On March 8, the International Frauenkampftag, demonstrations and rallies also took place in Austria in various cities. Here we would like to report on the actions in Vienna and Linz and give a brief overview.
Impressions from Vienna
This year there was a rally on Mariahilferstrasse on March 8, organized by the Women's Center Vienna (FZ), the Red Women's Committee Vienna and the Frauenhetz. Around 100 people gathered, speeches were made and songs were presented. The speeches dealt with current topics and how these women affect in particular. A large part of the women works in those sectors that receive lower wages and around half of them part -time. This made them particularly hard by the inflations of the past few years, as well as the wage cuts as a result of poor KV degrees. In this context, the increase in the age of pension from women was also criticized. This increase was planned in the 1990s and should be introduced "When the gender equality is achieved". "Equality" is not a reality today, but the increase in the age of retirement is very well!
The speakers of the rally also opposed the increasing militarization and upgrade and explained the need to organize themselves for the struggle. In addition, important revolutionary movements in the world - such as in India, Peru, Turkey and on the Philippines - were held up and emphasized that numerous women are at the forefront in fights like this. The speakers also criticized the introduction of the parent-child passport, since its defective data protection enables social security to read, among other things, the number of abortions from a woman.
It was also told about the situation of the FZ in Vienna (we reported: FZ stays! - The struggle for the oldest self -governing autonomous women's center in Europe continues! ) and convicted the city of Vienna for its repression. Leave leaves of the “Action for Democratic Rights of the People” (ADRV) were also distributed ( 8. March 2024: For a revolutionary women's movement )
After the rally, the participants marched in a demo train to the public company meeting of the leisure educators of "Education at the center" and took part in this.
Demonstration in Linz
The demonstration on March 8, the International Frauenkampftag, was organized together this year in Linz from the "Alliance March 8" and "DIY" ("Do It Yourself: Frauensag"). The demo train of around 2,500 demonstrators started at the music theater/Volksgarten and moved across the country road to Hauptplatz. The red flag was also represented with an information table for acquiring the newspaper and accompanied the demonstration.
Although numerous party -related clubs tried to prevent a combative expression on the demonstration, there were some participants the democratic and revolutionary demands powerfully and combative with their slogans in the demo train. Among other things, the demands for more childcare places and against the closure of women's protection facilities were heard here. Furthermore, higher wages, an increase in unemployment benefit to 80 percent and the need for a revolutionary women's movement content of the slogans were distributed.
Some participants rightly criticized the fact that some parts of the demonstration were more of a "party mood" than a combative attitude spread. This in turn shows the need for a revolutionary women's movement and the struggle and merger for it!