network and people from the audience began shouting blowers like "Mette, stop your hypocrisy!" And "Free Free Palestine!" At the same time, a large Palestine Fate and other political banners with progressive passwords were folded out over the balconies of the hall.

The prime minister tried to continue his speech, but could not overdo the angry protesters. Reductions were also thrown down from the balconies. It ended up that both her and the whole troop of bourgeois imperialist ministers were displaced from Vega, since they felt "unsafe".
Another video of leaflets thrown from the balconies can be seen her .
The politicians then went home and commented angrily on social media about how democracy was under attack because they were interrupted and criticized.
Among other things. Writes Mette Frederiksen on Facebook:
“I'm upset that it wasn't possible because of the call from the hall. Unfortunately, so much was shouted that I couldn't penetrate, it sounds. "
Likewise, Minister of Culture Jacob Engel-Schmidt writes on the media previously known as Twitter:
All in all, the evening was a total failure of the highest representatives of Danish imperialism in the Folketing, who directly have the blood of the Palestinian people on their hands. What should have been a day filled with reconciliation and bourgeois peace ended up in a major political and moral defeat for them. The Danish bourgeoisi and their representatives in the Folketing continue to actively support and profits on the genocide in Gaza, but at the same time they cannot withstand the must as soon as they are confronted with the consequences for their actions. Therefore, they do as they always do, and whine in front of the bourgeois press as if they were the victims just because someone criticized them for their active support for genocide.
Politicians may well continue their new strategy of quietly quietly supporting support for the genocide against the Palestinian people, while actively supporting Israel and giving them guarantees behind the scenes. But their empty words and crocodile tears cannot hide their evil deeds from the people and they continue to be revealed every single day.