On the eve of the Council Chamber at the Court of L'Aquila On the extradition in Israel of the Palestinian political refugee Anan Yaesh, and while mounting mobilization throughout the national territory for its liberation and against its extradition, 2 other Palestinian refugees were arrested this morning by Digos at the request of the Public Prosecutor of L'Aquila, District Anti -Mafia and Anti -terrorism Directorate, in coordination with the National Prosecutor.
According to the accusation An operational structure called “Group would have been established quick response - Brigades Tulkarem ”, filiation would seem of the brigades of the martyrs of Al-Aqsa, which has among its objectives acts of violence against the state of Israel. The brigades to the AQSA, relating to Al Fatah, at the request of Israel have been inserted from the European Union in the black list of organizations terrorist.
For all three arrested An extradition procedure has been activated on stress of the Israeli authorities.
The accusations against Anan were obviously not effective enough to quickly obtain the extraction, as is also deduced from the intervention of his lawyer yesterday during the garrison at the Terni prison, where he relaunched, in addition to that of 12 tomorrow in L'Aquila, Also another important date for national mobilization, that of March 20 in Rome at the Court of Cassation
The timing, to say the least suspect, between the hearing and these new arrests push us to relaunch the mobilization more forcefully. Below is the appeal of the Aquila coordination for Palestine:
No to the entication for Anan and to the torture of the Palestinians,
L'Aquila calls the mobilization
The Aquila coordination for Palestine tomorrow in garrison to Court for the hearing on the release of Anan Yaeesh
With A perfect timing, a few hours after the hearing to the Court of Appeal of L'Aquila
in which the request for release of Anan Yaeesh, three other arrest mandates were carried out in the Night at L'Aquila. One of the three concerns Anan himself. Particular that a arrest warrant is issued the day before in which it comes The request for release is discussed.The accusations are of International terrorism and subversion. The media, bringing back so Certosino what has been suggested by the Police Headquarters, they even refer the preparation of suicidal attacks. Meanwhile, in this context, and with these heavy accusations, people arrested again they do not have access to their file, nor do they know anything, except that they are Be took from home to dawn and transferred to prison. Exactly as it happened in Anan in late January.
There In short, we would amaze if the accusations proved unfounded, Considering Italian collaborationism with a correspondence status Like Israel. It is clear that in the ethnic cleaning project perpetrated by the Jewish state also enters the elimination of Palestinian people who live abroad, often by virtue of the political persecution to which they were subjected to the territories illegally occupied. In our city and in our country there is a very heavy climate against dissent, against those who try to oppose a a genocide that is underway thanks also to the complicity of Italy. Against those who dare questioning a meaning Unique and totalizing.
For this it is important to raise the voice against the request for extradition from those who constantly violate e For decades human rights and international law has killed 30 thousand people in 4 months, forces a apartheid, deport one whole Population and torture the prisoners, even minors.
For This we reiterate how much more important it is to be present at Presidium of tomorrow 12 March, at 11, at the Court of via XX September in L'Aquila. We invite the population of L'Aquila and the country to mobilization.
Here below some videos and links on the garrison at the Terni prison, where there was also a delegation of communist proletarians: