Award -winning whistleblower, Mauro Cid should complicate the life of generals in a new statement - the new democracy

Author: Jaílson de Souza
Categories: Situação Política
Description: Everything points to the proof of the thesis, long raised by this podium, that those manifestations of green chickens had a professional-hard core of professional people, acting as a political party of far right and military capacity.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-03-11T19:07:21-03:00
Published Time: 2024-03-11T18-46-57-03-00
Sections: Situação Política
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-03-11T19:07:21-03:00
Images: 000000.webp

Mauro Cid's new testimony, a former Bolsonaro-joint, should not bring anything that completely modifies the course of events. As it cannot lie or omit in the face of questions - since it is an official whistleblower - and may lose the benefits of caring Awarded, it is certain that Cid will produce new frictions in the military crisis, more clearly revealing the role of certain characters. One of them is former Defense Minister Paulo Sérgio Nogueira.

So far, Paulo Sérgio-who is also former army commander-has been spared, according to Bolsonaro's own allies. However, it is a fact that he was on the front line of several initiatives to accident the country's institutional land in 2022, and, for example, responsible for making the “report” of the Armed Forces about such reliability of the electronic ballot boxes, in which, in which, Although there was no evidence collected from fraud, he manifested ambiguously as he burst-armed actions in the interior of the country calling for military intervention. At a meeting, this same general was caught referring to his participation in the Electoral Transparency Commission as an operation “in the lines of contact with the enemy”. Innocence is not the case of this general.

Although not the most likely, it is also possible that something else is said about the then Army Commander, General Freire Gomes. He, who presents himself as the "Santinho" of the Republic, for refusing "boarding" in the coup in "time H", is not immaculate. In December 2022, for example, former pocketmaker Ailton Barros exchanged the following messages with Mauro Cid: “There was change in the wind ? FG [Freire Gomes] it returned denying the door? ”, To which Cid replied,“ It returned … ”And Ailton replied:“ FDP ”. As it turns out, Freire Gomes was not the example of Democrat, but until the last moment he flirted, was permissive and waited until the last moment for the "stop" if he decided and he made his decision; arrived at to change of opinion, generating anger in the core core pockets. Perhaps that is why he kept the scammers, issued "notes" greeting the camps of "green chickens" such as "democratic" and other maneuvers more, until the last day of Bolsonaro's term. Maybe that's why it was called shit by Braga Neto.

Finally, ICD will probably be asked about the exchange of messages with the Major of the Special Forces, Rafael Martins de Oliveira, in which both make transactions of values to fund “Protesters Expenses” in Brasilia. Everything points to the proof of the thesis, long raised by this podium, that those manifestations of green chickens, both in Brasilia and in the rest of the country, had an operational core of professional people, functioning as an extreme political party right and with military capacity. These people, in whom they have lost the initiative and passed on to the defensive tactical, did not disappear: follows with their opinions, mirroring and waiting for the first opportunity to put yourself again in the offensive. And there is no conciliation that can sweep this scammer threat from the map.
