Duisburg Youth and Culture Association held 49 General Assembly

Author: muhabirhasan
Categories: Avrupa, Haberler, Manset
Description: Duisburg | 12.03.2024 | Duisburg Youth and has been operating in Duisburg since 1974 and ...
Link-Section: haberler
Published Time: 2024-03-12T00:00:00+08:00
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Duisburg | 12.03.2024 | Duisburg Youth and Culture Association, which has been operating in Duisburg since 1974, has held the 49th General Assembly. After the opening speech and silence on behalf of the Board of Directors on Sunday, March 10 at 14:00, the election of the Council was passed after the detection of members.

After the election of three people, the Association's annual report was presented to the members. After discussing the activity report, which many members expressed their opinions, presented their criticism, the Audit Board was also released after the members of the members of the Audit Board were approved. Later, the financial report was presented and approved.

Discussion was carried out on the political perspective draft letter prepared by Atiif for the Atiif General Assembly in Frankfurt on March 16, and 10 delegates were elected to participate in the Atiif General Assembly.

Then, after the selection of 7 people management and 3 people in the audit committee, the General Assembly was terminated after the Dillek and wish department.

Source: https://www.atik-online.net/blog/duisburg-genclik-ve-kultur-dernegi-49-genel-kurulunu-gerceklestirdi