In this moment of deep crisis that our country is going through, women and dissidents take to the streets because we live a serious and alarming situation with hunger, unemployment, salary gap, work precariousness, sexist violence, miserable wages, dismissals, etc.

To this situation are added the abuses and violence towards the feminisms and diversities of the misogynist and fascist Milei: the ministry closed, there is no budget to combat gender violence, with 75 femicides this year that is not simply a number that alarm, they are women whose lives snatched the sexist violence. They want to prohibit the law of voluntary interruption of pregnancy and eli. And they caused when on Friday morning they announced that the Women's Hall of the Casa Rosada would be renamed as Hall of the Próceres, replacing the Juana Azurduy box with that of the deliveryman and vendatria Carlos Menem.

This massive national day expressed that we are not going to take a step back in defending the rights conquered with years of struggle and we give the fight for which we still have.


The massive and unitary concentration against the National Congress with the different feminist groups and diversity, was the result of a great effort to unify the entire movement with massive assemblies.

A colorful crowd with green scarves, violets and roses, banners with the slogans: "Down the DNU", "necessary and urgent is the fight against hunger", murgas, photos of the victims of femicide with claims of justice, by the Emergency in violence, with songs against the misogynist Milei.

Occupied and unemployed workers, students, artistic groups, neighborhood assemblies, political parties moved massively. The CCC, the PCR and the JCR were in the column of the working women next to the CTA-T, CGT, CTA-A, Federal Current of Workers-CGT, UTEP and CNCT.

The Bullrich protocol deployed a large police operation in the surroundings. But the thousands and thousands that arrived in the square told him “until here you arrived Bullrich…” Avda. May, Rivadavia, Callao were cut ...

At the closing of the act in Congress, a document of the group of women and dissidents was read "Here we are: we were tide, we will be tsunami." In one of his paragraphs he points out: “We are facing an authoritarian government that represents the patriarchal reaction, which speaks of the chainsaw to celebrate a systematic plan of looting and hunger and to destroy the rights of the working class and the people, because it is at Service of international capitals that come for our common goods and our life, and to be able to do it, they need a hungry town, without work, without housing, without education and without health. We repudiate the drainage of the State: the deregulation, privatization and emptying of public policies. We repudiate the layoffs! ”

Press Conference for Women and Nucleated Workers within the CTA-T, CGT, CTA-A, Federal Current of Workers-CGT, UTEP, CCC and CNCT.

On Friday morning the conference was held in the Felipe Vallese room of the CGT headquarters.

At the beginning of Carla Gaudensi, general secretary of Fatpren and Télam worker read the joint document "against hunger and social justice. Below the DNU ”.

On behalf of organizations they spoke: Vanesa Núñez, Secretary of Innovation and Future of the work of the CGT; Mara Rivera, member of the Board of Directors of the CGT and the Federal current; Nené Aguirre, national head of the work of women of the CCC; Norma Morales, Deputy General Secretary of the UTEP; Yamila Socolovsky, Secretariat of Genres and Diversity of the CTA-T; He closed the list of speakers Leonor Cruz, secretary of genres and diversities of the autonomous CTA.

The speakers reaffirmed the will to fight on March 8 by calling the mobilization in the afternoon in the National Congress and throughout the country.

In the country

Of correspondents


This 8M there were mobilizations throughout the province.

In Commodore The mobilization was performed from Kompuchewe square and several blocks were toured. There were also mobilizations and acts in Trelew , Madrin , Rawson , Esquel , Sarmiento and the interior.


The immense and forceful mobilization of 8M in the province left a clear message: "Not one step back, below the adjustment and the DNU."

In San Salvador , the more than 10 blocks of mobilization organized by the multisectoral of women and dissidents, concluded in a unit act where the document to which more than 50 organizations adhered was read.

The independent block, the feminist assembly and the campaign for legal abortion also read their documents.

Subsequently, former deputy Alejandra Cejas denouncing persecutions to her and her daughter, as well as Dr. Mariana Vargas. Relatives of prisoners for tweeting, members of Malon de la Paz, among others.

Black river

Throughout the province we live a massive and forceful day of the working woman of struggle, for our specific claims as women.

We all marched by ourselves and in self-defense against this reactionary policy of Milei-Macri-Bullrich that hunger us and condemns us to violence and femicides. Today women are the most affected by the deep economic and social crisis.

In Bariloche , the multisectoral of women and dissidents together with the assembly or one less called to stop and march against the hunger and violence of Milei. The column left from the high of the city ending in the civic center with a popular pot. In a unified document we denounce how this policy affects us and that is why we are about to face it. We join all: women from unions, of social movements, originally.

