Mobilizations for Anan Yaeesh accused of Israeli occupation of Palestine occupation

Author: sindacatodiclasse
Description: No to the complicity between Italy and Israel NO to the anan Yaeesh entry on January 27, 2024 the Italian authorities arrested, in the ...
Published Time: 2024-03-11T12-25-00-01-00
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No to the complicity between Italy and Israel
No to the entry of Anan Yaeesh

On January 27, 2024 the Italian authorities have arrested, in the city of L'Aquila, Anan Yaeesh, following a request for extradition made by the Israeli authorities.
Anan, 37 years old, he is a Palestinian from the city of Tulkarem in the West Bank. Leads its political activity within the second Intifada and discounts over 4 years in employment prisons. In the 2006, following an ambush of the Israeli special forces, reports serious injuries for the blows inflicted on him.
In 2013 he leaves Palestine directed towards Europe. He goes to Norway where he comes subjected to surgery to remove bullets remained in his body for years. In 2017 he arrives in Italy where in 2019 obtains a regular residence permit. In 2023 he went to Visit to Jordan, but is kidnapped by the Giordani security service For all probability, to deliver it to Israel. After over six months of detention, in order to avoid discontent e reactions by public opinion is released.
TO November 2023, his city of residence where it is arrested.
The decision by of Italy to proceed with the arrest and extradition of Anan is of enormous gravity. Italy would deliver to the Israeli authority a Palestinian citizen on the basis of hypothetical resistance actions in the occupied territories. The concern for the current situation It is in the certainty that, in the event of extradition, Anan will be conducted before a military court and subjected to inhuman treatments e serious prison conditions. The numerous relationships of organizations e of international associations report the inhumane conditions of detention and torture in prisons Israeli.
Also, we believe this episode risks represent a dangerous previous aimed at customs clearance Palestinians' extradition and delivery in Italy and Europe Upon request for Israel who, remember, carry on A military employment of the Palestinian territories.
We invite all realities, committees, unions, organizations political, social and solidarity with Palestine, a create moments of mobilization, starting from March 9 in front of Prefectures, to oppose extract and to ask the government Italian the immediate release of Anan.
Committee for the Liberation of Anan Yaeesh

In the countryside so far, in addition to Bergamo, Milan, Sassari, Brescia, Ancona, Modena, Genoa, L'Aquila, Naples, Palermo, Turin, Rome
