Palestinian woman faces a Zionist soldier during protest, Sep/2015.
“ This woman generates her children and they saw Fedayin. She gives birth And Palestine takes. ”
We recommend reading Umm supply by Ghassan Kanafani, Palestinian revolutionary, co -founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, murdered by the Mossad¹ in 1972. Kanafani wrote novels, plays, short stories and Political essays. The 1st edition of the original in Arabic was published in 1969. in Portuguese we can find in Publication of the publisher Tabla.
Em Umm supply We come across a beautiful representative history millions of Palestinian women who in the resistance war national of their people do not lose optimism and deposit in the new generations the unshakable faith in victory, in the trinfo, the freedom of the Nation.
Ghassan Kanafani Book Cover, Tabla Publisher
The narrator of this prose presents Umm supply As a real woman, cousin your. When presenting the kinship, it points out that this is not the reason To tell your story but the cause that unites a nation vilified and outstretched people. The relationships that develop and strengthen around this design are the most valuable and grand than any kinship bond. Umm supply It's the mother's allegory Palestine, from the vigor and fortress of the women of a people who never folds and that loves children as much as the colonizers of Every time, like today, the Zionist bandits.
Already in the presentation, the author extols the role of the masses in history “We learn from them and teach them”, in a clear reference to more advanced experiences of revolutions around the world, particularly directed by the communists. Umm supply It is originally of a rural community and, after Nakba (catastrophe), Live in a refugee camp outside Palestinian territory. O narrator, when describing the character, states that “after the people Palestinian pay dearly for the defeats he suffered ”, shrunken,“ as Folded Flags ”sees this vigorous woman emerge“ as something that sprouted from the womb of the earth, ”“ walked haughty, as if it were a flag raised by invisible arms. ” The greatness of character of the Palestinian mother, who does not doubt the future of her people, that affirms the coming victories is a demonstration of superiority morality of all the Palestinian people.
Expression of this confidence in the future is like, in the little things, Despite all the difficulties guarantees that the new will arise, such as a Dry branch, apparently lifeless, will come a vineyard. Conviction In the new, in the future, inductability of victory. Another element of ideological strength that is due from this confidence, is persistence, not admitting that your peers give up, fights, to make the little by little, to plant the seed and take care of it patiently because It will generate fruits, as is the earth, as is the Palestinian mother.
In the struggle between the anguish of being away from his son, of feeling that he It is already a human being who no longer depends on the mother and the pride of see him become a guerrilla for the liberation of the nation, which prevails is the joy to see your child a feadant ² , see your dreams come true in the actions of the son, demonstrating a inexhaustible faith in the future of its people. She knows that her son's place It is not “under its wings”, but in the struggle for the liberation of nation. This reminds us of the great Lenin when, when referring to with revolutionary optimism that the proletariat wants to have children, states that this optimism comes from the certainty that “we fight better than Our parents and children will fight better than us. ”
The mother's pride is even greater in the face of the posture of the son who does not surrender, does not sell, does not capitulate the fight, or in the face of prison and death. The Palestinian mother wages fights with those who falter and denounces that life is a prison if there is no struggle, that freedom It is in persistence in fighting.
The son Saad finds his mother, even distant, in the combat fields. The Palestinian mother finds her children wherever she is and her children They find their mothers everywhere. It is one of the greatest examples of exercise of social maternity, how class struggle promotes the that is most beautiful in the human being, expression of the collectivity, feeling of unique cause of the class, contrary to every feeling selfish and individualistic of exclusively individual relations.
Other ideological elements that arise in the narrative is the identification, by the Palestinian mother, of the traitors of the cause of liberation with combating all capitulation. Your head is a combatant of the revolutionary cause, learned to delete the traces not to allow combatants to fall into the hands of the enemy. In addition, class identity, solidarity with Other mothers are present in the work. To the Umm supply the marks of cuts and wounds of war are healing with work and struggle, not They erase, if not forge, make the Palestinians stronger.
The defense of armed struggle as the only hope so that one day they can Returning to Palestine is present throughout the narrative. Like this Umm Supporter , her husband is enthusiastic to see the rifle in the hands of his children, training for the war, for the resumption of their lands, rekindling The will to live for the hope of returning home.
The elements of this beautiful soap opera are present in the battles of today. The strength and vigor of the Palestinian mother, sustained in hatred against The Zionists who murder their children daily are indestructible. Palestinian mothers will continue to provide Fedayins as your duty before the Palestinian National Resistance, they will follow in those guerrilla lands that will accumulate forge and experience to destroy the imperialists, especially the ianques and their Sionistas Lacaios departs by the part. Thus sprouting liberation Palestinian national, the result of the indomitable war of resistance.
Long live the Palestinian mothers!
Long live the Palestinian children!
Long live the Palestinian National Resistance!
Palestine resists, Palestine will triumph!
1 - Mossad - Secrets of the Zionist State of Israel.
2 - Fedayin - Each of the Palestinian militants who resist fighting in guerrillas. Guerrilla.