In Fishing Menuco (Roca) We all come together in the transfminist assembly, organized women, unions, independent and feminist organizations. We start in Plaza San Martín with workshops, music bands and fair. Then, an immense column of more than five compact blocks with Nicol Posada's family in the head, the last victim of femicide in the province on February 17. The emergency campaign in violence against women and the pink scarf was the protagonist of the mobilization. A unified document was read by denouncing the adjustment of the national government and the burning of dolls was made with the face of Milei, Villarruel and Bullrich.

In Viedma , we mobilize unionized women in ATE, UNTER, SITRAJUR, CTAA, and social organizations and movements. The concentration started from one of the neighborhoods most affected by Milei's policies, the legislature, justice was passed and culminated in the Interior, where a document was read that denounced the situation of adjustment, delivery and repression of the government national.

We march massively in Cipolletti y Five jumps .

In Catriel, We focus on the family's square, a place that historically houses the struggle of women in our city. The particularity was the meeting of many women from different neighborhoods and of different ages who sang against Milei's adjustment and hunger policy and demanded to maintain the conquered rights. The grandmother and aunt of Agustina Atencio, one of the three victims of femicide of Catriel was present in the march. The undersecretary of women, equality and diversity of the municipality, Lucia Galván, expressed concern about the situation that women are going through and promised to continue working in territory.

In Río Negro, we live a massive 8 m, unity and in the streets denouncing each and every one of the abuses. The only need and urgency is to stop hunger and femicides. We reaffirm that without public policies, there is no gender equity, there is not one less.


More than fifteen thousand women copied the streets of our province in commemoration of the historic day of March 8. We did it under the slogans below the DNU, enough of adjustment and in defense of our rights.

The successful and massive day was the result of a great effort to unify the entire women's movement of the province.

The multisectoral of women, in coordination with other forces converged in an extraordinary act where we could express our total repudiation of the reactionary government of Milei, a hunger and hunger partner by particularly attacking women and diversities, attacking our rights and holding misogynistic and patriarchal speeches .

All sectors were present, occupied workers, unemployed, native, peasants, secondary and university students in a column of wide unit coordinated by the strain, the companions of the house of women Nassif, the women of the CCC, FNC, the companions of guilds and unions, the environmentalists, of the culture, the teachers, retired, relatives of victims of femicides and other sectors.

This massive day of struggle firmly demonstrated that we are not going to take a step back in defending the conquered and fighting for what we are still owed, that we are not afraid of the antipiquetes of Milei and Bullrich protocol.

The repudiation was enormous with the positioning of our provincial deputies, who endorsed by Governor Jaldo, voted against the interests of the country.

Between rivers

The day of March 8 in the province was massive and summoned many women, more than at other times. In Paraná, the unity between the two historical currents that have approached the Movement of Women and Feminist - the multisectoral of entrerrianan women and the assembly of women, lesbians, transvestites, trans and not binaries -, arises as the key to face reactionary policies and macho of Milei. The Assembly document for 8M, joint elaboration, raises “neither one more attack, nor one less right. We are not the caste. With hunger, precarization and repression there is no freedom. General unemployment now! "

San Juan

In a forceful sample of unity and commitment, around 5,000 people congregated in the 25 de Mayo square of the San Juan capital to commemorate International Women's Day.

Despite the high temperatures of 38 degrees, the central square was filled with protesters who raised posters, flags, redoublers and whistles, expressing its rejection of economic adjustment and violence against women and dissidents.

The demonstration was attended by unions, student movements, feminist groups and human rights.

Campana, Bs. As.

With the slogan "hunger is violence" the resistance of the movement of women and diversities to the adjustment of the government of Javier Milei sounded strong.

On Friday in the city, hundreds of protesters were self -confirmed in the city center and left for several blocks despite the rain. The mobilization had the support of many groups of women and diversities such as the union of women in struggle, also of social and union organizations of the city. From the culture, the mobilization also supported different groups that also made presentations for the date.

The mobilization demonstrated the enormous discontent with the adjustment and advanced measures of the government. It was denounced that for this national government we are the caste. It was required among other slogans: Enough adjustment: hunger is violence, delivery of food to dining rooms, enough of criminalization of social protest, enough increases in transport, prevention policies in gender violence, opening of the table Local, the ESI and the IVE are not touched, not to the prohibition of inclusive language, not at the close of Inadi, solidarity with Telam workers.

There were also massive mobilizations in La Plata, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca, Córdoba, Chaco, Corrientes, Mendoza, La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Grande, Salta.